Saturday, December 13, 2008

the pussy under the clothes

That naked pussy under the clothes

Young master ,,the FOCUS the feelings ..behind the day to day thinking about the experience of life ….. hmm the EXPECATIONS ..that you have accepted by the PROGRAMING ..of growing up … what wil be hard what will be easy …. I was going over looking for theme material to write about a audio series form and seeing how it flows with MY IDEA about the wisodom of the Enteratiner Ester Hicks and her stage art of Flowong the words of Abraham …. ( if I am at a perfect place ALWAYS all the time and doing what is perfect for the ADVENTURE of this life time then whatever I write is also perfect …. Dam it is a bitch to judge ONE’s self dependant on the Smiles of others if they do not like it I FEEL …my training to be a good and normal person hard to realize that I have such values from my sriting but brought back out when in person I am shown how Eloquent oi am in person ……

Of course all these links and much more are found thru out the pages of just about every FOTO is a link to somewhere interesting … we are ..covered with ,,SHIT … we are covered with SELF ID entidty …. Which is a false sense of self …. A semse pf se;f Dedemdant on the ….. smiles of others ,,,

but we human are cought in an INSTINCTUAL ….catch 22 … we instinctually like to see the smiles of others we are Social ..and some what sociall dependant … but YOUNG MASTER YOU .. lose control of you firt few stages of MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS … by the slavery to Dependance on others for those first few stages …. That is why I have describes so much concepts about the real freedom from developoing the , , even health CARE .. one of the biggest mind fucks and SLAVERYS was the concept of health being in the hands of the RPIESTS ….. or doctors …. As MARY BAKER EDDY said helath is more a corn of mind than of matter …. and deep in this is the fear of death ..and all fears are you standing in the RIVER of the flow of TAO … you ,,, the I in I ….. thinking thoughts that are in CONTRAST to the truth about our REAL self something that is UNTHINKABLE ..that is IN FI NITE ….

But back to PUSSY ,,, and kinda doing a FOCUS exercise that is very much like a precursor to the 10 foot circle ..the talking to every girl you come in contact with ..wether you want to or not just asy some thing to every girl of AGE …. That means the oder ones also …. But not the young ones …. Say some thing anything but make sure you open your moth even if it is only to comment on the weather … or asy hi …but as a percurser ….. is to see BEYOND the trappings of HER FLASHY SHIT , her car her BAD attitude ,,the Aloof face she wears … in her knowing her pussy is plated in GOLD … and see her NAKED see them all naked …. And realize that when nude ,,, skinny girls look bony .. heavy girls look soft and full …. All have many many IMPERFECTIONS … spots moles … they are not like the TV or PORN models … artifical but they are real ANIMALS with all the imperfections that every animal has distinquishing it form all the others expcept when mankind develops the ARTIFICAL image of beauty expecations … and she hides herself in those …. FACE PAINST AND FASHINAALBE clothings ….

She is just an animal like you and she needs wants is instinctuall and hormaonally driven to find pleasure from the activity of being penetateed by you ….. ahh the change in EXPECATION in focus the RE-programing …. Done piece by piece day by day ..the changes in thinking that will bring about the changes in the experience of the quantas as the assemble into thw rodl of you experience ,, an experience that must ,,but within the agreed upon limits of the whole of the group you have attracted so far …. Others … again to re-program you expecations about the real interaction between men and women , remeind yourself about the truth of what happened with almost every girl you have ever dated at least by the 3 rd date most often by the 1st or second …. it is her DNa desing and it is your DNa design to give and receive pleasure also in the interaction …. Rememeber the great study of Dr. Gray form MARS and VENUs we males are not their BEST friens ,,,we can not talk or think or feel or lots of shit with them like other girls can …. and the truth also that when you LOOKSAFE ..when other girls see that other girls are interested in you ..then YOU BECOME MUCH MORE INTERESTING TO THE NEWER GIRL ..there is this DEEP instinct to trust the presence of and judgement of other girls .. when you go the smell of pussy on you then other girls deep in the INSTUCNTUAL SELF THEIR ..DNA SELF READ THE …WIFF of hormoneal …. Commcuations … and you are more interesting to them .

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