Friday, May 23, 2008

scatched pussy lips

scratched pussy lip

tactical play ,,,,, maybe it happened because she had , had a beer and was not feeling the abrasion as acutely maybe it was to dark and you did not notice your job like you should have and young master and noticed that the pussy lips were being rubbed raw to the point of bleeding ,,,, maybe it was a jerk away on her part when you had an ALLIGAOTR clip dangling from that pussy lips so when she jrked away , the clip pulled free but not before cutting her …..

all the above are … honest reason for … the on set of dis-ease ,,, things like deep cuts , or accidents of life ,,, even though there maybe a meta pyshihcal connection to the event ,,,, a drawing to the person of contrast …. Once more , before the person starts to realize they are the creator of their lives , becoming relaxed and joyfull in that … takes ten percent of the years of your life from the date that you start on the path …. But back to DOCTORS nad HEALT CARE . from a TOAISt perspective , I am not talking aobut the for profit aspect of chinesse TOAISM where they hide profit under the umbrella of religion some thing learned from traders to traders …something learned form originally the time of PHAROH . but perfected by ROME …. And the profitable concepts eventually made their way to china ….

No I want to explore the NATURE of health care ,,,, look again like the SAGE to nature how many doctors or hospitals does the animal kingdom create for itself …. Look at the level of accidents that happen , in nature ,,,NOT THAT WHICH IS BECAUSE OF MANKINDS ALLTERING OF NATURE ,, but if the animal were to have lived in a natural state look at .

Think for yourself about the design of the DNA machine the bio chemical suit we use , and animals use to experience the ,, time /space play gorund of this DEMENSION … this pay gorund , where this time you my readers have choosen to come a s a human , and later may come and choose to be an AARDVARK …. Or lizard , or bacteria , whatever , becaue ,, remember what you are ,,, a POINT OF VIEW of the in-fi-nite TOA …. You are not SALLY TIME DONNA OR PHIL …. Yo9u are nameless and formelss only using these tools of NAME here on earth during the common life span of a human which you cam here by choose to experience …

Back to the machine ,,, the DAN programming ,,, where each and every mom and dad , before left an tiney tiny ATOMIC imprint on your special gene structure , every event lived up UNTIL the time of the egg or sperm was created , that over eons eventually e4nded up becoming you , every illness or stress they encountered , every adventure of being is written in the cells the mind the memory of the parent …. So each child from that parent carrys with it the DNA made after thevents of life …. And the LEARNING .!

Example the natural level of defense … or the expectation of your machine the European manchine , for the eventuality of the experience of certain …. Pathogens ,,, made it possible for us to live while the NATIVE PEOPLES OF the Americas died in OBSENE numbers to dis-ease that while me of course died from ,,, but at numbers more like 1 in 10 where aboriginal tribes who had not genentic background of exposure and ,,, thus survival , there was not record in their DAN like was the vents recoruide in the DNA of thw whites ….. so they died in numbers more like 9 out of 10 ….

I just want you to get thinking .. for yourself about the concepts of who and what you are , the FREEDOM of choice you have now , the life pathways you are free to choose from , and the people who you will attract because of your choices right now ….

Remember you will CROAK , you will die , but it does not have to be some big ordeal ,,,, again look to nature understand what we understand baou the working of our bio logical machine when the animal is badly damamged they go into shocik…SHOCK … brings the animal into a state of peace preparing them for the sperartion of the spirit from the body ….. peaceful trasitioning back into the TAO . even thought from the outside the events may seem cruel based on HUMAN judgements … like the tiger tearing apart of the caught deer … when the deer found it self caught it went into SHOCK the flood of nuero chemicals ….. allowed for peaceful transitioning …

No back to her scratched pussy lips , and the possibility that may lead to a doctors visit ,,,, mainly doctors visits arre , events that GIRLS do …. Yes they make up the largest percentage of doctor visits …. The body is designed to heal itself even after ruff sex . play the body is desgned to heal itself afte running thru the under brush of a jungle , we are designed to reapir .. almost instantly !

The use of DOCTOR is in reality the evidence of the EVE state and the looking for ATTENTION ,,,, as from the book written by NORMAN COUSINS , who took much evidence form the studys of the for profit industry of HEATH CARE ITSELF , ( fremeber it is for profit ) …. He said over 9 out of 10 visits to doctors have their basis in the effects of the mental state of the customer /paitient which is blocking the natural healing potential of the human orgaism .

Health and repair are you natural states ,,, beingover weight or over skinny has mainly to do with a person , view of themselves in the culture they live ….. it is not a bio logical malfunction until the doctors looks for the vidence trail left behind after the THINKING of the spirit oprerating the body …

I need you … YOUNG MASTER , to think …. Always I ask you to thik for your self ,e xplore ideas them like the TOAIST Master of acinet times , think for yourself ! not repeat my words or any one elses …. But look for evidence trails . … to derive ideas from ,,,, but do , not limit things to the diag-nosis …to the observed .. without remembering you ..QUANTUM pyshcics …… the eevnt of observation effects ..the out come of the event itself ….
Your rpersence and your expectation does effect shit .

So , back to EVE ,, she is wanting attention to be ,,,, special realized as special in a wrodl that ignores her …. She feels un noticed and for a few bucks and a little time some one will NOTICE her laone and special and care about her … THE DOCTOR … the importance of bed side manner ! is equal to the chemicals he gives … the search for love is the amin reason p[eople use doctors ….the reason we use this route , is because we have IGNORED OUR NATURAL SEVLES in favor for the idea of GREEDY EVE ! and the 1 on 1 ,,, she she should be inside a loving harem , yes there will be competition mainly due to times of pregnancy ,,, see when she is with child her instinct is to be greedy she is eating for tow or more ….. ahhhhhhh the birht of
EVE … thr creation of new life the next TOAist adventurer ….. so , no mater what you think about me bashing women , I really dig the spirit of EVE …. She just got a little out of control , …in nature if you read the bottom of the page about amteing behaivior ,, you will se the yinyang job you have dispshit …. When eve raises her ugly head , even if theat head has make up or earing or nose rigns and tongue peierceing ,, her gredd is still UGLY . and you young master have a job ….. to balance her out so she can find a loving place in this world ,,, not depending on doctors and therapists for friendship and love and attention .

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