Monday, May 19, 2008

is is an empty pussy

Being an emprty pussy

Young master the general feeling of understanding the world around you gives us a feeling of mastery ,,, the ability to make suceessfull plans which come into being . whether it is learning a sport and then over time practicing it ans then seeing your won inporvement ,,, or the coming of that job after years of schooling and prep ,,,,, but when it comes to pussy for you you m had inside of you this drive to fuck it and you found out very quickly the rules about pussy well were not that easy to understand ….. WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY WANT ? ask girls that question and the underlieing answer you realy get is I DO NOT KNOW , I want this or that now but over the long term , their wants change and thus so do they themselves and that makes it undependable to us ,, and something we can not plan for …. Or practice for … or somewhat depend on …. Thus your inner confusion started … actually it started by watching your mom and every other womena in your home ,,,, you picked up on the events and that created in you a basis for expectation and that ex[pectation has come true because …. We do see those things we are expecting to see …. And our expectations are built around the possibles of the life we have already lived ….

Her pussy is empty , and it needs to be filled …. That is instinctual fact ,,, it is designed to be filled will bolld engorged penis ,,,, yet will respond with excitement to the insertion of toys or fingers but deep inside the perfect fit is DICK ,,,,

Keep that truth in your mind as part of your level of expectations when you look at girls in the wrodl as you walk thru life … yes the culture teaches to ignore our basic animal instincts to view sex in some fairy tale love story terms when in fact is is simply her feeling of being empty that is the basic urge for her being open to our advances ….

Her openness is the truth in dating it is not our fancy moves words or plys … it is still in her freedom of choice to feel her own emptiness that the YES is born . and her legs open and her psuu wettns in anticipation of penetration . ….. other wise she is buildt mentally to enjoy the mental interaction with her female friends ,, she does try to form this friendship bond with us , and our friendship do resemble that of the girlfriend to girlfriend …. Platonic friendship yet , the under lying sexuality ,,, of our bodies is still there .

See both sides of reality ,,, do not get totally focused on the evnts that leave you confused … you have lived you life like that already that has been your default training . but compare that to newer old ideas about the instinctual drives of you and her …. And then open your eyes to the evidence around you abouthow she is acting in sublte ways with you , once you see the sublte games that she does not even realize she is playing .. games of control and ownership . that she calls love . you can beeter think about

Think about how it is going to be different ,, while you are in this time of PRACTISE and planning and building …. Like learning the skills of a sport or job or hunting or farming … all learned things .. sex does not have to be learnsed it could have been instinctual , actions based on the proving of the young master ,,, you , during your age when sex was not that fucking important ….. during the time when you should have been securing your territory , your little peiece of a the jungle or actually the SAVANNH …. Your lil peiece of the desert .
Yes man kind was not the un dyninc harem animal like the Gorilla , but we are not also the CHAOS of the chimp world , we were able to fuse and co-operate … to make life in the fire plains do able. For millions of years our basic species lived the harem life like our current cousin the Gorilla , we had already spread out across the palnaet inthat form , now the new modern man animal the mutation of US into what we look like not and act like …. In realitivaely new 70 k years … but of that 70 ,000 years until the LAWS OF CONTROL enacted by rome took over the known western worlds , the ideas of harems was the most common relationship form ,,, harems within a co-operative village .

Remember that is has just been until 2007 that mankind has finnaly hit numbers , like this … that the majority of people no longer live out on the farm but now live in citys ….. the 1 on 1 examples of politicall heads like PHAROH ,,, where a king and a queen married most often to form policitcal bonds and end wars ,,,, or the rich keeping their wealth all in the family by , the the first wife retaining $ and policital control in certain forms ,,,, this was again something limited to citys and to the elite … this was where the story of the soul mate was evolved from , because of the UNHAPPINESS of the 1 on 1 marrage system ,,,, we human built storys of fairy tale love … and the hunt for soul mates ….. go to and hit the soul mate link ….

I just want yo to thik all the time think for your self out side of the BOX … the minted ideas , that when you realy look around you will notice are not bringing those who are living in DREAMS much real fun ….. now , then understand the law of sttraction basic pyshihcs realy , then the idea of your behind the scenes TOA part … but caution yourelf using this info to create new fanasty lives . and fair tales . to attract the formation of matter is one thing , but to think you can control the free choice of another human is another . yet … yet the attraction of like to like , is still factual
Great 1st view of Abraham the door why are you ATTRACTING my swriting

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