Thursday, December 4, 2008

thank you SIR for your attention

Thank you Sir for your attention

Thank you master for your time and attention ……. That is her own ,,her own private activity of RE_PROGRAMING .. re – seeding her onw mind , WASHING out tof the UN-USE –FULL mind fuck of the life lived before ….it is her own …FORGET AND FORGIVE …. To get to point menatll BEFORE the getting of the mind fucking programs of Society and cultural Expectations and shoulds and HAVE TO’S ….
Remember I talked about an old student learning to ZAP clouds using Richard Bach’s book ILLUSIONS as the text book for exploring the UN IMPOSSIBILTY .and that I had to explain to her to realy do it ..she had to ….THINK LIKE IT WAS BEFORE …..BEFORE …the knowing of the cloud …. Now a great example of the FREEC HOICE of man to move between reality THE AGREEMENT STATE and what DCOTORS call unreality ,,the free choice to live outside of the agreement maybe because of the UN EXPLANED STRESS of the incongruity of being forced to live in UN HARMONY with the conceltps of mind/body/spirit so the Free Choice to be PYSHICTIC …and THAT person Dr. Nash …. Added to ….Added to …. His own expeince of POSSIBLES .

HAVE YOU EVER HAD A DREAM THAT FELT SO REAL THAT WHEN YOU WOKE YOU COULD HARDLY BELIEVE IT WAS JUST A DREAM ….and why ? WHY was it so hard to realize the difference … reality is not in the ATOMIC STRUCTURE but in the thoughts of it …

THANK YOU MASTER FOR YOUR TIME AND ATTENTION … your accepting of those words ,,,, the nderstanding of her desire to SPEAK them FORMALLY in the contesxt of MASTER/slave relationship form is the evidence of the effects she feels of the MANIPULATION of culture the TWISTED INSTINCT expression . true rape is not about sexuality it is about CONTROL … feeling confused and OUT OF CONTROL with a life you expected to feel in control of ..YOUR INSTINCT .

The link to this book is found on the Subbie page of www.instinctualism.org the author ,,,, KNEw the power of her PUSSY the gold it could create ,,,, for it was she who heard the words of confusion form many amale and female who came to her for her Attention and time … and yet ,she was ,, EMPTY until she FOLLOWED HER instincts …. He knowing ..that to be the PENETRATED MEANS to be the SUBBIE …. And this book is her JOUNEY HER RE-PROGRAMING of a life time OF FEMINISM expectations .. of SHOULDS based around the EXPRESSIONS of frustrations held by other women who COLLECTIVELY formed a VOICE in society thru MEDIA …. Yet free choice their ,,,, own going thru the 5 stesp then decideing upon a NEW WANT MODEL for their own life experience BUT FREE CHOICE … 1 more fre CHOICE and then the UNDERSTANDING the FEELING Day to day about the activities you experience …. What REALY FEELS LIKE >>>WIEGHT BEING LIFTED ? and what is realy added more weight and responsibility UPON YOUR SHOULDERS AND LIFE ?

You gotta feel it yourself in your won mind heart and body …. the shoulds of others are THEIR lives not yours …LIFE …LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS …. The experience of reality is in YOUR MIND … not in the matter you encounter and the WORD TOOLS of other their SHOULDS the BEST WAY …… as lived by them SO FAR ! ( because change happens constantly … the effects of contrst ) well you gotta feel things …

How do you feel when you hear those words ..THANK YOU MASTER for your time and attention ,,have you gotten yourself so WARPED in the IMAGE the PERSONA .. the CHARACTER of master … to ignore your LOVEING MALE the proctective repectfull HUMAINTY …. That male who UNDERSTANDS SHE IS THE BLEESESED VESSEL from WHICH my babies will be born she is to be PROTECTED VALUED RESPECTED AS WELL AS ….PENETRATED ?

COMPARE in your private mind the hierocracy and chaos of the CHIMP/bonoboo world , they do not develop amle female faily ties … of protection yet have looser GROUP dymincs …. For a FEMALE to insure that her child will not become a STAT of the 1 and ½ children in 10 to be MURDERED i… INFANTICIDE ..rate … of 14 % …. She has to live outside of the group GREED dyndincs …a 1 in 10 or 2 in 10 ..murder rate for c hildren is UNACCEPTABLE TO US humans …. Hmmmmmm acceptable to chimps unacceptable to HUMANITY AND OUR other cousins the GoRILLAS ..who by chance when it comes to sex … to the MATTER of sex Expressed in DNA design we resemble more like …. Hmmm are we a SUPPORTIVE HAREM speices who has been LIED TO confused so that in that confsion state …. We are distracted and then easy to manipulate as a larger population group ,,,hmmm have ever heard about the ..words of POLITICS from the times of ANCIENT ROME control the population keep them entertained …DISTRACTED ….. and an other way oto create VERY POWERFUL dsitrations ( now remember the policitan who said those words himself was being effected by the Dyanincs of sexual … frustration being raised in a CULTURE OF EXPECATIONS …. Do not foolow the words of leaders DIE ….. buck the sytem to much loose your WELATH … WHAT is in ….. our expressions of things … that was what HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD … WAS ABOUT …. Hear the effects of CONFUSE AND CONQUER … and remember worldwide changes always start with the individuals living world wide …. It starts wih your THINKING FIRST .
Any time you have physical discomfort of any kind, whether you call it emotional, or physical pain within your body, it always, always means the same thing: "I have a desire that is summoning Energy, but I have a belief that is not allowing so I've created resistance in my body." The solution, every single time, to the releasing of discomfort, or pain -- is the relaxation and the reaching for the feeling of relief.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Sunday, August 29th, 1999

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