Sunday, September 28, 2008

slap me you pussy

Slap me you pussy
Young master ,,, Movies must have Mass GENERAL APPEAL ,,, it is about making $$ right that the moive is made and put on the big screen then sold into DVD rights ETC coreect ….. Ot insure the LAREST POTENTIAL income it must appeal to the largest audences ….
Comedy ONLY WORKS , if the people watching it can RELATE to it ,,, they must in some way have had some EXPERINCE with the events that the comedy is …POTRAYING …. And EMBARASSMENT laughing at one OWNSEL:F self is the theTRUTH about comedy …. We see ourselves our won weakness our OWN flaws there on the xcreen or on atage …. And since it is not US THIS TIME we can laugh about it and release some of our OLD PAINS AND STRESSES related to that topic ….
The pains and stresses are because of CONfusion ..we humans are PLEASERS …. We asre group social animals which have lengthy childhoods …. Forcing long terms SOCIAL bonds ….
THE HEART BREAK KID with Ben Stiller …what a great movie to explore the reality that most of us ,,,, westernized humans … Dna flesh and blodd ,,,, hard on dripping with white sperm to pussy dripping with monthyly blood flows ,,, us ANIMALS …. that mature sexually in our teens ….. Have babies in those teens quite often ,,,the REALITY has NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING to do with the NUMBER of CONTROL forced upon ….. Us ,,the number 18 ……
This movie shows examples of the I LOVE YOU SLAVE EFFECT of sexual control of a 1 on 1 relationship ,,,, in very GRAPHIC uncomfortable comedy that the average person can FEEL yet maybe not understand or relte to the controls that their DNA lfesh and blood human animl is bieng forced to live ,,,the cohersion and control the maniuplation …. Of one characters mantra ,, A HAPPY LIFE IS A HAPPY WIFE …. THE movie touches on so many aspects of DATING and dating stress and FUCKING stress and MARRIAGE STRESS ,,,, and divorce stress …. It ALL is there to be seen again with new eyes of understanding yourself not only releaseing that stress in laughter ,,but understanding ,,,now THAT IS ME! …. Do you like it ? it dates back to this era and before … old fairy tale ideas usefull for certain percentages of the population ….. Grand mom’s of history making sure they used the SEXUAILTY of grand daughters to ADVANCE politically ….
And why ? It stems for the programming …. Of a COMPANY who wanted to gain a 10% tax from all the people of the land ..for their service of reconnecting you with that ..which they TAIGHT TO YOU ,,, lied to you about ….. You connection with your OWNSELF your inner self ,,,the … I - in - I ….. by starting it off young with out understanding genenration after generation bought into the SLAVATION of the PROFESSIOANL CLASS . The learned calss the SLAVE master classs …. And to not follow the direction of that class meant you may not be allowed to EVEN LIVE in ages past …. Kinda like in times of the INQUSITION … to not train your children young was to risk , problems with everyone else in town …. So each generation was taught the rules of living in this CULTURE ,,this culture ..remember the savage ..the aborignal humans of many lands saw themselves as just another animal … part of the flow of nature ,,we do not own mother earht ..the american idin chief said …
It started with words like this …. NOW I LAY ME DOWN DO TO SLEEP , I PRAY THE LORD MY SOUL TO KEEP ….. Reinforced with hugs and smiles ,,the words not understood by the child but repeated due to postive and negative reinforcements …smiles or angers if they disrespected the GOD . Training that lead to acceptance of more complex social controls as the human grew and related it body functions with being DIRTY .
SLAP ME YOU PUSSY ,,, I have been a bad girl ,,,in her confusion ,,,of wanting what her pussy WETS for ,,, wanting that feeling of being FILLED ,,,her vacuum a hole is a s vacuum , and nature ABHORS A VACUMM … the human pussy wets in INVITATION OF penentration ..but what about the SLAP ME ISSUE the TWISTED instinct to want to be PUNSIHED FOR EXPRESSING NATURAL HUMAN DESIRE FOR …SEXUAL recreation ….WHY ? I have touched on it on this page ,,, the addictions page because it manifests very often to the levels of ADDICTIONS in you young master and her … the NOT ALLOWING YOURSELF TO EVEN realy THINK ABOUT THE DEEPEST true issues in real ways accepting of your DNA nature that sex is good and we are designed to enjoy it , in fact all animals enjoy it ,,, alll MAMMLAS female have CLITs …it is a fun activity to get COCK DRILLED …. …….. now her need to be pushihsed for BEING ANMAIL is the EVIDENCE TRAIL of the long term sexual mai;ulation of her her too… and asking you to act OUTSIDE OF YOUR PROTECTIVE NATURE …. From the bottom of this page just incase you never go there and read the hwole page , and THINK FOR YOURSELF I will give you some
All in the FamilyA family group includes one dominant silverback male, several adult females, adolescents, juveniles and infants. The group may also include one or two subordinate silverbacks. All adult males are silverbacks. Although gorillas are normally not aggressive, they can exhibit certain aggressive actions when disturbed. Adult males perform elaborate displays, including chest beating, running sideways and tearing up vegetation to frighten off an intruding male or other threat. Males also use these displays as a show of dominance within the group. Adult females can become aggressive when defending their infants, or while helping each other drive off rowdy, young adult males. The silverback is the peace keeper and stops occasional squabbles between females.
Vegetarians with MusclesGorillas are incredibly powerful, the largest great ape in the world. Regardless of their imposing appearance, they are in fact quite shy, gentle animals. Gorillas are virtually vegetarian and forage throughout the day in search of a variety of plants to consume. The hair of the western lowland gorilla is grayish-black and usually reddish on their head (particularly prominent in adult males). At about age 10, males begin to grow the distinctive silver-white saddle of hair on their back, which in western lowland gorillas continues to extend down the rump and thighs as the male gets older. Mountain gorillas have darker, longer hair. do not let yourself get confused with the other info NOT related to the subject today ,,but mine and dig for the topics presented that do relate to todays topics the evidence of what you ,,,the other GREAT ape ,,must have in common with our BROTHER ..we share … many common things like 99% of our DAN for one thing and the shape of the head of of our COCK ,,they do not have a long shaft but we do ,, the head of your cock is blunter than the chimp and is what is described as ACORN SHAPED ,,, but thru the ages ,,, longer shafts became more common ,, a smiple effect of antural selctoin and sexual recreation in fact we human males have practised ofr ages , JLEGING something you would have been openly doing in the tribe during your youth …and not ashamed of … in fact expected to do .. Like learning to throw a pear or farm ,,, being ready to have RECREATION IS NATUIEL except in our MANIPULTED ONCTROLED SOICETY OF THE creation of ROME …. Romance . Ok I have presented enough threads for you to think for yourself you are not suppoeed to be expecting me to give answers my job is to stimulate thinking . Peace out PHIL have a great Sunday ,,,, I am going to finish my chicken coop … it has been like 10 years since I have raised some chickens at home ain;t nothing finer than fresh , natural eggs form home ,,, if you have never had ithem you have never evr eaten a REAL EGG … is a complex site .. Not just sex ,,but sex is there NOT HIDDEN ,,beut expressed as NATURAL

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