Tuesday, October 28, 2008

only about pussy

Only about pussy

But if I did that ,,then I would not be true to the opening page and the body of http://www.instinctualism.org …nope I gota keep you well rounded ,,, your fanasty life already has in almost 90 % pussy related thoughts the rest may be about your sport and shit ,,,, but I put carrere and money relted thoughts inot the world of pussy in fact much of your sport relted sctivity is the development of your own self image …. Your KEWL and thus also relted to pussy ….

Everything I wwrite about actually has a pussy aspect because the TAO ,,, the MIND and the BODy well they are interact and so they all have to do …RE – CREATION …. And the most naturel of human recreations is SEX …. So again I remend you of her … of hwat she does like what she naturalay WETS for ..why she dresses so sexy is so that she can be in volved in theres activities … and these activities http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html these acts of being penentrated are in total harmony with the designe of her body of her mind ..and of her SPIRIT the TAO …. For with out these ..all of this FUN FUN FUN … the next genenartation will not be born …. Sex had to be….FUN ….a WANTO

The WANTED ….. and then remember there is the unwanted …and from the comparison of the 2 ….PASIONATE DESIRE IS BORN …. “ want everything expect ( need) nothing ..be happy now “ those wants that keep showing up that yu give some attention to …. To you make plans based around are not NOT all PASSIONATE DESRIE ..but with the continued ATTENTION of FOCUS the constant …. Flow of thoughts of comparision where by you automactically are doing the 5 stpes of creative thinking ,,, ( though being the energy that mold the in fi nite field of POTENTIALS FROM WHICH AFTER REPEATED AND POWER IS A APPLIED MANIFESTATION HAPPENS ,,IT SHOWS THE FUCK UP ) again over and over ..the 5 steps ..but along with the 5 steps is the ..LEVEL of ENERGy ..if it is a GOOD want a GOOD Feeling Tehn you will think about it more often …… you move towards things that feel good …like the plant another DNa animsl moves toward the light ,,,, its CELLS ( you have cells ) its cells move to toward the choice of things FEELING GOOD to THEM event by event ,,, eperince of time after time ,,now after now … the leave point to the sun the roots , BURROW under grown in search of water …. You too move towards the most pleasant FEELINGS http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html

Ahhh I love movies ..for art represents life ,,has to be drawn from the experiences of the MASSES the average so that it can attract the largest of audiences so it can be PROIFTABLE ….. WHAT IS the movie ….. MAMMA’S BOY ..about ….

The 2 main males ,,, are the same just in opposite extremes . we find out ….. as girls say about guys with loud harley Davidson OR … impressive black corvettes of big trucks that serve not pupose for WORK …… they must be COMPENSATING FOR the lack of something ( politely say ing the guys feel that they have small dicks )

So the main character a you have sen in the previews is a MAMMA’S BOY to the GROSSEST of extents …. Do you understand HUMOR ? how it is the coverin up of your OWN WEAKNESS thru laughter …. WHAT YOU RESIST persists ..

Yes the BLUSTER of the big TRUCK the showing off …. Is natural to an extent … the GORILLAS SIZE is about bluster so that it will not have to realy engage in warfare ..because it puts on such a show that any SELF Respecting animal ..wiht the natural ..URGE for self protection well that animal will THINK TWICE before for fucking with t silver back gorilla snd so the WHOLE FAMMILY has a level of safety ,,, this allows fot h SABLITY in the family and the growth of the brain of the baby gorilla …. Increases chances of survival … us ,the SAVANNHA OGRILLA … since or dicks are much more like GORILLA THAN OUR OTHER RELATIVE THE CHIMP … WE ARE CLOSEY RELATED TO EACH AND IF YOU WERE TO dig INTO READ BEWTWEEN THE LINES OF THE box OF THINKING IN THIS MONTHS …..antional geographinc AND THE cover ariticle on NEAndrothals Man http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/09/080917-neanderthal-photo.html the QUESTION about the possibility of inter breeding … THINK AGAIN A OUT DOGS ….. great danes and little poddles the possible of inter bredding and new speicies …. New shapes …. Comeing out … new colors … new hair or coats …. Think gorilla , chimp savannah ape .. all living close toegehter ..all having a VERY loving nature an ADOPTIVE nature …. eACH WHEN IF ….. FEMALE GIVES OF …phermones when horny and wnts to be fucked …… think fo the ALL possible situations of in fi nite …. Lost and lonely baby female HUMAN savvanha ape …. And the mother Chimp whose baby was MURDERED in the ….. HIERACHY battles over a ALPHA male …. Girls chasing that guy who drives the biggest Truck …. And the GRIEVING mom adopts the lost baby ….. and as it ages and enters sexuality it will GETFUCKED by the local boys …. Who happen to be chimps so THE INFECTION oof modern man and hierarchy …. And MURDER ..grew out of AFRICA Slaughtering of the human / savannha Gorilla the peaceful …. Ohh neadethral did not disappear it GENES show back up in us humans it charasterists …. Like the that lone black kitten in momma kats new litter ….

Back to the FEELing of uneasiness ..and the moving away form uneasnesss ..thru HUMOR which feels better …or the use of COURAGE IN A CUP .. another beer before talking to that girl at the party ….. and the MOVIE …MAAM’S boy …. Humor and the connecting with that WEAKNESS you FEEL about yourself yet hide in so many ways ….
In fighting treaining in body building the becoming ONE with the pain , letting it YES BE THE …SIGNAL the information that is important to understand but then just letting it dissapte thru the whole of you after you have REALIZED from it the USEFULL INFORMATION imparted to you … this will take the TAOSIT master that is you ..THE deepest of inner spirit that which came into a BAbY BODY … helpless that which is connected to the ALL always …. Let the DISCOMFORT of association in that movie sweep thru you .. as UNDERSTANDING of aspects of yourself …. Do not associate with it … just use is as info ….. the UNWANTEd form which WANTS WANTOS will come . then realize the limited choices of actions to take as it pertains to the deepest of the issues …. And the realize the INSTINCTUAL nature od the DNa you have in you ….. and think for yourself .

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