Tuesday, May 13, 2008

a pussy's private hole

A pussy’s private hole

Young master ,,, when the feeling of contrast is coming on ,,, when some event or events leave you wondering what shoe will drop …. You can not help but react it islike seeing the storm clouds hearing the thunder , the repeated events over the terem of your life has given you enough info from the past to pre-plan a response …..

Now girls are , very possession oriented ,,, over the last 70,000 years of our specialized form of modern man DNA the female has gotten to believe she is and has control thru the tool of the words I LOVE YOU … and it is true those words those feelings date back before the new ,,, soico-pathic violent mutations of modern mankind … that they are now dating back to 70,000 years …first understand your deepest loving peaceful nature ( IT IS SAID ABOUT ME THAT I JUST WANT peace AND EVERYONE IS RIGHT ) THINK ABOUT THE new addition to the page http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html

Go down to the bottom pass up everything yu have read before and read the new section from a great site about gorilla , and understand the SILVER BACK is a PEACE keeper , his show of POSSIBLE VIOLONCE is to maintain the peace for everyone but he is in reality into chilling .
…… realizing the RE-PEATUING nature of certain problems or contrast is when YOU dumbass are supposed to prove that you are a HIGHLY evolved species able to creat new oprions from the tools of you current world … using thinkable thought s for your benefit and the benefit of thosw which you love , ,, for when your loved ones are happier so , are , you …..that siver back peace keeper nature , still in ..

dumbass , they talk on TV about us being a 70,000 year old species … but , I want you to look at dogs for example , the great DANE and the LASA APSO …. Both dogs very very close DNA not exact of course because look at the results that come from the dna , the BIG great dane the tiny hairy Lasa ….. these town animals can not mate in the widl the LASA could never get high enough to fuck a femal DAN and the male Dane is so fucking large in the cock it could not fit in the tiney female lasa ….. hell is engorged cock ready to cumm is almost the same size a s a female LASA ….. but both are dogs ,, and in a test tube their DNA’S could fit together and strat to divide …

70,000 years ago ,,,, a man showed up who became this WAR MONGER that we are now ,,,, for 6 million years there were apes like us ( dogs like us ) that roamed and populated the planest … well modern mankind like you dumbas is horny and fucked every pussy he could get and the other ape girls that walked on two legs …. Whose silver back was killed by the new war mongering human … well she submitted and and got fucked and over time ….. about 55,000 years iof those 70m000 years we bread those other breads of human into extincition…… new breads , think about the jack russel dog ,, small over excited and only about 80 years old , dog yet very different than lets say a hairy sheep dog ….

Ohhh back to re-occuring problems …… girls like having their home to be their home ,,,,, and if they have to share their home , there will be friction because each girl will ike something different even when it comes to cleaning style …. And of course décor ….. so having the HAVEN the single family home , lets us say one girl goes out of town ,,, when she returen she returen to a home that is being lived in by the rest of the family ,,, well on her drive back she had a vision of what she would see uopon arriving home a, and because the FACTs of living that mental vision and her arrived realtiy will not match …. Which can cause the stress of UN REALIZED EXPECTATIONS . … now if she has her own home ,, she arrives into her homw the way she left it ,,,, comeing home to … home sweet home …. Now the common home on the 5 acre site plan from the page human housing of wwww.isntinctualism.org …. Now that home is dynamic and actually is maintained to reflect your expectations …. With ablaence of the working and living style of the three girls … you the peace keeper help them form their expectations of each other ,,, how do you do that ,,,, think shithead think … use you learning and here is some learning

The art of TALKING AND LISTENTING ,.,,, the gift I had paid 1000’s of dollars from marriage counselors ….. a simple respectful system , let someone talk ,,,,,, and then listen , if they start to RANT , ask them to return to one topic at a time please , ( but sometimes a venting must happen firt before a real topic can be choosen so do not respond until she has choosen that single topic … the ranit is un important and to be forgotten … no grudges experienced or remembered – yeah sure in a fucking perfect world maybe ) … ok so listen then ,,, give feed back try to tell the other person wht she said in YOUR WORDS …. Now you do not interrupt her ,,, and she is not allowerd to interrupt you even if you are getting it worng ,, what is important is for her to hear how you FEEL ! not that you are right about what she said but for her to understand what you are thinking not WHAT SHE THINKS YOU SHOULD BE THINKING … ,,, NOW you may rant but ranting honestly will not help ,,, after you give feeed back it is her turn to try to convey her feelings once more to get you to think as she WANTS you to think …. Then you once more respond , hopefully able to understand her first CHOOSEN topic better …… now you both enter into PROBLEM SOLVING …. Here you both do the 5 steps of www.instinctualism.org
you have already done explored what you do not want
now figure out what you both do want THE PLAN.( here realize the facts about ROCKs thrown up into the air keep falling , if the problem has occurred 3 times 3 strikes it is out new plan nust be formed or tweeked )
BELIEVE THE PLAN IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU BOTH AND EVORYONE CONCERNED …. If it is impossible if the plan is in contrast to human nature etc . why do it?
take whatever action you have to , if you do not them the same rock over time will be thrown up into the air and it will fall and BREAK SOMETHING ….
now look for the results to be the positive that you all are hopeing for , if you find yourself expecting the or others are secrectly expecting to have the same old shit to happen again well , some one will create the same old shit to happen again …. But all that means is that there wwas not real CO- CREATING …. And the plan must be tweeked or the player must admit ….. they are not PLAYING THE SAME GAME .

the 3 tents , the single family home is a design based on the evidence trail of current human natue ……. The rocks of past experiences being proven time and time again even in the pasts of harems dating as far back a written evidence we have about family stresses … this single family tent system is the bet idea to prvivide the instinctual nature of the breeding female to have her own CAVE ! .. fullfiiiling that INsTINCTUAL NEED . and it is so simple for you to provide and expand the rib and skin contruction , the accition of 2 more bedrooms the size of the rools , are comfortable and the in harmony with nature design leaves the furuture costs for you to be NILL . oohh dam I put nothing in today about hard core sexual activity …

hmmm what sex hint can I give to day ……. Understanding that with the 2 headed hitatchit you can force a bit of her tit in between the heads and the shake rattle and roll of that machine on her breast as you are rubbing round and round her clit and shaft ,,, leaving direct contact with the clit on occasion is great fun , becaue the titi … the whole tit is directly tied to her whole sexual wiring system ,,, tits are related to pussy by BIRTH ….. once the pussy gives birth the tit is needed for feeding so the siring is on the same pathway , you are A BIO CHEMICAL MACHINE built for effeicnecy !

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