Monday, August 20, 2007



Young master , having the prop the tool to explain yourself in a world what thinks that your respect for your instinct is weird and believing in a fairy tale a creation of ? the greedy ? is normal … explaining to people especially any girl you may meet about herself , yes about herself … that LIE that programming is very very deep so driven into her mind that she thinks it , the lie is tru and truth is a lie …. We a a dumb animal no matter how smart you think you are .

so for 10 bucks a amonth I create a something world wide for any man or woman to use to explain the others that thye are choosening to learn to explore the life style of listening to their DNA , themselves . their won intuition , and not just being a sheep listening to directions of PRO’s which evidence is showing to be incorrect … HEY some pro’s have great idea like the people who build houses or fix cars , even the parenting teachers often times are coming up with great ideas ….

So check out instinctualism on the web as a dot org . it is slow going but putting my human foot forward and letting what I do believe is at work do it’s work .

Well that first blog sure does start thing off with a bang for you reader , but hey I wanted to open me up to you . because if you are reading my blogs you have something in you driving you to explore me , this man .

Now a year ago I was into the idea of building my 3 ,, I had some plans but I went right back into old patterns and they yielded the same old results ,, do the same old thing get the same old results . while putting all the energy I could into making a life work just Deb and I , I stopped practicing the 10 foot circle talking to girls randomly on the street …

Forcing myself to do something unnatural so that I can get comfortable , it is like anything though even running it takes effort to expand yourself . and it proves that I want it , really want some thing if I do PUT MY HUMAN FOOT FORWARD . my level of wanto . so I better start again with the baby steps …. And getting my pump up and that means listening to recordings inspiring people who are PRO’s …. Even though I do not like the end result of their lifestyle planning the common theme that I see is the end result of the speed seduction plan , but taking the good ideas and leaving out the bad ideas is my own choice .. in fact it is my responsibility to not get dumb and just become a follower a sheep . it is my job to create my own life, as I want it .

So , off I go to find , to practice baby steps for some time just talk , just say something to every girl who comes into my 10 foot circle …. Still I feel like I am lieing since I have not the land yet , I here with a ton of cash in other land and house but a 1 home is not INSTINCTUALISM . it does not respect the needs of an adult female to have her own space to decorate to express herself , yes the sisterhood is important but self is important also .. the balance of yin and yang . so with out the actual land as my PROOF . that I am real I feel not real .

But having an extra girlfriend right now well that would be good for Deb and I wo that we do not fall back wards into our old patterns , which is so comfortable . I feel that comfort already just a month now and well I love just being with Deb so 1 on 1 feels so easy …. Easy to fall back into a trap that will lead to our mutual apin and problems . I do not want that for MYSELF .. devine greed to think about myself ,, because I have found that she wants my happiness so not to respect myself I insult her …. So doing something for myself makes her happy ….. so talking to other women ? will make her happy? Maybe not on the surface , but instinctualism is about the ddper truths not the easy story book ideas .

See I am not cheating , even though I feel like I am since I am not planning to act on any girl I meet without first really mmeting her becoming some what friendly and well that would mean having DEB there since she is part of my daily life ,, a part I like to have with me all the time I can . So cheating is not a reality ,, yet the feeling in me , well that feeling is real .

So reader you have seen a minute of the inner me again . the truth that was recommended on the instinctualism site . The truer I am the more confident you the reader can be about wanting to meet with me in real time for coffee … oh yes put my human foot forward and ask you , go ahead write me , letts meet at dunkin doughnuts …. From west palm beach to Asheville NC I am in your area every month lets see if we are friends that takes meeting talking laughing feeling . so WRITE an email here on shout post, ok

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