Wednesday, November 14, 2007

ass fucking Bhutan

Ass fucking in Bhutan

Ahhhh young master , 7 years was all it took for this nation to become ……. Un ………. Happy , to have something they never knew , violent crime . What happened in Bhutan well it was not the introduction of ass fucking … no ass fucking has been around as long as sex has been fun for humans ,,, asss fucking is exciting , it is and expression of submission ,the state the female loves to be in since ,,, submission is her NATURE …. AND IF SHE CAN NOT EXPRESS THAT SHE WILL IN TIME BECOME non CONGROUIS …… her instinct gets fucked up and then life get fucked up … the ass hole is sensitve , the fucking of it while the girl allows encourages and the submitts , while she rubbes her clit in this submission she will enjoy deep wild orgasisms …. Ohhh back to why Bhutan has gotten afcuked up .

Wow they have had money for like only 10 years , the have had TV and internet for 7 and guess what ….. thye have all the pleasure and happiness of us , be fore that they were agri-socail , they had a barter ecomony …. You exchanged ,, what you craved or built or grew , with what some one else built grew or craved ,,, it has been only 7 fucking years … they were living as a nation like mankind had for millions of years …… and they were contetn …..

there is the page for NPR ,, just take a listen to the POD cast disphit ….. hear that in the 1950’s america was not DEPRESSED and begging the menatal health industry to drug them into submsission //// drugged into submission . so that you can be a cog in the machine of ecomny ….. fucked up my friend …..

it is not easy to become something different to sxplore real alternatives …. There are so many alternatives that are really just the same old ,,, ideas hidden under a fashion .

wow to think that these peoeple bought into the lie shown on TV …but it does look pretty all the flashing lights on the scene hypnotizing you into thinking what you are seeing is some how real ,,, oooooh it is reall ,,, really mainly staged to in the end SELL you some thing to make 1 rich 1000 poor and STRESSED .. stressed in the continual attempt to become RICH ……

When in fact ,,,, you will be happier in an instinctual family ……. I have not been writing about the details of that family ,,, but you can go to and click the mating behaior pages the the parental advisory banner and go to 3 tents and a camel for a blue print to the instinctual life . blue print disphit … you tweak it.

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