Thursday, May 8, 2008

16,000 humps

16000 humps

young master quick touch on this before I get into a whole new …ANGLE ….. this is the CAMEL ,,,,, over ths last month one of the girls in my house has destroyed over 16,000 dollars worth of cars …. Ouch , not only about the money and that is a problem but ,,, was the fear each time about her ,,, are you OK? And wow both times she was ok shaken bruised but OK ….it does bring me to thinking back to learning of my past and now , re –thinking my present designs ,,, that is what contrast is all about helping you get things better and better each time ,,, Edison when designing the light bulb failed 1000 times but he described it as ,,, I learned 1000 ways NOT TO MAKE A LIGHT BULB …. He never failed once as far as he was concerned .. one of my old companies .. uniqe farms and fisheries , I had 4 humms 7 engines and 3 captains ,, one of those captains was just ruff on equipment ,,, he was a fucking bear , but his other good points were so great that it kinda of set his destruction of equipment …. His magic was just wrong .. kinda like this lil’ girl and cars … her magic was wrong ….

I ran the same engine on each baot hull so that way there was always a freshly re-built engine out at the farm in case of break down and even a whole spare boat ,,, that way my company was known for running a dependable supply of blue crabs never was a captain without a working boat … it was not the EGO of a boat desing the boats and engines were just TOOLS of transportation .

CARS are tools of transportation nothing more 4 wheels that get you from point A to point B safely and cost effeiciently …where my orginal plan had me buying a fresh out of the box new car fro the girls so there was a warrenty ( something I do now I have a new car and an extra car good but pre owned ) .. I think now I will have 3 good pre owned cars ,,,, with the support system and the use of cell phones if there is a break down there will always be an sister or myself to help out and 2 working crs for the girls to share , and if one of girls shows the NATURE of equipment destruction …. Well over a few cars this NATURE will have to be adapted to and she wjust will have to come to the realization that driving is not her FOR’TE … for her own safety . she will have to get used to just being a passenger mainly.

Ok now to the new angle , since … it is not about forcing the UNWANTER TO WANT THE UNWANTED …. Fo force girls who are not attracting this info into their experience by coming accros you young mster in whatever way ,,, the FATES or source of whatver is presenting them with you and YOUR ALTERNATIVE , ideas …. That is um important , but it is important to help those who are ASKING to FEEK their emotional guidance … to FEEL the concepts of … because just the facts and figures the data is not that helpful that is MANSPEAK …. Yet it is also the concept of TRUE –ISM …. The building blocks of learning … the contrasting ideas .

To get my readers to feel and not ask me questions over and over about how to fix their 1 on 1 .. what is my idea about how to fixx their broken life , when I feel that a radicle chage is what is REALLY needed , I think I should approach these SEEKERS … with anew old tool the old tool of IMAGINE – NATION … fo feelings actually . letting htem sell themselves on a new old idea .

That brings my back to my old training as a HYPNOTHERAPIST , my days as a member of NGH THE NATIONAL GUILD OF HYPNOTISTS …. One thing is the interst hypnosis has to the girl who is accepting her own subbie nature ,,,, she may feel it first in sex , but as life is causing such dep contrasts and sensations of confusion it also comes into paly in her search for answers ,,, it is the tools of the church , to guide people because the preacher is TALKING for GOD … the ultimate DOM …. Or it comes into playwhen people search for the help of a therapist the TRAINED PRO ….. it comes into play when people read magazines articles writeen by these pro’s etc etc etc … so many people look outside of themselves for some one to help them MAKE IT ALL BETTER .

When in fact the best guidance is not to be found the the SHOULDS you should try this or you should try that … no that is living once again by the rules of someone else …. It is best for her and you also dipshit to feel the DEEP INNER INSTINCTUAL intelligence which has been talking to you thru those feelings of STRESS AND CONFUSION ,,, but you had been taught young to not trust your self ,,, to not respect yourself ,,, ahhhhh the starting of this common theme of lack of self ESTEEM . ask any girl who has ever taken a night to cry ,, wherther she KINDA knows something about lack of self EXTEEM ,, you young master well us guys we , when confronted by this beast in ourselves ,,, just form a new plan or goal , and move on to CONQUERING ….. the forming of that new territory . again we are actually following up on our deep SILVER BACK GORILLA NATURE …

So … I will do some HYPNO training for you dipshit , and actually for me this is helpful understanding the DOM aspects of guiding hypnosis ,, becaue hypnosis is never a forced actions it is always a choice , hypnosis is the tools behind even guided meditations … it is the tool behind spedd seduction ,,, it is used by every advertising company ….. all it is is helping the CHOOSER within to choose to do what it realy wants , to think about and conceive of new ideas sometimes out of the box of SHOULDS , that she has lived in … the consiuos mind is a constant talker presenting things for the CHOOSER to choose from ,once chosen then the consuous mind acts upon these ,,,, again , I will refer back to the starting an instinctualism group page at … at the bottom of that page it shte Teddy meditation ,,,, a good way for you to feel to experience the PURE STATE of the chooser , to break free in your mind form the state of experiencing THRU the body and returning to a state more like the state of the UN –impossible TAO !

Can you guide someone ? hmmmm have you yet to make that investment in Speed seduction have you notice that the scripts there are all about leading the girl into thinking , to FEELINGa dnt hat actually we humans like DOING THIS , being guided into RECREATIONAL STAtES
Hey what is a movie anyway but ,,,, a recreational state of IMAGINE –NATION .. and in that industry STARS ARE BORN ,.,,, we look up to that whole industry . book authors , the key is in the FREEDOM OF CHOICE , the facts of FATE ,, she would not be there infron of you talking to you if she did not WANTO , be there , the level of want to exixits when it stops she will leave freedom of chices … you never want to answer wuestions that are not asked of you ….. but the sticky around on her part , it is it ,she is asking of you …get it ?

Stoep one of inductions is getting a person to choose to feel their own PACKAGE , …. To notice the body , themselves their life … but at a step 1 level the body scan ………. Ask her to remember a day when she felt the sun on her face then describe to her what that may have felt like ,,, to do this you also have to go there you gotta remember a time you felt the warmeth of the sun on your face ,,,, and describe to her actually how you felt it which is in reality very similar to the way she felt it because the FACTS WE ARE ALL HUMAN . responding to the vibration of energy picking it up with similar sensory TOOLS like our bady eyes , skin hearing touch taste , etc … tanslating vibrations of energy …

So , this girl who you are having coffe with after you have started building your compound ,,,, first you gotta be what you are ,, what are you dipshit , are you the SHEEP christain ,, background guy , playing the part of a BDSM dom ,, who is building a Compound for PLAYTIME ? or are you building a life? Fist to thine ownself be TRUE ! this is your own self esteem issues coming back to haunt you .. the SHYNESS …. And now you can not hide in BEER .. courage in a cup .

So how do you present your NEW self ? you are a TAO_ISt hey something new and of interst , not the average ….DDRMH drunk dease ridden muscle head …. Of her day to day life …. Or the shy guy or the ego-shit head ..etc of her [past …. So if she is still THERE … she wants to learn about you , the OP for guiding her into understanding thru a medaiationa at the coffe shop is a realtiy ,,,, so indsuction 1 … is starting with the feeling othe warmth of the sun ,,, tell her a story ,, guide her ,,, lieka movie guides you …

With your eyes closed take that warmth of the sum and let it pour down inside side your body like a thinck warmth golden yellow liwuid of warmth , filling your body up form your toes , just sense the relaxtion …..

I will write a script for this and then put in some truesims ….. the data about our animal nature for her to imagine and experience the EMOTIONAL guidance WITHIN HERSELF . YOU WILL FIND THE LINKS TO THESE SCRIPTS ON THE STARTING an instinctualims group page …. Tie this into the skills of the DATING PAGE and you will understand you will attract only those girls who really WANTO !… not problems but friends and alliys

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