Monday, October 13, 2008

rib and skin

Rib and skin

Young master …OK the spirit or conditioning of GREEED state in EVE ( and in you as respective of your NEED biologically for pussy yes you can FOCUS and ignore it but ,,,the need for human sexual expression is natural and a DRIVING force …. So to fuction in our world you TOO must become GREEDY to ge the pussy …. A vicious circle ) well I have gone over and over the EXAMPLES of it …the action which SPEAK if you will realize what is REALLY being said .

Even your actions on the footablall field the competition in a form that shows POSITIONING in the Ecoonmy really and warfare before economy ….

These are the Alpha ….positioning of a GRTEED based culture that RELLYS on hierarchy … and that is about greed ,, italked about the idea that EVE has short TERM selfish OUT LOOK whily you , you YIN yang part of the equation is much more long term thinking of the good of the WHOLE FAMILY and tribe ..the territory ..she EVE needs to WORRYA BOUT HERSELF and the baby withih , even when she does not have a baby this GOAL this inner design is GOOD it insures that she will be thealthiest she can be for that EVENt that she BLEEDS for monthly ..get it! GET IT ! she bleeds for SEX every fucking month you and I can not realy understand the MILLIONS OF YEARS of DNa that is behind this MONTHLY sexual event …..

You cock and her pusy show much more simarlity to those of the HAREM FAMLIY PEACEFUL GORILLA COUSING GREAT APE …. Than to the other apes who we ALSO share much DNa with ,,the chimp/bonoboo actually have lot sof DNA strands that our science considers to be extras and these strands are cause for the CONCLUSION that at a DNA level DNA leve DNA level we are closer related to chimp … could our FLAWED science proven so many times in the PAST TO BE just that incomplete … be again kinda of incomplete wnting to fitA BOX of someones DOCTORAIL THESIS ? ego ? and from there to make sure other coming later were positioned WELL in the intelicutal community they DID NOT speak up and wuestion but shut their mouths and repeated …the PARTY LINE of current thinking until newer info could come to light . a different perspective … ..De Walls comparison of the CORP and business to the CHIMP is incomplete taking inot account only surface DEDUCTION not thinking about the 1000 years of slave master programming which we do have evdeence DOES effect ..the particiapants .
As a man becomes focused on FAMILY realy focused on family not just a boy who get married has babies and keeps on being aBOY hanging with buds going hunting and drinking more that cutting the grass and playing with his family …. Did it take inot account that ? did it atke into account how when the ALPH amle of the CORP gets that WEALTH and power he ,,gathers his harem ..his mistress’s? and he DOES NOT SHARE the chimp world mate sharing is as common as ,,, NOT ….
We human create stable single family farm units ….. maybe family tribes but . the harem lifestyle is and was very very very common worldwide before the MANIPULATION with intent of the MASTER race and mind fuckers the ROMAN’s and their idealism of CHASING PERFETIOna nd heaven …called Romance ! read Johnathans Turleys great article about polygamist Hyprocarcy on down this page

Ohhh but this blog ws to be about …… WANT EVERYTHING … EXPECT (need) nothing ..enjoy now …..and personel self worth …. The personel placement of you in your OWN HIERARCHY not compared or competive to the other males …. But like the Gorilla who has this section of bannnanas … versus that section of banana tree not much to COMPETE with … he has shi own .. chest beating BLUSTER and protective size …. You … can want to change to choose out side of the OPTIONS YOU have been programmed to accept . LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSITIO OF HAPPINESS ….

The RIB and skin construction of a home of three homes plus your own office/home and a famly DAY home ….. the PERMACULTURE of designing it to be part of nature to have NO CARBON foot print … in fact be like a HOBBIT HOUSE some one Envisioned ,, yes for a certain angle it would look just like mounds of GREEN mother earth growing not human housing … yet the frons door and the master bedroom door area will be very much like common housing in appearance if you want …. 42 simple to buy and cut and assemble and titl up … truss like ribs …. Covered in two layere of 5/8 plywood maybe with a 2x6 interior tie beam that actually can be in corperated into a designer looks using creative mouldings … these are on 12 inch center .. the out side of the homes length wise … have and bags layered up the walls and then covered by two layers of visqueen that willbe covered by dirt and then SODDED … the info on EARTH SHIP concepts living in haromony with the arht which is a constant 65 degrees means summers you need not a/c and winters you only need to raise the temp inside by TEN degrees , since it CAN be 0 degrees outside but the walls of your home stay 65 so you .. only need to raise the stable inside temps 10 dgrees … summers the entranceing and exiting of the home or opening a door will increase the inside temps ….. winters that entrancing and exisiting will be compensated for by the earth and the sue of the BEN FRANKLIN STOVE the the carobon cycle you GROW ….

AHHHHH BUT young mster get this …..YOU HAVE CREATED SOEMTHING SO FUCKING …… KEWL you are now in a new HIERARCHY … when talking and meeting with girls …everyother guy gets a bigger TRUCK or louder pipes on his HARLEY the better job and the MO’BETTER bmw …. Or hair cut … or TAN …… but you you .. you …the few have something very different REAL WEALTH IN LIFE …… the HOISICTIC life of a total human , from mind body and spirit ….. plus the $$$$ the homestead p[ermaculture …. Givies you a cushion of STABLITy real condfidnence that my Stocks and bonds do NOT …. As I watch the DOW MOVE down into the 8000’s lucky they are PLAY MONEYs ….

Yesterday I was living my NOW … preparing my second SFG …. ( realy my third apttempt #1 failed because of nematoads ,, number two is rocking so I moved the first inot tha area of number tow to get , out of the BLAZING FLROIDA SUN HERE ON THE SAND DUNES OF the indain river coastal ridge. ….. I was putting some fininshing touches on a PETS homes well three pets homes …. Eer had birds as pets …? Welll chickens are birds and they can be PETS and give ..something I realy do enjoy in return for my efforts in giving them swafety andsecuruty ,, they give me back FRESh eggs not like store bought shit ….. and I GRAZED ..the cherry tree had set some more fruit ant the cocoplum is doing fine now that I know its seed is actuall a Nut the eating of wild cocoplum is more enjoyable ….and then hanging with the girls having coofee and listening to the MUSCIALL SOUND OF FEMALES DOING what females do …TALK AND TALK AND TALK A and giggle…… 5bleedin females hanging around the house yesterday … NO TV … just outside some doing ARTS AND CRAFTS for Resale at JAMIN IN JENSEN ..others just sipping coffee And . COOKING DINNERS SLOWLY ….. AND me coming and going PLAYING …. Enjoying my NOW .

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