Saturday, October 25, 2008

how hard does it get?

How hard does it get ?

Hard enough to do the job wanted by the wanter ….. you the pnenetrator designed to function within a STABLE expectable time/space event ,,you a POINT OF VIEW ..1 aspect of the infintire TAO …… by and in a state of wellbeing …. A state of agreement came into the BLANK SLATE of a BABY bio-macine ,,,, a tool of experience which has in it the ACUUMULATED knowledge and experience from each and every mommy and daddy that came before it from the beiging the info on how to be a lizard is still hidden in your DNa …. ROOT PROGRAMS so that life WILL NOT have to be so fucking hard that you will not have to THINK ABOUT so many aspects as to CONFUSE you so that you can ENJOY the WEALTH of ….. THE WEALTH oof things to be heard smeellled felt tasted touched and SEEN …. And you have AUTO progrming to want to PROVIDE a new genenration with this OPPURUTUNITY to experience BEING …. In a bio-machine ….so you cock gets HARD enough to penetrate .

One who hungers for just that PENETRATION …… .... since you have not the DNA of a female and the hormones the info PACKAGES stimulated on ‘AUTO pilot want penentration like they do …. Well we can not really understand what is going on in side them … but the EVIDENCE TRAIL of design ,,,,, now

You do effect the future experiences you encounter by the amount of ATTENTIOn you give to the vast topics you encounter … you encounter the GOODS and the BADS of a possible experience ,,, messages , models … the FEELINGS and info from others all come to you . in varied ways ,,, each is the info which help you build your OWN …experience which will be WALKED in your shoes .. absolutely NEW and different thatn even if the …. In another a dememsion another like you walked it ,,it would be theirs to walk and of course be …. IN FI NITE ….. un impossibles …. Um limited beyond ..THINKABLE ..

Having some STABILITY terms of atomic structure for example terms of the USE of time before things become REAL ….. makes this time/space a place we can all PLAY IN …. In agreement that no one will show OFF to much break the rules of magic EXPECT in ways which we all ( or atleast the particiapants CAN believe in )

This whole topic … is tied to the 200 feet …to the other 400 feet out side of the direct view of your headlights as you travel the road of life in the DARK ….not really KNOWING THE FUTURE …. In the game the oppurutunity to have UNEXPECTED experiences ,, yin and yangs ….. the wanted and unwanted contrsts from which you can CONCLUDE you won personel preferences … thru the GAUGE of EMOTIONS emotions which are of course tied to the BIO_ MACHINE …and the STABLE atomic reality platform we use of this universe . we a part of the TAO still in the TAO in a dream … of being here forgetting our TRUE selves so that we can experience LIMITS … thing …… thing from the concept of the NO 1 THING … but where everyTHING is possible

So sublte EXPECTATION programs get put into ..the MIND? ..the sub Concisouos mind …the TAO tied mind ….. toa tied mind ..not the TAO mind or TAO self ,,but the RADIO wave receiver … part of the TOOL bio-machine ,,the bio –machine is s FREQUENCY translator …. Your hearing is the tool of TRANSLATING vibrational waves ..into something USEAALBE …. Compared to events that happened before compounded events starting from the time of the
ABILITY to hear and store DATA …. In your mommys belly you heard and stored DATA …. As your mommy ,,had FLUSHES of ENDORPHINES about certain events and you experienced the RUSH the HIGH of mommys DRUGS manufacturing plant … when her LOVER your daddy was a round then you upon hearing his approaching presence whould repeond while still in your mommys belly … just ask a woman who is in touch with her baby while it was growning and she will tell you about how the baby stirred at certain times ….

Right now ,,you TRANSLATE the reciivieng … of PHOTON VIBRATION … and call it sight ….. you feel the texture NOT OF SUBATOMIC particles for that would be TOO MUCH inof to process the Brain is limit to processing about 2miilion bytes …. So you TRANSLATE not he FUL AMOUNT OF POSSIBLE DATA but what is going to be aBLE to be useful ….USE THE USEFULL … you FEEL only the TEXTURE usefulll ..her soft PUSSY HARD AND SOFT LIPS ..the sensation of her LUBRICATION ….. all useful ! YES ?
If you were to “infect” your brain with unpleasant experiences, bad memories of your childhood and adolescence, and bad information or data, what will happen?
Research shows that you receive about 2 million bytes of information per second through your five senses (taste, sight, smell, hearing and feeling), but your nervous system cannot handle all this information at the same time.
Instead, it will process the information by deleting, generalising, distorting and compressing all the data into a manageable chunk size of about 134 bytes of information which is then stored in your brain. In the process, a lot of information will be left out.
Your brain will only process what you focus on, and selectively store it as a memory.
Therefore, you need to focus on what is important to you, to be able to get most of the information through your nervous system to achieve the desired results that you want, whether it is to be good in certain things or to be knowledgeable in certain areas.
For instance, if you were keen to be the best soccer player, you would focus on how to play soccer better. Likewise, if you want to be financially successful, you need to focus on collecting relevant financial information and data, and gaining lots of……

ONLY 2,000,000 bytes per …….NOW ….. opps now is gone …opps now is gone …. The FILTER of COMAPARISON ….. how and where to sotre INFO is based on your WANTOS ….. that thing which gets you out of bed each morning ….

Is it a PASSION of a fear … and from that is what you will tend to FILTER to TRANSLATE to see in your world …… ALLL useful in its own way ,,, for it is contrast … form that you cDO HAVE FREE WILL to choose what you will give you FOCUS >>>OR A>>>ATTENTION to ..because form this will be what and where the next streams of events to process will be drwn from the more you ae FOCUSED ON THE WANTS and passionalty ..filing away SUPPORTING EVIDENCE OF THE WANTS ….. the more you ustay in the STREAM of NOTICING TRANSLATING FORMT HE VASTNESS OF data AROUND THE 2 miilion bytes that rralte to your WANTS ….

BUT >>>>>>>>>> all this is imporatn to understand that you still are the BIO-machine that has PREPROGAMED into the easiest way to live for that BIO_ MACHINE ….. expecially when it comes to something as important as PUSSY ….. your harem nature .

See wealth is to GIVE NO THOUGHT about $$$$$ …it is to find the WATNED ..the joy of BEING without WORRY about if the DOW is at 8 or 9 …and no long at 14 ….. the rich man is not WEALTHY .. for he woryys so much about his money .

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