Tuesday, December 9, 2008

a pussy of pollacks canvas

A pussy of pollacks canvas

Young master after age 5 INSTINCTUALLY … as the DNa animal of 6,000,000 years designed to be an UPRIGHT WALKING APE ,, that has changed very little realy ,,,, ….Great Danes into Poodles …. Still dogs we are still JUST DNA APES …. just form after age 5 after losing your mild teeth you are just about able to live on your own … you would have learned what foods to eat and what not to eat by then ….. how to find water ETC …..

What is a SHOULD or a HAVE to …the Sbob CRITIC of art .. saw the words of JACKSON POLLACK ( there is a picture of a Pollack here http://www.instinctualism.org/instinctualism_book_3.html ) he toosed paint on a canvass and called it art and …SNOBS pointed their EDUCATED FINGERS and said HA THAT IS NOT ART ! ..then the snob looked over his shoulder to see if his freeinds were giving him a Gold clap of APPROVAL or …. Laughing at him because he just di not get the EXPANSION OF THE TAO …..

A should is ..living for the happiness of someone else to ignore your won feelings for the happiness of someone else …… ignore where you are in you own experience of the UN-IMPOSSIBLE ..the paly ground of TIME/SPACE …. Do not realize what you think about what YOU EXPERINCE … the WANTED the UNWANTED and how you are feeling about you experiences REVOLVING around the PASSIONATE WANTS those wants that keep showing up every AM … (http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html a list of common EMOTIONAL points so that you can RE AQUINT yourself …YOURSELF with YOUR OWN FELLINGS … about what you ESPERINCE in your own head )

Before age 5 while you were getting fed form that NIPPLE on moms body sure it was important to do what she said live her life on her terms because wih out her ,,you would die ,,but after age 5 after you started to lose your MILK TEETH ,,, even now ,there is a change in personel dymics ..expressions of SELF determination ,,,, yet HUMANITY IS ON AVERAGE …NICE AND CO-OPERATIVE …. Not the EVEIL trained into us thru the FEAR based programming of GOD/KINGS of pharohs and their priest s ,,who say LIVE FOR US SLAVE …SERVE US SLAVE ..BE OUR BEAST OF BURDEN … fear our Fairy tales …. Training GENERATION after GENERATION of good slaves to serve the God/kings of myth? And life …within … MULTIPLE LAYERS OF HIERARCHY ALSO … so you end up with many many slave masters … to serve yet ULTIMATELY it revolves around ECONOMY” something created … and now self susutaining ..but originally created to serve the SOcioPATHIC MIND of a few MUTATED HUMANS …

Pussy is NATURAL … your desire to fuck PUSSY IS NATURAL … it helps you thrive it FEELS GOOD .. and in theat feeling good your self that SELFISH NESS ..you provide her with a great fucking which is her DESIGNE to be penetrated http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html all those activities help her THRIOVE feel pleasure .. a reconnection A recreation …. With her DNa ..

Your are not a POSSESION of mother or father …. Like the LAW .. amy try to tell you you are until you are 18 ….. that is a construct of CIVIL society ,,,,leading you to IGNORE YOUR FEELINGS .. greating frustrations and the resulting .epxresion of control and cohersion or manipulation ….. expressed as VIOLENCE …or DEpresion …? But the nature of humanity is one of wanting to seee eachother smile compare mating behavior of the PEACEFUL gorllia who we share so much DNAwith and PYSIHCAL charisitscts with ….. important aspects like our COCKS . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html the cock in the pictures of pepentrated is a HAREM ANIMAL COCK ..not the NEEDLE dick of the voilent confused chimps worlds … an too is the pussy you see getting fucked by the cock …. Also much more like the pussy of our cusion gorilla than the over inflated pussy of the chimp …

NO ONE ….IS IN YOUR HEAD BUT YOU ….. you have been drugged into submission by a mother who , was so greddy that you were a PROBLEM TO HER LIFESTYLE ….. she in her DEFENSE .. I will say knew NO BETTER so forgive her …

FORE GIVING is not about her any more it is the ..action of …GIVING THOUGHT energy before the manifestation of the Quantas yet to beformed into ..this universe ..because the universe semms to be STALBE ..everlasting ..when perceived thru the LIMITED sensors OF THE bio machine WE USE FOR HUMAN LIFE TIMES ,,,, YOU CAN NOT feel THE INDIDIVUAL ..quatas FLASHING IN AND OUT OF EXISISITANCE WHICH ENABLE THE atome TO BE FORMED ,,, HELL you can ot even hear as well as a DOG or see as welll as An EAGLe or smell as well as an SHARK …… why do you think you are so fucking all powerfull ….. you brain is smaller than the HUMAN WE REPLACED VIOLENTLY …. Neanderthals ….. who predated us with almost world wide =dispersal ….

Foe giving MOM or anyone else who told you to LIVE FOR THEIR HAPPINESS and to ignore your TAO self ..that happy loving peaceful DNA self that 1000’s of years ago a lil’ china man was telling is there and should be trusted …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ohh but the greedy minds learned from each other ,, the romans from the greeks the greeks from the pharohs … and the Chinese from the info brought back accros the silf trade routes learned the social control possiblitys of DIA_FI_CATION ..the creating of gods…. And on SAGe Latzu …became such a traped sage ….

The fore Giving of yur thoughts NOW will effect the assembaleage of YOUR experience not mind expect when we are interacting in an AGRREMETN STATE ….. the FORE GETTING ….. the thinking about what it must be like to think without the SHOULDS with out the effects of the mind control drugs used on you sice you were 6 …so that you would be a good lil’ZOMBIE ..around the house and school …..

The children of Aboringal humaity … at around age 5 they were many self deirected ,,if one showed signs of SOCIAOPATH … this non –fucitioning member would be ..sepeartaed from the group …… leave the tirebe circle .. and see if you like living alone in the woods with wolves ,,a nd if you survie you may want to PLAY NICE NEXT time ….. antural selection ..SOUNDS CRUEL ..BUT REMEMBER

NO ONE GETS OUT OF HERE ALIVE …you have been sold an idea of FEAR OF DEATH .. the best tool of control developed and pratised by PHAROH , become depenadant of the god/king for an after life if you serve well in this life …. L;ike always think for yourself this ART is only here to stilmulate lindidivual thoughts like Ajackson polack ….. STILATED INDIVUAL APPREIATION OF ARTS …. ( ohhh fuck you critic but thanks for the advise on personel grooimng ..a STRAIGHT RAZOR acroos my neck while shaving … hmmmm Lol )

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