Sunday, May 11, 2008

expecting swollen clits

Expecting swollen clits

Young master this has to do with Pivoting … turning around your inner representation on the evnts you would like to encounter in your life , while YES accepting that this adventure will have its cantrasts , the oppurutnity for you to expand your ablitly ….. while inderstanding that TAO is you … you are the I – in – I , so at the end of the game called like , when you CROAK …. Everything honestly does work out ok ,,,,, but in the adventure ,,,, it may seem , difficult witout the difficulty you have no /real adventure ,, so we gotta thank life for giving us the oP’s to have contrasts….

Now during the day to day experience we have a choice to wake up expecting a YES OR A NO …. Form any expected set of evnts that we have planned for today ,,, if you wake expecting something good ,,, guress what you wake feeling gret ready to go out for your morning run , happy to be part of the TAO with nature and see all the realy cool shit there is to find , like for me today I found a new species of wild flower growing from a vine that I had expected to give flowers of a different nature ,,,, I must , get a cutting of this wild species to nuture on my own land wild things are so cooll .

You can expect ,,,,, a swollen clit ,,,, now her hard on may not realy be noticeable to you especially if you have little or not direct experience with her clit in a non excited state , hidden it’s home the hood ,,,, in a non swollen state , but the growth and pounding of her clit is very noticeable to her a something of great pride for her also ,,, the EEFFCETS OF HORMONES AGAIN ,,,, keep the reprogramming going understand our common animal heritiage and nture it is not just LOVE it is animal instincts mating behavior pages . now let say you were working your ten foot circle , you had been talking to every female that looked of legal age that walked with in 10 feet of you , said something to each and everyone of those girls and yesterday one , realy stopped and talkec back and from that maybe you and her agreed to meet for coffee ,,, and maybe you bing open about who you are wanting to make sure you only ATTRACT those who want you … so you explanined that you are a trip ,,, you are a TOA-ist and she that should could get more info on your beliefs and indeas by going and checking out …. and that you were on the walk of building that life style for yourself ,,,lets meet for coffe so you can understand more …..

When you wake that day you have a choice , of what to expect .. correct! You can expect that she will not be there ….. expecting anegative result , in fact you have been trained by your parents your schools your TV to expect to live a life a struggle and lack …. And in that expectation you do notice the lack of the world around you ,,,,

You can also choose that she will be there excited to meet someone who is truly DIFFERNET ,, she a smart friendly human ,,,, ohhh yes she has a pussy , something wett that will feel gret when you are shoiving your hard penis in and out of it , with drawing it titlly holding on the the basse of your cock , and , STABBING her pussy over and over ,,, with your joy toy …. Yes that will feel gret for both of you … synergy ,,, not a SIN …. But natural human recreation .

The fact is life is a coin toss ,,, everything is a 50/50 chance ,,,, but with the truth that in the end of this short short short ( what is 70 years compared to 10 billion years of infinitiy) life before you return to yur real natures of TOA I – in – I … so everything actually really works out OK good in fact ,,, actually supremely GREAT ! … since life is a coin tos and before you see the acuall coin being tossed you have a choice on how your day wiilll be today ,,,, if you wake expecting a NO tails you lose this time ,,,,,, you have a shitty day ,, the sun is not as bright you are so fucked up in the head you may not notice that new wild flower ….. if you wake and expect ,, that yes is just as possible , so you think right off about meeting her for coffee.

Meeting another human ,,,, ( yes a girl but just ,, just a girl ) in this mind set you are not stressed by sex ,, and if she is one who understands her GOLD PLATED PUSSY , well she will feel the energy right away and know that you are MASTER of your hormmones …. The GREED of GOLD the greed of eve has no power over you …. She will be the girl like most girls who is now dis armed and worrying ( actually that mindset is a bummer for her you should pity her doubting her own self worth that is based on her skin deep attractiveness … pity her but that is why you do tALK THE TOA … to help her move beyond the TRAINING of skin deep self worth ) so ,,,, you wake expecitn something good , you get to the COIN toss and find her there , heads you won , cool , step two you both start talking ,,, here again we are in a new set of expectation , of yes/no , of a coin toss , will the TOA fill your mouth with words whe is wanting to here , is she epxceting good from y ou and int hat expectation …. The power of attraction actually does effect atomic experiences … ( study quatum pyshics shroiedingers cat and borhn’s repeonse ) so ,,,,, the coin toss again is in your favor , rmember in the end everything always works out for the good ,,,

Now her own hormonal nature is sending you signale that lipp touching is in order you two have been talking for atleat a hlf hour dam , sex must FOLLOW that , of course ! you know it you feel it … love is in the AIR ,, actually it is ,,, she is giving off mating scents airborne hormones , and you the human / ape animal that still has active receptors in your nose picks up on these hidden commucation messages along with all the EYE commucation etc …. And your hormones are raging ,,, but since you have been practiced a ninja of sex in a way …. Thru exposure and practice of working the ten foot circle , you can approach this event ,,, the touching and first kissing with again the … yes or no expection of coin toss , thinking more about her enjoyment rather than …. The opposite , you will be happy with all out comes since everything in the end works out OK …. So expecting something good and not getting it si great something better is coming , expecting something good and getting it is good , and something even beeter is coming that is the sound of her gasps and moans as you squeeze that swollen clit , pulling the ood back wards so to expsoe that SENSATIVE flesh beore you lick it and niblle ( no BITE It … yep I am a sick puupy ) it to create sound of female sexuall recreational excitement and adventure …. Her contrast to relax and enjoy or leave and wonder ..

Ohhh to test her nature about that in the get go during tha first kiss out side the coofee shop while you two are standing ,,,, making your plans is she driving out to your farm to bed with you in your work cabin for the weekend to explore how you are building the compound to camp out with you and fuck you wildly in nature …. So during this first kiss , take both her hands behingd her back … put othe wrists in one hand and squeeze then hard an pull upwards while you kiss her strongly and force some tongue in , and feel , sense her reactions ,,, does she kinda of go limp ? yes I believe most realy do , unless she has nticed from me first that weakness of being for her gold plated pussy …. If that is realy my thinking she will fight my TEST/Challenge when it comes to stimulating her deepest instinctual subbie nature . thin about this test this live this ,, wake up and understand you have a choice to enjuoy the day even more by …….. expecting to .

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