Friday, May 16, 2008

the feeling of trapped pussy

The feeling of trapped pussy

Young master the enjoyment of her bondage for her , the freedom of being pnenetrted by a man who she trusted not to REALLY hurt her yet fuck her to the edge , and beyond , the understanding that whatever her holes feel like after you are done enjoying YOURSELF , ( and this aspect of your enjoyment is important remember thr truth about human naute we are a very GIVING species naturall and her giving of her holes for your sexual pleasure provides her with the DEEP self satisfaction , unavailable when she is getting softly fucked lika china doo or the power of her using her seuxaulity like she has a solid gold pussy …. The truth of submission is in the truth of human LOVE and understanding of our INSTINCTUAL SELVES .. ) but after I or you are done she will fee like she is broken ,, maybe even for a few minutes thinking permananet damage has been done , but pussy and ass heal very FAST … often within minutes and she wants MORE ! RIGHT THEN .

But I am not realy talking about that bondage event ,,, today I am bringing up the bondage of the mind ,,, by DFAULT ,,, by her own choice not to CHOOSE …. And how you gotta direct her to understand her own freedom and her responsibility to be stable and FREE for then and only then is her choice to live with you in your world actuall a CHOICE OF A FREE PERSON …. Otherwise she will hold subtle level of RESENTMENT ,, which will poke it’s evil greedy head out of the dirt of her own DEFAULT choices ,,, because we all grow up DIRECTED by people we often expect again by DEFAULT to be directed by otheres when we become adults ,,,, youd o not want this type of girl honeslty you do not ,,,,THIS IS NOT SUBMISSION ….. this is dependane and a dependant person does not freally help the whole family grow ,, they are DEPENDANT .. they are like the words sounds a DRAG on the system ,,,, I think back to employess who , took jobs from becaue they were in positions of HAVING TO …. And others who WANTED TO … the have person hated his work …. The want to person would have paid me for the opportunity to work WITH ME ! ….. the end results we diametric in results , in end up net profiting activity and resulting cash flows .

Your over all life style OPPURUTUNITY , in not there to force any oneto do anything they do not want ,,,, it is designed to give OPPURUTUINTY to those who GET IT ! …… and you gotta help a girl understand the FREEDOM of choice and help her if she is not already on her own feet to be on her own feet so that she can LEAVE and find personal happiness if living with you is WRONG ,,, remember again the dynamics of the Gorilla family ,,,, the female is not trapped , the male has to roam the territory edge each day …. It si his job to provide family safety and security and by shitting and pissing around the fence line to say ,,, he lets every know don’t fauck around here , leave the family in peace ….. ow of course freedom is freedom so the young buck , comes in to let younger daughters etc know that he is growning his silver back if you want it is time to leave dady and live with me ,,,,, big dady cahases away the young buck but not after allowing the young buck to show off his display of strength …. Dad and the young guy neither wants a fight to the death like humans have created because of GREED ,,,, no in the animal world it is allabout … showing off POTENTIAL …. For Most harem amles species their fights are not to the death .

Then the girl can leave and searchout anew mate if she is so inclined ,,,

But in human world leaving you young master means she has to have CASH which is something most people even you right now may not have ….. most people have honestly a negative NET WORTH , ohh they may have some real gold bling or some expensive shit , but the REAL CASH value is for shit 10 cents on the dollar at best , that goes even for gold or cars , because sure when you do not need to sell or want to sell everyone is tekiing you how much they would pay for X Y OR Z , but when you want to or even worse GOT TO sell your shit …. Those buyer are no where around or broke themselves also ! and the others the real buyers are buying at 10 cents on the dollar .

Now the iea of saying to the girl in MY WORLD I expect you to wrk at this INDUSTRY , that is refereeing to for example a sfe home biz…. This is for the EQUALITY and stability of the family unit ,,, leave the greed of different career paths out side ,,, in the world she is trying to leave to find something different …. You and …. So the 1 day a week job ,,, may seem weird to her , to maybe leave out her fancy degree and schooling her experience in creating cas flow thru the training and expreince of her past …… to do 1 simple easy days work of SERVICE to humanity ,,,, maybe even a job that is beneath her …..AHHH REMEMBER THE DIFFEREENCE between the person who would pay me to work with me!!!! And the person who TAKES a job from me to make $ ….think about the concepts can you do that , have you enough life experience to realy feel the ideas , if not take some time to talk to an older mentor who has enplyess about this genral concept of different types of emplyess , now the girls are not employess but the social dymincs are very similar ….
Her need to make cash I minimal …. For her basic life needs are take care of by you ,,, but she does need cash for lots of shit , she will stillw ant to buy certain food stuffs at a store etc , go out to eat , see family and friends and have cash in pocket ETC ETC ETC …. So her abilty to earn cash is important ,,, so yes I day of safe home provides all the girls with abase income and within a similar range of incomes and 2 bill a day is better than getting hit on the head with a stick …. 2 bills is eqaull towrking at a job making 50 k a year … ok work . but remember her art…… what ever that is ,,,, maybe she become a BOUTIQUE FARMER ,,,,, she and SFG gardening are 1 and the niche for providing speciality foods to expensive French and Italian restaurants is a DEMAND growth industry ,,, may it is beading or making tye dye or oil painting ….. or fuch it could be street performing , like face painting . whatever …. It may be in health relted fields or alternative health sales at the swap shop location … be creative …but in the end ,,,, the rule for everyone ,, is ,,,, the basic rule of the book ….
The richest man in Babylon ….10 perenct gets put away in a bond … you gotta do this for them , and what happens is very very very quicly she will have the security …to LEAVE YOU ! never will she stay 1 day because she has to she will always be there because she WANTS TO …… and I want the girl tied up on the bed in front of wearing a blue ribber dildoe in her ass and a flexh colered dildoe in her pussy ,,, with ropes tied around her tits extending those tit out to the sides , while o dribble hot wax between those tits donw to to lips of her lazered smooth pussy …. I want her to want to be there doing exactly that because of her own WANTO , before , during and after . never because she feels trapped or because she has never been able before to choose and had to live by DEFAULT …. Forced saving is important because many many people will dmake money but let events destroy their savings the bonds trapp the cash away where it is safe form the self detructive tendancy of the average person .

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