Tuesday, October 14, 2008

do your love

Do what you LOVE

Wow ..the TRICK of the mind . how the mind gets fucking stuck …on shit ..and that …. Young master it had been so long since I had , had a situation close to yours that you had some time back that I was unable to SEE to FEEL …the common Thread in your world . you started off well and then well you RE CREATED POVERTY once more …ohhhh yes you blamed everyone and everything else …outside of you ,,those who took you savings away ,,but not yourself … for under it all they were only the SYMPTOM of your own MINDSET .

The reason I have pictures and links for the EE bonds on http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html was to make sure you get thru that phase of the poverty mindset …. Because the money locked into the bonds are not available to you to ..use to pay those little events you let yourself get into ..that you really do self create … so try again .
DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND THE MONEY WILL COME …. Or whatever the titile to a book by the same name .
WHAT DO YOU LOVE ? other than pussy ? well this truth is EVENDENT even in your dealings with pussy for without this aspect of … interpersonal relationship …. There will be no relationship ,,,, it started in the CRIB in eachof us ,,, we started off the minute we came into this world ..bringing with us the state of WELL BEING …. This whole reality is based on the underlying truth that is is not a TIME/SPACE … of LAW AND punsishment …. But a TIME/SPACE of agreement to allow free choice thru the experiences of contrasting events … the unwanted stimulating the WANTED … ( IT IS A SMILE ! ) http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html step 1 of the steps 5 .. and you have just gone thru a PROTRACTED …. Step one … a bunch of smaller events each important each relted to the same theme of Destroying accumalted wealth … till you cam back to your SAFE SPOT that spot trained into you YOUTHFULL MIND by mommy and daddy who were always STRUGGLING with money BROKE unable to buy your WANTS for you and since you were also BROKE ,,the training of being bROKE interms of the >>VEHICLE of ECONOMY …$$$$ became your mindset …. The concepts of … free food, free gas , human housing . free health insurance from the ANV BAR of http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html are there to help stimulate you back into the TRUTH the idea of your SELF SUFFEICNCY your true wealth and security … but to get ti ALL to feel and experience it ALL you gotta BREAK free of SLAVERY TO your master ..to pahroh … and that is where slef employement will ..will .in the future ..do your tour of DUTY first …. Crawl before you walk ,,wlak before you run ….. LIVE THE PROCESS want everything ,,, expect nothing enjoyENJOY NOW ..live the process enjoy the process …. Do not WORRY about not having it NOW …the epxecttion of and ISNTANT world instant foood ,, a 30 second ATTENTION span trained inot you TV ….

But ….. back to the smile …..and back to me once more feeling a comparable change in mindset ,, my FOCUS …. And my choices …. Do what I love ….. I love SEEING SMILEs we give gifts at X mas to see the smile on peoples faces who we love …. That is what Xmas is about … as much as you like getting shit you have been tRINED to be a taker you give to see a mile to get a thankyou …. It WARMS your soul ….

Nest time you start a small company ,,, work with that in your mind ..so not worry about the money for some years YES years to come ..first do what you LIKE … and the money will come . and what you like is to see people BRAG ON YOU … phil is so F’ing great at what he does plus he is so happy at doing it …. Yes I say that all the time .. I get to go play …listen to KORN ALL DAY whistle …. And actually do an art form and then PEOPLE FORCE MONEY INTO MAY HANDS … with a smile saying thanky Phil can I get onother appointment so I can give you more $$$ more having fun … my job CLEANING WINDOWS well is art…. Never one window/challenge exactly the same as the other the genral theme is same ,,but the EXCT EVNETS are different and with new sublte varying chalelenges …CHALLENGES ARE GREAT OUT SIDE of the home , challenges at home in you love life stress there plus aday full of CHALLENGES well you never GET A CHANCE to …. RELAX …. The Non 1 on1 relationship at home prevents the mind fuck of the unnatural relationship form making your home a stressfull place ,,the WANT of the girls to be there … is a DEEPER more natural want ..there is FREINDSHIP in the HAREM not available to the ALONE female in the one on 1 ….

I got screwed out of a couple hands full of dolar TWICE yesterday ….. since I work first and accept payment ,,the expected paymenst is ussualy discussed in advance with a bid card ,, and any rice increase over the years is espressed to the clients ,,but I never LOOK AT THE CHECKS …. ( WELL MAYBE TO SEE WHAT TYPE OR SIZE OF TIP I GOT ) …. But ofr over 15 years I have had little to no …NO ..issue with payments … one or twice over theser going on towards 2 decades of having fun I met up with LES THAN A HAND FULL less than 5 ..peaole who I could not make SMILE ,, 2 or 3 I walked off the job , I did not request money ,,, I just packed up and recommened that they find someone else who maybe able to serve them better … and of them I received checks in the mail for the services I did complete and calls later on to return and continue service … which I gnored ..
A couple of times … I was done with a client who continued to find alist of imperfections with my work … and they were like anting to pay me less because of the IMPERFECTIONS in an art/work that is often full of imperfection the hardest thing to clean is some you can look thru from all angles like GLASS … and with these people I walk off leaning them a bill and eveleope and my last words to them
Were PAY ME WHAT YOU WILLL sennd me a single penny if you feel that is all my work was worth …… I ended upt getting full payment later on with each …. And calls to return …. Which again I ignored …… DO WHAT YOU LIKE AND THE $ WILL FOLLOW ..yes and the clients also … focus first on creating theat which you TRUTHFUILLY like all humans lik in fact that FIRST ANDEEPEST of real human TRUTHS we are friendly loving smiling animals ….. WELLBEING ..is our nature until trained other wise . trained by STRESS …to live outide of our nature … the Violence of the Gorilla is a bluster to sscare off .,.. thosw who would cause unstablity in the family unit … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html .... it is the show ..the BIG FORD pickmeup truck and loud pipes … to adverstie to the girls that I CAN PROVIDE ..! satlbity . I am MAN .

Ok so I had 2 people who knew the changes in pricing I went thru a few years ago in fact have p[aid the new price since but these niehgbors yesterday both decided to pay me my old rates … firt one then I did the niehgbor a favor an sliped her into my day ,,, to get her done before season hits when she willhave to make an Appoint 90 days in advance just to get a slot with me …. I did her a favor ..so I did the first person took her check glanced at it and it looked like I got a fat TIP plus she ahd made me lunch to go and given me a SODA .. but I realuy did not look at the check and when I completed the neighbor .. she asked how much I said XXX and she comes back to with but ….mrrs. BLAHBLAH … only just paid you WWW …… huh? WWW my pricing from back in 2005 ? well I am having way to much fun to let $$ bring me down so I just said to her …. Pay me what you willl … I cgot some finishing up to do …so she paid me the WWW which is a lil’less than current rates ( I am market priced if not even 10% less than market rate ) and I found myself ,,not being CONCERNED WITH doing the BEST I could after that I RESENTD BEING FUCKED ….

And I had to remember that …. Everyday for the last year or two or 5 since I can not remember when ….. I have have had ONLY SMILES ..that is like 1000’s of people who smiled and glady paid and most of the time gave me tip also …. And here one littlel RAINY DAY ….. I get two people FEARFULL people maybe ,, who want to screw me …out of a couple of handfuls of Dollars ? and I am going to let this event ATINT MY feelings about the over allthe OVERWHELMING AMOUNT OF …WELLBING I experience just because for one day it rained on my private tropical always sunny beach where I get to rock all day and play out side with no BOsss .eave my house to go to work at my time …. Come home for coffe at my time … take vactions ETC on my TIME … I wil let one or two STRESSD RICH PEOPLE ..SCREW that all up .?

But you young MASTER DID THE SAME thing with your CAR DETAILINg busioness you had started ….. you got screwed by a few and let that …poverty the NEED the EXPECTION ….. want everything …expect nothing ,,, enjoy now … you let the getting screwed or what you felt was being screwed ..by a few ..to POISIN YOUR MIND till you expected and got …. Only pain form your client base not smiles ,,you went out to work expecitn to screw those who were gong to try to screw you … BUT … I REMEMBER IN THE BEGINNING YOU AND I ATLKED ABOUT THIS … and you understood because your company was started based on that SMILE ….. and the referrals came rooling in and then you had a few rainy days a few people who wanted to SCREW ..and you let it FUCK UP YOUR MIND till you expected to see people screweing you and you DID SHITITIER AND SHIITIER WORK … you worked for $$$$$ …. You did a good job absed not on the SMILE but on the amount they paid you …. And soon you company became a STRESS so terrible you did not wnt to go towork …to do your art . iwonder if I have gotten out what I wanted to get out ? I wonder if you can THINK FOR YOURSELF bout the topics …. ? beauce as you know I ain;’t no fucking teacher …. So think for yourself dumbass … you were getting clse a few months ago ,,the stable night job which you still have ..the tour of duty ….. and building your FREEDOM … now just use the TOOLS of bonds to break free of the poverty mindset and … the CASH COWS jobs …do it for the smiles and the $$$ will come ( cahs cow http://www.instinctualism.org/cash_cow.html ) as for underrstanding the repating back inot 0 bank balances over and over
poeverty mindset ..that magic number the books or audio from http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Jerry%20Gillies&page=1 a guy who wrote a book called MONEY LOVE …. Explains well this magic number in your head and for most people that magic number is close to ZERO …..

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