Sunday, October 26, 2008

In her 18

In her 18

Ok well that is very Miss leading ,,but I just could not write In her 17 becaue that illudes to INSTINCTUAL but illegal activity ,,, instinctual for the ANIMAL is capable but the CONTROLERS ..have decided to …for their OWN best interst to … decide for them to manipulate ( whose ..OWN ? best interest the controlled or the controllers ) … what actually can not be manipulated an so ..we have … confused furstated …. And depressed TEENS ….twisted instinct

But this is not about that this about this … and tht is FORE ..the word fore …before ,, go for the , forward , forefront , …and FORE GET and FORE GIVE … on the CD a teacher I needed talked to me at a time +THAT I COULD … HEAR .
WAY fucking important dipshit as you go off to get married in a short time and believe me I am happy for you both and wish you welll …. Work hard , read the right books if or when I starts to get all fucked up …. And fore get ……about me

To act as if it is FORE the getting of something ……
Now the misconception of to forgive ….. and that is and has always been something you do never never ever has to do with the other person … ohh ihave heard that piece of wisdom many times and understood it ..because it is LOGIC ,, I am the one doing the FORGIVING so it has to be me …. And that goes for the forgetting too ….. but what is NEW

Was the idea of the EMOTIONAL guidance ,,, sure KNOWLEDGE learned shit like the stuff ..stuffed into your brain at school well that DATA … born from the CONTRASTING events …. The pains of love a lot of time …. Those contrasting EVENTS …. That are Blessings in that they help you choose from the WANTED Aand UNWANTEd …. Except where the options for wanted and unwanted are very LIMITED because of UNANTURAL uninstinct ..relationship form choices … hey like in our PASSED DOWN society ,,, ideas passed down from generation to genenration no One ever realy QUESTIONING and saying WHY …. Only saying over and over because God said so … or because it is the WAY we do things …. Welll people used to bleed each other to let out EVILS spirits when they had a bad cold ,,that is the way it was done should we still continue that practice just because it is the WAY IT WAS DONE ?

To or feel like it was FORE the getting of the contrast and FORE the choosing of the next … wants … those choices based on limited info and ALTERNATIVES . one more FREE CHOICE that is all that whole web site is … it is NOT the WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT ,,, it si one more FREE CHOICE out the kitchen of the universe to quatoe ESTER HICKS …. ........ you can not limit the truth of the UN IMPOSSIBLE the possibles are still there our culture may try to make it ILLEGAL ..but that NEVER limited the TAO it is still full of possibles … so go my fine young friends you and her …. Fore get ….. what ever it si that you have BEEN FEELING about my writing ,,, now the learning sorry that is a FACT of DATA sotroage … and the human brain ….. you are stuck with the expanded concepts and alternatives … that your exposure to has brought you ....

BE FORE …the getting how did you feel young mster before you got some of the BAGGAE …. The pain of living that you now BASE you current choices on … what were the choices you had while GROWING up … at school when they taughts sex ED when you were about 12 ,,,it was based on the 1 man 1 woman model and that was ….ALL …… hmmm a lot of pressure to put on a DAN immature mind to limit it ,,teach it to not feel itself ..but live within the rules of the expectation of the SALVE MASTER for the amster knows for 1000’s or years of history the way to control a population is to divide it’c concertation … enteratin it ,, keep it drunk and high ,,, keep it sexually unstable …. And BEGGING …. MAKE THE GIRLS feel ugly unless they live up to scoietys IMAGE /

Okkkk back to the AGE thing …… the 18 or 17 …. That IMPORTANT number forced upon us to GAUGE us and for ourselves to …… get confused by ,,get programmed by ,,for all there ever realy is . is NOW … the past is in NOW DATA ..inofrmation that is used to form energy inot mthe next series of NOWS ns the next series of evnts TO BE LIVED by you ..the continueing evolution of the WANTED ANDUNWANTED the experience of CONTRAST . the automactic – ness of starting concluding you wants borm of personel PREFEERENCE … . Out of the changes in the EXPECTED …the DATA the learning in your brain is the expected , iF THAT NEVER changed then there would never never never be change …. Boring dull not the ever expaning of Tao .. of in fi nite changes for ever unending to a point that it is UNTHINKABLE to a human mind only able to cope with 2 million bytes of data per second …

AGE …….. to truly FORE GET … you do not foreget the DATA …. That is in you brain sotred …. You FORE GET the emotional SET point the STUCKNESS of you at that point of CONFSUION where you got stuck because of a lack of ALTERNATIVES … of free choices … the learning the storing of data to use automactically that FORE is a feeling sometimes of AGENESS ….

Remember th body if CLONED will not birth an OLD MAN but birth a baby …. The feeling of age is a choice for the ( for the lack of a bettere word tool ) SPIRIT is agaeless ,,, young children feel old and wise .. and people feel in their prison of meat sack of bio machine of body suit they still FEEL ..17 ….. they feel a special age to them a time when ther power WAS theirs finnaly or they felt ..themselves …. A reference point .

Now you yong master may or may not understand this , I believe even you at 22 , do feel it ,,part of you still feels t times the UN EaSYNESS of being TEEnyet you are now a YOUNG MAN …. Free and legally responsible yet acting and feeling like you were still 9 years old ? ( yeah one guy talks about feeling 9 and he has that MAUTURITY that …helpless ness also …. The needy ness of being a child unalble to ….create his territory to be the silver back gorilla male equal in human/homo spaien / savannha ape …terms ... i put down 17 for it was then I had my car packed my boat hook on the back and left home … everything before that was ..blended with the support of parental units ….. the scoping of my apt ment the enrooling in college ,, even the territory I would cover in the family business during my schooling years …. But the fainnaly being the LONE MALE … is refence point I have always still felt .

And when I FORE GET … go back to being me ..before the BLOCKS in emotional growth and expeince or whatever it is … I find myself feeling that day … BE FORE THE GETTING STUCK …… now the fore GIVING ….. that is the RE PLANTING ….. the new SEEDS of internally accepted programming … giving myself clarity of goals ideas of sense of self again ….

FORE GIVING is about me … and FOR ME …… it is taking focus ,, ATTENTION energy …. Thought is what ? can you come and give me a galss of thinking ? no only the evdeence trail of the thoughts made 9 THIS BLOG is evidence trail of thought made ) it is not the thoughts .

FORE GIVING am I sparking a thought in you about the idea of FORE …. Be ..being FORE the acts that confused you ..the PROGRAMING of you to suit the needs of others ,,, but since we humans are such NICE LOVING animals we take the feelings of others into account .. I SAY THIS AGAIN IS THE EVIDENCE TRAIL OF OUR harem nature . the cablity to love many .

You have been programmed to think love is only ABLE to be 1 man 1 woman ,,,, but you young master will LVOE EACH OF YOUR children equally …. YOU WILL LOVE EACH WIFE equall FOR THE PERSON WHO SHE IS ,,, AND she will love her sisiters her support system and you …equally each for who they are …EXCEPT IF the EVE spirit is still entrenched ..the programming of GREED ..the divide and conquer training implanted to make sure humanity is in a state of confuseion or dsitration so that they can be used by the SALVE MASTERS of PHAROHS time ,,the learning pasted down to government after government into religo after religion ,,to create LEGIONS of followers dependant on the answers to the OCNFUSIONS . installed by the SAME .

Enough ,,,, FORE ….. that feeling of EMPOWERMENT ….. think about it young master .

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