Sunday, December 14, 2008

yellow sticky pussy notes

Sticky yellow pussy notes

Young master ,,,, your wants ,,are of 2 ( or maore ) types ..casual wants ,, fleeting in real PASSION ..or power and then those that KEEP COMING BACK … often it is different Contrasting events that stimulate them ,,it may at first semm to be different ISSUES ,but look again THINK FOR YOURSELF … dip pinot the ROOT …… and you just may find a COMMANILTIY .

But then the Want seems to Blow away because of the ADVENTURE of just living ,,the Keepiong things going smoothly as they are is OVERWHELMING enough sometimes …but it is not until you HATE enough what is goin on right Now that the energy of Commitment for Change ..the PASSIOn is allowed to show thru you ..and the desire then willnot get blown away so EASy at least if it does you will remember within a few days and get back on course …

Ohh but to be true to my form I have to relate this to pussy … well firt the ..coming into accpetatnce and THNAKFULLNESS OF …THE GIFT OF …. HATE …. the emotional guidance scale …. See it is a NATURAL FEELING ..just like you dick is natural …. And should not be ( her her pussy and tits and hips and butt and back and shoulders ) should not be hidden but accepted as part and parcel of the BIO MACHINE we use for Adventure in this play ground of time/space ( I know confsing complexity upon complexity more than the 2 gig of processing your brain can accomplish …. That is why this is so KEWL … as opposed to still being EVERYTHING in ALLWAYS … all the time in the TAO ..limits are Kewl fun )

So I know it is a fact PUSSY IS ON YOUR MIND . infact ,,, if you went back to that blog about male hormaial cycles you get a CLUE we have PUSSY ON THE BRAIN every hour PLUS …. It is part of the MECHANICS of the bio machine ..

POSTIVE THINKING GURU’S teach the use of yellow post it Notes … well … use these for RE+PROGRMAING for ..remeinding yourself about YOUR PASSION ….. so that living does not get you so fucking confused …YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED TO ..think more about the FEELING os others than about your own wants and desires …but it is frm you getting into ALIGNMENT … going with the flow of TAO ..being MR. I DON’T KNOW … and being happy that you bring the most HAPPINESS to all those who eant form you ….

Parenst girls friends etc really all want deep DOWN TO SEE you smile ,,when you are smiling they ARE smiling ,,but how can you be REALLY TRUTHFULLY smiling when you are living in confusion jumping thru hoops of ASSUME ….. trying to make others happy ASS U ME ING what will make them happy and then trying to live live up to that ASS out of U and ME …. Plan .

Really live for your happiness ,,thrut the INSTINCTUAL NATURE of HUMANITY the social animal we are ..that was evedent in the CROWD of BUZZ BAKE SALE ..the 20,000 freaks who spent hours and hours caged in the fair grounds of west palm ,, and had a fucking great time ( remember the problems accounted for a 1% of 3% of the crownd and the events of problems lasted for only minutes yet we were there for HOURS .. AND HOURS …loads and loads of minutes yet you may focus on the NEGATIVE instead of the OVER WHELMING EVIDENCE trail of of GOOD NATURED HUMANITY )

Doing what feels right for you ( now this is important ,,really LEARN once more to FEEL ..if there is stress ,then the time is not right more LEARNING more contrsting events MUST BE EXPERINCED …. The adventure is to play out a little bit more before BIG CHANGES will slowly ..ASSEMBLE into time/space manifestations …. Brought about by the interaction of the power of your thinking …and the power of REAL wants ..PASSION .)

THE STICKY YELLOW POST IT NOTE that reminds you the over all goal is the …antural LFOW OF HAPPY PUSSY THAT WANTS TO EXPRESS ITS NATURE WITH YOU ,,FREE CHOICE …..AND un – conditional –love

If some one is happy with you only when you are JUMPING THRU THEIR HOOPS that is not love …. And if you demend that of others that also is not love …. If you love her let her goo follow her own bliss ,, if she is realy GETTING IN TOUCH with herself ….. I betcha she will …. Well she will ….. so what is right for her and not become depsresedd or have to live on MEDICATIONS …

It is natural ( hell i still social issues with this lifestyle ..personal issues with my own body …why ? is my body ? ) now ….. I know you love it the reminder of our INSTINCTUAL interaction that urge which really brings us together sure we will put on the face of FREINDSHIP but in reatlity if you lookeda t the data stream about dating if you have done the study of the guys who train ..then you will realize the truth about the Homaoneial drives ,,the WEtt pussy the hard cock and the FREINDSHIP and NATURAL human interaction of
( think for yourself this blog like all of my blogs is just here to stimulate your thinking not be a RECOMMENDATION .. or prescription … you are supposed to start FEELING your place in the STREAM of TAO ….

( ohh dipshit all that extra weight is you HIDING form life … it is un healthy a girl should have some softness storage for when she is preganant and something to cushion my fucking pounds while fucking something to grasp whe with shile she is struglleing during penetrations ….. but you …. Well fist body DESIGN and her TOO … every one is different … the diag-Know-sis of the Doc that it is Bio-chemical is right and wrong ..fisrt camy your confusion them it manifested into something that could be EXPLAINED in accord with the agreement od Quantum amgic we all live here in time/space …. But first thing was the thought ,,because I betcha the DNA of your body …. Is one of IN HERENT HEALT ….. )

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