Monday, October 6, 2008

cummmms around

Cummms around

What lgoes around CUMMS around ..welll young mster ,,,you like shooting your load right ,,,, I know you jack off , even if you keep it secret your EGO , ashamed …the root is the .. SHOULD be shooting that white hot stcky CUMM into a girl …. Well the truth is NO , not at your age NOW instinctually you should be jacking off you should have been JELQING ….. exercising that DICK of yours because BECAUSE well you have not done your TOUR OF DUTY you have not PROVEN your MALE RESPONSILBITY yet …….. so jacking off in nature and you are nothing but a fucking a FL;ESHA DN BLOOD HARIY FUCKING ANIML DIPSHIT DO NOT FORGET THAT …. Just DNA ….. well during that immature time a male cacpalbe of ERECTION does not mean he SHOULD be choosen for mating purposes … by sexuyally mature females in fact he should be honeslty ignored for he does not have hisTERRITORY has not proven his metal … does not have not only the SILVER back but that territiory wheihc goes with it …

Ok but today I was going to talk about a church and the cocept of what goes around comes around , when it has to do with Tithing giving $$$$ the life blood of any BUSSINESS and well churc hes are not houses of GOD they are COMPANIES worrying about CAPITAL issues like any bussinesss.
Tithing they teel you activates the law of ATRRACTION …. Hey making sure she has an ORGASIM … also activates this law ….. what gores around comes around ,,your FOCUS is on the POSTIVES for you and who is with you and gues whay she is going to wanna CUMMBACK and fuck you more often right …because you are not a minute man ,,so during that jelging during those days of BEFORE you finish ayour tour of duty the THEN PRESENT yourself to the world aas a HAREM MALE …. And have the duty of FUCKING YOUR WIVES …during this age ,…. Practice …. Playing STOP which is to get to alevel of excitement ….. before shooting your load and STOPPING learning to have some FUCKING CONTROL over you cock …

Back to church ….. well I went to one yesterday a SOCIAL activity for the support of a friend , and I was able to first had ..hear the …. Mind fuck …. “ now I lay me daone to sleep I pray the GOD my soul to keep ….”
The continuation of teaching that mankind is outside of NATURE is above nature and also that mankind needs this GOD to ease his SUFFERING ,,,, SEE while we
PRAY that peace you feel is the PEACE of godd and jesus … YO’ DUMBFUCK ( wow been months since I called you dumfuck ) …… it is just the RELAXTION effect of any good guided imagarey and mediatition effect …. Just now and here because of the eXPECATTION ROOTED in the cultureal expectation to rESEPECT and believe in some form of a GOD or HIGHER POWER … you attribute this to GOD and you automactically give the preacher respect as being the BRINGER OF GODS …good news to you and your STRESSED OUT LIFE ..
LISTEN TO THE SERMON see and hear and feel how GOD is the answer to human suffereing and then THINK FOR YOURSELF , why are we suffering …. Why are we not resepctin our nature and living as natural animals ,,, now natural anmnilas build homes and roadways etc etc …ants do it …. Fucking paire dogs build whole fucking citys ,,, termites build condo’s …. And fucking termite size sky scarpers ….. us a great ape forced out of our FOREST NICHE becomes aadapted to the SAVANNAH … and the fire eco-system , we become very sexual and reproductive to survie the PREDATION opf thos exposure …. We learn about the benifts of CAVES and ROCKS ….. rocks being the new toys not soft leaves and branches the child APE human playing made sparks we made fire ….etc etc et ,,, I have touched on this tons of time over the years …
But the PREACHER who I know personally who I know KNOWS THE concepts of ZHUANGZI TOA ….. still when it comes to doing business ,,keeps the masses coming because ,,welll friends is friends and $$$$$ …is reality . ohhh she is doing a good thina and actually for her to speak outside of her DEGREE would take …would take more guts than she realy has got …. And that is fine ,,realize do not resisit how SCARED you too are young master …. How you are afraid …..CHCIKCEN oh you would face a bullet in a war but , a fist in a parking lot which often times can lead to retribution and a bullet … but to do something NEW ahhhh that takes guts and you ain’t go it …
And well most people do not , it is much easier to PREACH FROM WITHIN the TEACHING OF an ORGANIZATION …… you gain strength thru the organization , EVEN THOUGH IT IS THE single preacher who is REALLY doing it all , she is a good preacher … and a good person … and wellnot fully accepting of the TAO and her own DNA and the effects of the DIVIDE AND CONQUER ..she preaches the benefits of JESUIS to easing the confusion of living , well what is confusion but DIVIDED concentration or focus …..

Thoughts are th ings so ayour divided focus or thinking is the basisif or a divided confused life ….. and the consuion was to take NATURAL HUMAN ..out of his nature to serve the GOD KING in slavery or DIE ….. to treat and train the human animals like a PACK ANIMAL like a comples oxen or hrose ,,to eveolve humanity toi SERVE the thought form ECOMONY like the chicken evolved to give eggs everyday so it could OC-EXISIT LWITH HUMANITY ,,, giving and benefiting from the relationship tilll it now has become …. A true slave mostly , living in a tiny cage a FARM INSUSTRY BIO-MACHINE …. FEED RARE MATERIAL EXPECTED TO PRODUCE PRUCTS FOR DSITRUBIOTON , when in fact he free bird chichne of ages could have flown away but found protection living around the human farm …..

Complexity upon complexity …. How about some simplicity ? remember 12inch OC

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