Wednesday, January 7, 2009

want unpolluted pussy

Want unpolluted pussy

Young master ,,,wanting ,,, actually we have been trained by the LEAST COMMON DENOMINATOR to ..NOT want ..TO FEAR LIMITS of wants . to the point we do not realy want ….. we justify .

Wanting ..freely … wanting without ….NEEDI_NESS of the recieiving … is a start once more to re-learning how to enjoy just wanting and the .then living of that which we want and WANTED which we are experiencing in each and every NOW ( even these now you think are so terrible because your FOCUs is on the negative have ….things wanted , remember you did breathe just a second ago that was something wanted ! remembering that 97% of every NOW is full of GOOD wanted things but you FOCUS on the terrible )

Want Everything , Need nothing ,,be happy now …… need nothing do not live in a state of I WILL BE HAPPY …..WHEN I get such and such thing or events happening in my life …….. be happy now realize the 97% of things going right ,,, the world is not in astate of Atomic War that is a good thing ….. you ate something earlier …. You were able to find water or something to drink ….. you got a ROOF over your head ….. the 97% of things that are RIGHT …..

Now to the wanting …but pure wanting ,,wants not POLLUTED by NEEDY-NESS . wanting once more for the pure joy of just wanting the daydream of wanting ….. something you did naturally as a child but because your care givers your parents most likely ,,since they wanted you to have everything also . but they WERE TRAPPED ,, they trained you into their TRAPPED view of living …the training of a slave to serve PHAROH who has to focus on PHAROH not themselves …. And so over your early years you were trained to DREAM to WANT only that which is POSSIBLE for you within ……the limits of the COMMON DENOMINATOR .

My PET trainer , I went to when my first child was still just a baby ,,, taught to let the child have their WISHES …GRANT THEM WISHES …. Do not stifle their wish ,,,, just say ,,, yes baby I wish you could have that THING YOU WANT …. Then move on with life distract them if need be .. if the day dream is not enough for the child . but do not TRASH their ….WANTING …be like a FAIRY GOD FATHER and grant WISHES ..let them daydream freely

Daydream freely …… you NO LONGER DAY DREAM FREELY . your wanting is POLLUTED with the limits …with the I WILL ONLY BE HAPPY if I realy get this dream or something like it so let me daydream …DAYDREAM within the limits of my reality …… this is not PURE UNPOLLUTED WANTING . of the recommendations of the sages …… like jesus who said ask ….ASK …… want ……. Like most teaching of sages it got polluted when written down polluted by generations of people who used the teaching to control populations ……. The polluted the simple concept of PURE WANTING … with the NEEDY-NESS of receiving that you do not want purely …. For you fear! FEAR the not getting ! ask and it is given …… as if the experiencing in time space is more MORE important than the EXPERIENCE opf that thing in the realm of mind ,,,,

YET even real or so called real ( just vibrations of Quantas flashing in and out of reality to create a TIME/SPACE dream playground ) …… things are only EXPERIEINCED in the mind ….. with out theinking of it ,,,,, you donot experience it . the tool of BRAIN the bio machine ,, the limited 2 GIGS of experience capacity …… only 2 gigs of IN FINITY …. An infifnty where I can be experiencing …X YAND Q …. You can experience ….W, D…Z and some one else can be experiencing ….E, R …K … while walking do the same street …

I noticed the Rolls Royce Corniche … and started a daydream about it ( polluted at first because my first thought is it is beyong my accepted LIMITS of $$$ to be able to eperince it in REALITY why even think about it )

My friend saw this cute little piece of ASS

And the other person ( a chick ) … was window shopping wanting this strange metal Turtle to decorate her home ……

Each of us together each of us experiencing our won wants …. Our won ..X… Y ..Z’S OR ….E..R…J’S and each can want with out it limiting the wants of anyone else ….for a want is of the mind . even the experience of the day walking is realy all in the mind . not in the things or the tool of QUANTUM ASSEMBALIGE … … it is the mind which takes the TOOLS OR TOYS of quantums and makes it into something WANTED OR …un wanted ….. step 1 …but to realy enjoy living get away form the NEEDY-NESS of manifestation …… that will come based upon the expression of passion ,,,, the WANTO’S that get you out of bed each day with a feeling of excitement and happiness like the seed growing towards the sun .

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