Saturday, January 10, 2009

want now and need pussy

Want now and need , pussy

Young master I am sure you have heard about the concept of CLOCK WATCHING ..that the more you look at the clock the longer it takes for the clock to move ……

I pick a RUN TO point some mornings ….a goal …. And I have realized that if that day , I am looking down the road at the goal ….. it seems to take for fucking ever to arrive at the goal ! …and very very shortly my leggs start to feel like lead and I ( the smoker that I am ) am starting to breathe heavy …. And I just ain’t having no fucking fun ….

The next day I set the same run to point but I get realy and TRUTHFULLY PURELY …. Distracted by a flock of passing egrets flying by which then leads my eyes to noticing the clouds and how the rising sun in apinting them in glows of reds and oranges ….. I am hearing the splashing in the wter and see about 3 or 4 dolphins sutting the surface of the Indian river and next thing I know I am at my run to point HARDLY EVEN winded …my legs feeling like ….legs … not sacks of lead and sand mixed together …

The run to point …IS …. When I see and choose it …… there IS S P A C E between me and it ……. It will take time ..experince for me to go from …start to finish ….

But none of it is REAL or HARD like some sort of META CONCRETE ….it is ..IS all and ALWAYS just my BIO MACHINES … translation of vibrations …. SENSORS … LIKE EYES … or ears or touch …. Translating vibration in BUNDLES OF DATA . not noticing the truth which is

Matter is the flashing in and out of INDIVIDUAL quantas … and the link for “ what the FUCK do we KNOW? “ even the scientific community can be IR-REVENANT yet to sell they gotta stick in Bleeps … the 7 words you can not say on TV…. And FUCK is 1 …. The HUMAN BIO MACHINE sensors translate BUNDLES OF DATA ….. not the sensing of the indiviula Quants flashing in and out …… that would require much more processing power than the 2 gigs we can process per second . so in this limited SENSING or translating of reality you get the feeling that everything is all ready formed … you generate a concept that is FLAWED that the UNIVERSE …TIME/SPACE ………. Is

When the turh is that RUN TO POINT where I see myself arriving at NOT formed … it is in my DATA collection time of choosing …… 1 form …. 1 expression of Quantas and when I arrive it will be a NEW collection of Quantas expressing as that which I remembered … or expected … yet NEW COLLECTION of quantas and I will be in that PAGE Of …Quantas … passing thru the pages so fast much much much faster than the speed of light .

The YING YANG ..the Whole-istic ness ……. Is of mind ( me the chooser from within a bio machine of limited ability ) Body the use of assembableges of Quantas … spirit and Tao the un-impossible …the no 1 thing ….

And as I RUN ..DISTRACTED … happy in my now …. I am MR. I DON’T KNOW .. of Zhaungzi’s old story …. and the next day I can be the Seeker……. So focused on the Run to Point ..watching the clock so much ,,,needy about arriving at the goal ….. instead of enjoying life and letting life LIFE …. Thinking happiness is the ….. FLASH of QUANTA that is me arriving at the GAOL … that I miss the JOY AND CONTENTMENT of being here in the experience of time/space .. SEEING THE BIRD … HEARING THE DOLPHINS PLAY ..TRIPPING ON THE COLORS ….

I GOT no idea what the fuck I just wrote ,, I know I di not relate it to pussy ….. but who cares ,,THINK FOR YOURSELF ..relte it YOURSELF to pussy …. Hint hint … the HAREM LIFE STYLE is the goal …… the PAID FOR LAND and the expression of the Gorrila Male who PROVES HIS WORTH in his TOUR OF DUTY ..the master … ......the building of the 5 acres site plan … swimming andsfishing pond Included ..( better than a fucking boat if done right )

Are Quantas yet to be assembled ..and your EXTRACTION from the MUCH LARGER that 2 gigs of reality available for humans to experience you can have your DREAM and lett everyone have theirs ALSO ….. 1 more free choice to choose from and then after efery thing is done ….or maybe during ….. the fun of the UN OFLDING THE ….ops …. FOR CONTRASTING experiences … along comes the girls oof your PURE WANTING STATE …. Thoses who are of like mind …… like attraction …. Feel them in the PURE WANTING STATE . the un polluted WANTING ….. free from the shoulds of your up bringing .

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