Friday, May 9, 2008

her wonderful pussy

She has a wonderful pussy

Young master again , tealize and be true to yourself understand things like public speaking or acting differently thatn the common social group is hard ,,,, you think you are cool and different but most of you get your cool by being able to associate yourself and your actions to a common themem that you find strength thru your social group ….. being part of a group !
The love and acceptance of others ….. you dumbaass probably do not get it that you do this also ,,,, your buds are a form of love and acceptance , that give you strength thru common involvement in the TATOOS or piercing you get your sprots affilations or from your job or gang etc …. We human hate being alone ,,,,, ahhhh evidence of the HaREM NATURE .. and why is that so hard to accept because of the GREED aspects …. To thine ownself be true !

So on to a very good induction from a great teacher Don Motin , look him up . I will put a link to him

You are not forcing anything on any one you are doing something that is natural for all human if they can get into reading a story or watching amovie they can get into a HELPFUL STATE OF HYPNOSIS …. Self helpful …. Never have a vested interest in the out come ,,, if sex is your motive then that under lying stress will be present ,, again go back to the ideas of ninja training and understanding the instinctual nature of your animal body and the flow and pumo fo the HORMONE testosrone … and what it does to the male brain , the clearing of highe3r thoughts to allow for the FUCK OR FIGHT reactions.

Motin created this simple induction which brings in the 3 main ways that people respresnet their world to themselves ,,,,, their use all the senses but each person uses one more than the other so using all three gets the best results and t 3 stage deepening right away .

You have a wonderful mnd , yes a wonderfully powerful mind that can help you enjoy life in many different ways … and this wonderful part of you learns in may different ways , one of the ways that this wonderful mind learns is by hearing ……( now that is a trueism correct ? she will probably be already agreeing with as you speak the words , now the statesments before now those she will have resisitance in fact I betcha you dipshit have resisitance to them about yourself , since slef esteem is the biggest most common issue we human have ,,,,, again I will go back to UN INSTINCTUAL human child rearing ….. but back to the INDUCTIONS … )….. YES BY just listening to , the sound of the , tone of my voioce you are now , learning to relax …. ( the sound of the tone ,, what does that meana actually for most people their Consciuos mind will drift off trying to figure out what you meant by that statement , and her inner mind the mind that realy choose to come and learn will be free to listen even more intently and expreince the rest of the inductions . ) next you learn by seeing ….. yes even with your eyes closed and relaxed ,,, I a suggested that you think about a leaf from a tree , the idea that you could see a leaf from a tree in your minds eye like on a blank scene that maybe be hanging on the back of your fore head …… you can allow you self to see that leaf and notice the color and how perfectly formed it is ,,, and on that leaf is a tiny drop of water like a prism clear and reflecting tiny sparkles of lights as the dropelet of water rolls slowly down the leaf to the tips and ass it flalls off falling down down down from the top of a tree like a tree in a forest that a gentle cleansing rain shower had just pass on on by …… and lastly….( now there was a lot in the above ,, you had sight , but you also had a technique of suggesting that she look up with her eyes closed , this eye movement while the eys are closed trigger the DEEP DREAM state since that is where our eyes go when we are dreaming naturally … the clear and cleansing references are to stimulate fresh clean open thinking , and the 3 does are to stimulate the falling feeling and deep relaxation … ) move right into the last induction so that the conciuos mind does not have time to catch up and pick apart the wording ,,,, keep it busy and out of the way so her deepest inner self the chooser SELF and be free of the years of PROGRAMING for a few minutes to explore newer possibilities … ) …….. you learn by feeling …. Yes by feeling the world around you and the emotions deep inside you , your wonderful mind learns so many great things , just by feeling and senseing your body you learn a lot about your realy likes and wants , feel right now the ssensation of your shoes on your feeet ,, ( now here is something you gotta check out about her before you even start … is she wearing shoes or sandleas or is she barefooted ? what this stage is a body scan ,,,, learnignthis wii be very helpful later in exciting her for and during sex , directing lbodd flow helping to enjoy the sensation of the warmth of her own wet pussy , the pounding that gentle swelling and rythemic enlargement of of clit as her body becomes more and more excited expecting the the opening the violent pentration and forcing of your hard thihck cock into her soft sensitive small baby like pussy so emepty yet so hot with needs desires till you feel so empty that it burns with needing to be fucked right now and here ….. opppps I think I got off track but that little word story how did it effect you young master were you into it , were you thinking about something ?) ………. Ohh I will complete this induction later

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