Saturday, May 31, 2008



piece of ass ? young master or piece of history , how did the eve spirit the greed aspect infect that ahrem animal life of humanity … of us the savanah gorilla …. now what I am goint to write is IMPOSSIBLE , it is wrong and illogical and there is no way in this extremely complex world that nay of this could have ver happened …… so the conclusions drawn are inherently flawed , but luckly for me a biasic Taoist one who thinks that um-impsosiblity is the turht ….. I want you to want to think about this ,,, there are Great Dane Dogs and Toy poodle dogs ,,,,, now if a great dane fucked a female toy poddle his dick would rip that femal apart ,,, and male toy poddle conlud never in any natural or unnatural way evene pentrated a female great dane ….. but if theier eggs and sperm were combined in a test ube and then inserted into the womb of a great dane , then anew dog may be born …. Yet dan they sure are a lot different to look at , would you agree?

The Mountain gorilla , lowland gorilla , the old man of the forest
O rang U tang , chimp and bonobo ,,,,, human ( white , red , yellow , inuit ( cold weather ) black ( extremely tall and pigmy ) the gorilla by virture of size controlled the rich lands of the JUNGLES … the chimp by virture of size took the niche of the smaller …… the old man took the niche of the trees ….. like there are elephants thru out the world , and rhinos also so were there large areas of apes …. The ecoclogy of the MARGINAL lands demanded that the apes forced from the rich jungles to survive in the open lands …. Well

First they became ,, a PREY speices …. And that mean they had to learn to reproduce faster than one bay every 5 years like theos who lived in the rich jungle ….. any fisherman understands the nature of large number of presy animals , in mullet or shiners or gizzard shad or sardines …. Hunters understand the nature of the herd HAREM of the deer another presy speices often forced by good grazing inot being exposed and presyed upon . evidence of 6 million years ago shows that baby human fossils were even prey for large birds of prey on top of lions and packs of hyeienas and leopards etc …. Us the animals with a DICK like that of the gorilla with dna close to Gorilla yet also close to chimp ….. we are not exactly like our cousins we observe now 6 million years later …. This human savannah ape being ape to survie in MARGINAL land was able to move about more freely in fact EXPAND where the jungle cousins were actually limited to their individual islands of JUNGLE . we moved about the the rivers of MARGINAL land savannah and deserts ….. and we survived … so we aspead out ….. thru out the world ….. examples of stone age tools from 2 million years and acautlly skulls from 1.7 million years ago spread thru out the Europes … but his was not the MODERN HUMAN ….. this was gorilla human ,, this huma lacked the MALL FORMED lower jaw and recessed untprotective eye brow ….

But we like the dogs of today were 1 of a mix of apes that survived and found a NICHE to live in ….. we got pushed out of apradsie , we stood up right to feed on the fruilt of the short trees and brushes that grow in MARGINAL lands and deserts ,,,, we learned to live with an use fire because fire is part of grassland ecosystlems …. Being in MARIGINAL lands we had to EVLOVLE LONG TERM MEMORIES like the elepahant did , so we could pass down information about the wherea abouts of something as important as water …. In the jungle the gorilla moves from his now of this mango fruit to hism now of that mango fruit ,, moving from green lusheness to tgreen lusheness ….

Sananah man had to pass down information about dryed up rivers … he had to understand periods of droughts …. Complex memelry storage coupled with the basic language forms of Gorilla and chimp or the jungle ….. came our great minds . and stone tools ,,, because our play things were rocks ….. we no longer had ttrrees to climb as children to escape predators , we scurried up rocks piles instead , this meant a diffent body shape ,,,, not hanging from trees .

Ok they say 70,000 years ago a genetic abnormality cam inot the human blood line ….. not the gorill bood line or the chimp blood line ,,,, but the human ape showed signs of CHANGES …. Actuall bond structure changes … like from Great DAN dog to a toy poople dog … real changes in bone structure / form same bones just different . plus this new UGLY APE acted differently not like the ape of the last 5 million nine humdered thousand years … 5,900,000 this last 100,000 years that human / ape who BREEDS FAST , the breading ehnaced like that of the DEER because of the stability of HAREMS and male protection …..

Today a reasearcher can slowly be-friend a troop of wild chimps or bonobos or gorilla , over time almost be some what ADOPTED in to the FAMILY OF THE GORILLA and the male gorilla will protect that human like a family member ……

100,000 years ago a troop of African humans was acttaed by a pride of lions ,,,,,, the dom amle was killed many of the moms were injured one young mon escaped and ran into the jungle ….. and hid , but her injures were great and she died her week old ape like baby lived ….. a GREIEVING mother bonobo whose baby was just killed by the HIERACHY female of her fission/fussion group …. In her grief ( chimp grief is evidenced even today , adotive nature of chimps is evidenced today ) finds the baby not that much larger than hers that got killed ,,, very similar in size shape and sounds making . ( for enample gorilla and chimps have on average around a basic vocalbualry of 24 sounds … humans make 20 + plus which are the basis for our language .. ) the grieving mom adopts this baby

this event happened often over millions of years with humans to chimps or bonobo or gorilla since they only have kids once every 5 years ,,,, human/apes have kids every 18 months ( the reason our tits stayed large was because of constant floow of children because they were PREYED UPON by so many while the babiew were exposed feeding on the savannhs ….

But this time ….. this one more time …. The FEMALE baby human , grew up to be a large BOnobo ,, which meant she was going to grow up being more sexuall than even humans ….. she would mate with all the males and she conceived ….. lke had happened over the past 5,900,000 ….. she had more femal bablies than male babies … like today ,,, if the huma female is in a house hold LACKING A STRONG SECURE male ….. the number of female births rises … the huma animals sensing the need to ameks ure that female births so that she can give BIRTH NOT JUST SPERM ,,,, the DOM will find the baby and in time 1 male will have several females … but if there is not a male the female needs to COPY HERSELF as fast as possible …. THE HUMAN CHILD growing up in the bononbo truop where the leadership is in reality females , and the amles are just around for fucking ….. her TWISTED INSTINCT produced female baby after female baby …. This bonbo troup being close to the savannah land ,,, in time has contact with humans again …. A young male who is looking to secure his own territory .. roaning the land , traveling finds this troops of bononbos …. And here he finds , horny not bonbobo but humans females ,,, genticall y very close to him , not exactly like him but …. But close enough to fuck …. Not bonobo since when he came around the bonbobo hid in the trees while the half and half girls could not climb as well …. So they were visisble and noticalbe ….

He is looking for mates , he is bigger and stonger than the males of the bononbo group , he is INSTINCTUALLy attractve to these girls … a new .. tribe was formed …..the young masn had 6 new wives ,,, but wivers who carried new gentic ideas , things written into their DNA ……. The spirit of EVE …..

Look at the birth abonormalities we humans REGULARLY …. Drastic birth defects or , REoccurances .. of ROOT DNA’s vaisarlbes that we , the HORNY breeder prey animal just gathered in our varied reproductive activities , ( look at us the mixing of colors of races is only limited by social customes not by the hardness of my cock or the wetness of and empty pussy ….. we make mixed races like wild fire if allowed ) but back to abonormalities which shows up in human very regulary in the total number of births when compard to other speices ,, thinks like DWARFISM , or downs syndrome .. the occurance of males with thick brows or weak chins ….. drastic bone structure diffenercnes that we still carry .

Now the DNA of the bonobo ,, the use of sex by the female control and manipulate the TRIBE …… plus the increased breeding nature of humans … spread out across the savannah of Africa 70,000 yearsa ago … still proteceted in the HAREM .. where a female can have a child every 18 months … not in competition of in fighting no 15 percnt infantice rate …. Of the chimp world but the almost 0 infanticide rate of the GORILLA . being that these NEW humans ,,, who now even look NOT HUMN OR BONOBO , but as different as a downssysndrom child or dwarfism child does to its parents …. This new colony of MAL-SHAPENED humans breed and bred …. Startomg woth ¾ human ¼ bonobo dna …… that written event history and INSTINCTUAL EXPECTATIONS ….. the eve spirit ,, the spirit or dirve to FORM CITY fusion/fisons of harems and night times of returning to a single colony tree like the DNA of the Bononbo father gave to the original human mother ,,,,,

Now the DOM gorillA male is very LOVING and protective …. He is desgined to give his life for his family …… the bononbo male is designed to RUN up a tree and hide in the LUSHNESS OF THE JUNGLE SAFETY . the bonobo male ,,, expects to mate with who ever mommy tells him to … so over the course of the 30,000 years from the first 100,000 years ago of the lsot baby , till the EVE that anthropoligts search for today of 70,000 years ago ,,,, just realize how many familys lived and died in our written history which is only 5 ,000 years old …. Just thinka bout 30,000 years ….. the idea of the same story ,,, happened over and over since we did live next to each other them in the jungle us on the edge of the jungle …. The by MSITAKE blending of blood lines can happen ….. and eventually that nature of building of city to protect the ahrems …. That lead to the human female who already talks more than the male …. To again become the DOM force that subtly leads the whole of the city ,,,,, the sub current like the effects ot eh female chimp to cause male chimps into battles and infanctide activities ….. to fulfill the selfish nature of the 1 st wife of the alpha male …….

So the peacefull human who has spread out acroos the connected land masses of affica and eoropes ,,,, the ape smart enough to SURVIE IN DESERTS …. And frozen forests …of the north …. As the new SPIRIT of greed flowed thru RECREATIOANL sexual nature of the bonobo …. ( 10 times the recreational sexual activity of the gorilla ) coipled with the human design to have babys 3 times as fast as cshimps or bobonbos or jungle gorilla ….. ) oooh the diffenrece in dicks ….. the human savannah apes could accepts and get impregnated by the action fo a chimp like as easy as a gorill dick , the chimp dick is designed to place sperm right at the door of the womb .
The newer male had now longer dicks still with the acorn shape of his GORILLA PAST ….. so he placed more sperm coser to the womb door he repsoruced faster and better ……. Yet he also expected to let mom direct thing more than other human groups …. And mom since she is greedy thinking in terms of 5 years ,,, the world of a chimp mom REVOVLES A ROUND THE LIFE OF THAT ONE CHILD .. the male gorilla thinks in terms of the lives of the whole famly …. Can you young master draw any ? any of your own conclusionsa bout the evovlution ….or US …. The stone tool amkers of millions of years the walkin up right ape of 6,000,000 years ,,, the war like greedy infiantice thru warfare …. Us of TODAY …. This human who breed it ways into everywhere . w like we do today .


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