Sunday, October 5, 2008

pulseing clit

Pulsing clit

Your wantos’ young master your wants ,,in fact you realy can ot even FEEL your own …YOUR OWN wants any more your wants are what every one else thnks is RIIGHT for you ,,,, it can be the loser friends you hag with and their idea of what and how to live in ANARCHY … it can be the expecations to finish you Degree program ( great idea get tha 4 ,6 year paper ) …. It is so much great advise… compounded from the day of your birth ,,if you did Nt SATISFY THEIR WANTS before your won wants than YOU FEELT YOU LIFE AND LIVLLYHOOD ….. your life your ablity to eat feed , get protection and AFFECTION your psosotion in family …. You felt insecure ,,, if you di not jumpt thru the hoops of everyone else so ,,,, you learnede to give them first . to be apleaser of be punsished ,,,ohhh you would reble. for the effects of cohecison and control will be expressed so how ,,,, after a wile they are EXPRESSED IN SELF DESTRUCTION …… slow self destruction ,,, you know it is happening but you just seem to think you can not stop it!

Your WANTS …that TRITH that drags you out of bed almost beyond your will to want to sleep longer ,,,, but you do not want to ,, you want so much to enter the day and start living no matter what PROBLEMS you may face you want to face them BECAUSE YOU HAVE A TRUE….TRUE … wants pulling you forwards …

But as you have been thinking about the words of MR. I DON’T KNOW … of Jensen beach … WAnt EVERYTHING , expect nothing , enjoy now …. You realize that those 6 words are alo more fucking deper than you caould ever imangine , for you find …YOUR ARE FINDING ..FINDING out ….you do not even realy KNOW whayt you want….. GOOD ..that is so fucking good ….

Yes you want SEX ,,,, you want to feel that she wants you …that you are not a BEGGAR ,,,, always in SUBTLE ways BEEGGING for pussy ,,, you want it that she realizes that she likes to fuck as much as you do …. And that she can not fuck and still be loved , that SEX is not a tool ..TOOL of sublte control …. HEY MY FRIEND THAT IS THE CORE OF THE HAREM AS ccompared to the 1 on 1 ,,, when the 1 on 1 ,,is LEGALLY the 1 and only ,,the monopoly form of relationship ,,,CONTROLED with not competive ,,options ….. and since sex is natural …. You …who has a sex HORMONE FLOOD every 45 minutes or so … will eventually without knowing it ,,, express the wide range of effects of

and from there already confused and in confusion conquered because you can not see ohear or feel your DNA your instinctual; nature you like to see a pussy and the whole girl likeing sex …. Being what is in your instinct nature to expect ..when she is ready she will start the sex …. But since EVE has been using SEX as a control tool in the one on 1 ….. the whole action has been mutated to OFRCE YOU INTO AA BEGGAR POSITION ann UN-NATURAL position keeping you off balanced and thus easier to control in society …. Social control . starts at home it started with babys and inncocence …NOW I aly me down to sleep I pray the lord my soul to keep ,,,,, it startsw with FEAR ..learning to please a thought form ….. before , self ,,to think about self is EVIL

when in fact if mankind was able to be NATURAL like our cousing great ape ,,,, a very most PEACEFUL loving FAMILY MAN ,,,, then peace would regin in a natural balance …but then again we do ..we do have the MUATTAION gene of chimp in us , interbredd in us from about 70,000, years BC … only a small drop in our 6 MILLION years old dna …but stilleffecting us enough to allow a small percenetage OF hieraearchials … OF GREEDY TO CONTROL US …

your wants ……..? what are they and why can you not allow yourself to freely feel them and LET THEM PULL YOU out of bed SELFISHLY ? trusting your loveing DNA nature mankind is not evil ..we are mosr like the loving gorilla than the gREEDY manipulative chimp culture ,, in fact notice how EVE mani[pulates thru sex …. In DE walls obeserravtions….

now the non expecting ..yes in the UN –IMPSOSSSIBE TOA ./.everything is possible and as you think the world is formed the STREAM OF WELLING BEING ..working for you ,,,but to ..notice the LACK of the expected is then to focus on the Negative side of the equation thus manintain the state of LACK to want Everything , and then let the TRUE want drag you from bed ,,,, urge you on and on thru HAPPYNESS OF ACTIONS ,,,, it is not something you haveTO …you must … orSHOULD do …. It is a WANT to that you find yourself doing and then noticing ,,HEY THIS IS MY want ,,,THE INNER ME;S WANTS NOT THE want os wsocial or fashions but the wants of me? Andthen you find you are living the last part
Feel your ONW Wants realize your programming and expecatation ..let every want flow thru you , the TRUEST ones will become you life without even trying … let every wants flow thru noticing then ,,, thiking about them … realizing when they are TAINTED by the controls and expectations of CULTURE and fashion .

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