Sunday, November 25, 2007

yes master vs please master

Yes Master or please master

Young master ,,, the DOM/sub relationship I think has it great merits in helping both the male and female break the bonds of the social programing we both have lived thru ,,, sometimes the pendullum needs to swing to another wxtremem ,,, then it can settle back to a more natural position ,,, that is why I suggest that you dumbass do some study and learning about twhat it is to be Mmaster , AND THEN REALIZE THAT THE GIRLS DREAM ABOUT THIS WHILE THEY MASTRUBATE AND GIRLS DO A LOT OF MASTRUBATING ALSO . in fact the amin buyer of vibrators etc , are not men buying them for their girlfriends but women buying them for their own release of sexual NEEEDS …. It has been the biggest growth market in on line sales is the females buying , the … passion party industry is a for female party …. We do not do this like they do this … so get the lil’ princess all dressed in white picture outa your mind she is a dirty lil slut , ( but that is only because of the social programing again that words … perjoratives ,,, words with meaning like SLUT , were evelved in human society … not really nature for you )

She is not slut who needs to be used , but because of her own ,,,, self picture her own deep MIND FUCKING forced on her by society ,,, she does feel that need to submit in her fanasty ….. great example of this is the romanace novel , which most women do read if only in the tabloids or now adays thru certain TV show , the same theme and characters shows up as in the romance novel ….

If you look at the MATING BEHAVIOR pages of and go thru the links and think about the quates from those pages about … chimps , bonobo and gorilla …. You can see it is the female who does SEDUCE the male …. In the chimp it is thru sexual scents and enlarged / ready sexual organ dis[play and submissive psositioning which says … come fuck me PLEASE ….. the bononbo is constantly sexual active and the girls do choose the male …… and the gorilla the girl must find that level of security till her body and relax and become open to sex ….. what about the true human anmail ,,, what do you think disphit ,, do I have to think for you ARE YOU NOT ALLOWED TO THINK FOR YOURSELF ?

Or have you been so programeemed by the idea of the PROFESSIONAL … that you will only let a Dic oooops Doctor Phil think for you ? you young master are not stupid !
The DOM/sub starting activities do help get her in a better mind set , breaking the bonds of the MIND FUCK ,,, and if helps you ,,, but it will only be when you have go the 3 tents , the 3 single family homes that the true , nature of her seuxality can come to FLOWERING , as she comes into , a gentle competive state with her FRIENDS … their sexual acitiviy and enjoyment will keep her in a state of sexual desire also …. Each wanting the attention of the male who made their life SIMPLE , … SAFE … CONTENT ….

The compound it to create a secure life where the profit ideas are kept outside , that llife is not dependant on the city yet the city is EXTRA fun ….. the land you live from is not a PROFIT CENTER … your part time career is …. And so it their jobs ,,, coming home is QUITING TIME … it is time to tell sorys to the kids instead of watching movies , it is time to pet the cat instead of doing book work ,,, it is time to TALK TO TREES , and thank nature for its BOUNTY ,,, instead of worrying about the bank satement …. It is time to relax and enjoy a good pussy licking from you or one of the girlfriends … it is time to get fucked by you aor on e of her friends ….. and remember dipshit your dick feels better than plasitic !!!!

But to break those deep bonds of the BRAIN WASHING we have been exposed to by churches over the last 1500 years , will take the use of the DOM/sub play game ideas …. But they will dissapear ,, as you read more maybe the books on SLAVE CRAFT you will realize that as love starts to grow between MASTER amd slave ( in the matural MALE /DOM ,, female/sub ) the master slave practises disaapear , often leaving the female confused once more because her MASTER is now to loving and caring and touchy feelly …. Like the males she orginally was running away from searching for a controlling male ,,, welll you dumbas , control in that you create the stablity in her whole life ,,, like the female gorilla needs ….. yet in the sexual aspect it is not in your loving DOM nature to use you female ,,,, you young master are a GOOD MAN a proctectiv e loving man ….. not some cruel SADISTIC WOARPED FUCK OF THE FANASTY OF ….MASTER /slave …. Honstly thinking in evelutionary terms human males like that would not have been the male who women on average would want to stay with ,,, abusive people created stress depressions and early death in REAL natural ecosystems ….. now of course the last 10k years of the idea of serving a god who will give life after death … nowq that aspect really screwed us up … how come no other animal prays ….

Yet , think about you pets see how and feel how much they do have souls and relax and laugh and smile and care for you and each other ,, thye are not dumb creature3s , with out hearts souls or LOVE …… it was our churches who wanted to creat e the illusison of seperation form the TAO so they could sell us redemption … sell us the way back to GOD ,, thru servind the KING the Pharoh the chruch ….

Dipshit are you to stupid ,, to progarmamed to NOT think for yourself , that you need always some one else to say it is OK … first before you even attempt to act ATLERNATIVELY ? ooohhh but getting a tatoo is being alternative ….. yes right …. Smoking dope is being cool …. Ooooh I am sorry I forgot , doing the same stupid things that human kind has done for a long long time is …alternative , each genertion has some … activity to show it is not the same as its parents ….. the same story is written in the bible 5000 years old the story of a teenager like you are or were… hmmmmmm can you TWIST ?

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