Sunday, September 21, 2008

chatter box

Chatter box
So young mster all those thoughts of right and wrong it is chatter in your mind now a days the training instilled so deeply you donot know it , you have learned to live depending on the SUBLTE SIGNALLS you get from other important people in your enviroment ,,, understand this was a benift to you when you were a helpless infant ,, even 6,ooo,ooo years ago ,,, the new life the baby ,,,, well no the baby is just a baby it depends on the PARENT who wantd it ito keep it alive ,,, and later it found out that to maintain so place in the society it had to be NICE TO TOHERS to read the singalls of the other members of the house hold …. Or tribe or gorilla group ….
Withus humans and the complexness the confusion of living in the CIVIL world ,,, the rules and en=mends upon demands , of taxes ofd insurances of martagages of car loans and bills upon bills , on depending on stores to provide us with foods , and other s to provide us with job OPS so we can then go to stores and buy food even buy water ……. The stress of being SLAVE and DEPENDANT and thus the need to MAKE NICE …..that AUTO - CHATTER of the mnd constant stream of thinking about what others maybe thinking about based upon the sublte SUB C signales of NON VERBAL COMMUCATION I am re wording again a topic of ABRAHAM-HICKS the enetertainer Ester .. you can find links to her here at this page ….
The presense of thinking in terms of what others want POLLUTES YOUR OWN EXPRESSION OF PASSION AND ….. Thus your thrive …for you are not living your life but the lives of others is right for you ….. That is a POLLUTED pasion .
To live to wake every morning and INTEND to see your wants ,,,, is to intend to meet people who accept you as you are , even those who you have deep past log involved pasts with … whose friendship is important but is it important enough for the to aACCEPT you ass you are ..?
Look fear that man kind is basically EVIL is a trained in ….thing ,,,, it is like the sweet tender feeling we human get when we see a PICTURE OF A LION laying down with a LAMB ..the word piciture or UTOPIA …. Written 1000’s of years a go in the bible ,,,, a most UNANTURAL vision . Hey maybe there is some other demsion in the ALL of the UN-IMPOSSIBLE ..TOA ..where the carivore evovled to become a grass eater like the lamb …. But then the lion would no longer be a lion …. The balance of that ecosystem would have to so foreign as to have newer unknown PREDITORS to keep the balance ..of predation on GRASS in a harmony …. For the lamb can over kill grass and well GRASS HAS A SOUL ALSO ! It is alive ,,, all life is just life equal to us even though it may not feel the NEED TO CREATE churches to pray in becaue it the GRASS does not feel it sepeartion for the toa … like we have been able to do …this FORGETTING OF OUR DEEPEST nature …. This ability to forget to feel fear and ALONENESS the sepration and forgetting about our larger TAO self … is a blessing int hat it makes life even more real … more painful because now you are very confused alone not understanding the importance of the connection you stillhave to your greater self ,thru your emotional guidance scale …
ESTER HICKS just an entertainer just a human who allows herself to stream thoughts that and feelings … has produced such great intersting ideas to ….think for yourself about . The idea that FEELINGS of the chooser the observer …. Are those personel PREFENCES … or choices ,,the I like choclate you like vanilla dn you like strawberry …. Icecreams . And in the enjoyment of that which each 1 of us has when we get to enjoy it ifreely we feel ,,that state of RELIEF … the moving up the emotional guidance scale it can be found even in the planing to go eat ice cream .
THE CHATTER of your own mind planing to live based upon the BEST way ,, is based upon the incorrect assumption that mankind is EVIL that our preditor prey ecosytem of the entire planet is EVIL … when in fact it is the ying yang of INFINTY FLOW …. You are just a point of view experincing time sapce ,, lost in the movie of life feeling it to be so real that you fear … leaving the threatre … the transition back into the unimpossible toa because you can not understand the toa , for it is so much larger than anything you can describe using terms or words or GRAVEN IMAGES …
On average if your intention is to see your wants , well then see how NICE HUMANITY IS ON AVERAGE TO HUMANITY ,,, if you focus on noticing your watns the law of the AGREEMENT STTE of pyschics comes into play in YOUR PERSONEL experice of time/space ,,, your life is yours … not mine , you get to FREELY choose what to notice and what not to notice ,,and remember ,,,,the world will continue on long after you are just dust in the wind ,,this body returns to atoms again , remember ,,NO ONE GETS OUR OF HERE ALIVE …. But while alive you have the choice to notice what you want to , and a hpaay world is a world made up of happy people and people have free choice I CAN NOT FORCE you to be happy …but the more you live life noticing your own TRIVING YOUR OWN PASSION realizing that humanity is a smailing giving loving creature on average … it is only because of the EFFECTS of confuse divided concetration confuse and conquer ,,that you show sign os manipulation found for example on this page this is where war and violence is born … it is the individual who are like minded confused who gather together LEVEL 8 of the list and express their frustration of being SALVES to a life they do not fully understand ,,,
But ,,, the best method to change things is not do 2 WRONGS to make a right ,,but for you to find a smile ,, and when someone askes you how come you are smiling you tell them , how become un confused … and they in turn also smile and the smiles grow over decades over years over centuries . Over eons long after you are dust ,,, not isn your life but who cares ,, you are living the alaw of atraction for YOU IN FACT YOU WILLNOT ATRACT THAT WHICH IS NOT YOUR FOCUS NOT IN YOUR MIND , UNLESS YOU ALOOW THE POSSIBLE OF IT TO BE your focus …. The less you lie with dogs the less fleas you have .
Understand the unwanted to better understand the wants ,,, use the exposure to unwanted to think beter thoughts of wants ….. The xposure to an unwanted automatically brings about the thought of the oppisite ,,what is that thought ,,the oppisite can you feel it .. Or are you so stuck in old thought aptterens you can no longer feel …… your own personel preferences your wants …. Are yoo so well trained to attempt to be a pleaser of all around you that you have forgotten how to feel or think about what is RIGHT isntinctuall for you ,,can you no longer notice your won CONSTATNLY EVOVLING STATE ..of intutition …? ( as it pertaines to this short 100 years of BEING HUMAN )

Infinity Center of Light
2500 NE Indian River Drive
Jensen Beach, Fl 34957
(772) 334-9008 or 485-7989
October Schedule - from Cheryl and Paul Gaydos
Weekly Events
Wednesday Evening - Every week at 6:45p.m. Meditation Love donation.
October 1 , 2008 Book Review “Love is Letting Go of Fear” by Gerald G Jampolsky, followed by Discussion and Meditation at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957
October 8, 2008 “Infinity Meditation” What does infinity mean to you? Poems and Readings followed by a Meditation.
October 15, 2008 “IET” with Jackie Bean. Integrative Energy Therapy, experience the vibration and energy followed by a meditation, at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957
October 22, 2008 Crystal Bowls and Harp Meditation at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957
October 29, 2008 Shamanic meditation and Healing with Betty Borden and Margaret Lee at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957
Thursday Mornings Each week at 10 am.
“Reiki Healing Circle” - Reiki Masters- Betty Borden, Nancy Baten and or Cheryl Gaydos, Love offering, at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957
Friday Evenings “In Harmony Reiki Circle” 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM. You are invited to join us and experience the relaxation, healing and spiritual connection of Reiki. Take time for you to just be, as Reiki Practitioners share the blessings of Reiki energy with all who attend. Love offering, at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, FL 34957, for information call Rev. Mary Ann Walker (772) 335-5266
Workshops and Lectures
Tuesday October 7th 2008 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. “Change Your life”
Facilitated by Betty Sloan Understanding your belief systems. How they effect everthing in your life. How we see the world, how we hear, how we react to the world as examples. Learn to become aware so that you can enhance what is working and change what is not. Love offering, at Infinity Center of Light, 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl 34957, for information call Betty Sloan at 772.260.0221, registration is required.
Thursday October 9, 2008 7:00 – 8:30p.m. “TAT Abundance Circle “
With Susan Somerset Webb By Popular demand, the TAT Group is re-grouping and is now called the TAT Abundance Circle. Each month the focus will be on getting free of negative subconscious beliefs that are keeping us from creating Abundance, Prosperity and Peace We hope you can join us for a fun and powerful experiential evening. Please dress comfortably, bring water and a friend. Come early for networking 6:30 pm. Love Offering +$10.00. Infinity Center 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl. 34957. For more information and to register call Susan Somerset Webb at 772.225.1771 or
Monday October 13, 2008 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. “Spiritual Support Group”
Facilitated by Ilene Gottlieb If you would like to participate in a group that approaches life’s every day issues for a spiritual and energetic perspective then join Ilene. This group’s focus at its core is empowerment. Love Offering $20.00. Infinity Center 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl. 34957. For information call Ilene Gottlieb at (561) 694-8408 or Registration Required.
Thursday October 16, 2008 6: p.m. – 8:30 p.m. “All we want is right here now”
With Donna Suares - Advanced Cranial Sacral Clinical Applications
With Barbara Socher – Self Discovery Life Mastery A journey of experiential exploration of self Increase your awareness by accessing yourself with a quiet mind. You will focus on: Pure Awareness, Unified Field, and Beliefs. Love Offering $10.00. Infinity Center 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl. 34957. For information call Donna Suares at 386.506.7901 Registration required.
Monday October 20, 2008 7p.m. – 9 p.m. “Interactive Shamanic Workshop”
With Betty Borden and Margaret Lee, both Trained by Omega Institute. Bring along your drums and rattles, if you have them. Love Offering $15.00. Infinity Center 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl. 34957. For information call Betty Borden at 772.485.9134 Registration required.
Thursday October 23, 2008 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. “EFT Workshop”
Facilitated by Susan Somerset Webb. Change the Software of your Subconscious with EFT.
Did you know that Dr. Joe Vitale of “The Secret” and “What the Bleep” had an EFT Coach? What does he know that you don’t? The power of EFT!!! Learn this amazing healing technique in a 3 hour workshop. Cutting edge microbiologist Dr. Bruce Lipton says that “EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior.” They all use EFT to change the “software of their subconscious”. EFT has been used successfully in thousands of documented cases for allergies, addictions, anxiety/depression, phobias, insomnia, pain, trauma, stress, weight loss and much more. Infinity Center 2500 NE Indian River Dr. Jensen Beach, Fl. 34957. For more information call Susan Somerset Webb at 772.225.1771 or Registration required $50.00 Be prepared to be empowered.
If you are not on our e-mail list please let us know and we will add you. Thank You Cheryl and Paul
Every day is a gift!!!

1 comment:

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