Friday, January 9, 2009

in your BARE ASS

In your bare ASS

Young master the feeling of being embarrassed ..IS NOT A FEELING … it is a Contrast state ..the chance to decide between the WANTED and UN WANTED . now look at the list of Emotions ….. on there is not an emotion for feeling like you are the only person walking around with your BARE ASS showing …..

What is going on is INFORMATION ….. do you like feeling …LESS THAN everyone else? That is the CUT TOT THE …. CORE …. Of shyness of em … barr .. ass ..ment .. ahhh now you can locate where you are on the Emotional scale …the INFORMATION , about where you are CURRENTLY experiencing TIME/SPACE and where you are in the NO 1 THING of the yet to be manifested state of INFINITY called tao. emotionall relativity …. Telling you how you are doing as compared to the WORTHY self the I in I SELF that is the equality of all points of view or things ….

Self worth …. Does the tree have SELF WORTH ISSUES , yet the tree is an expression of POINT OF VIEW of life experience of DNA life form ,,,, does that Blue Jay you see flying around the yard have to deal with em …barr ..asss ..ment …. ? now I have seen what I think to be embarrassment in my cats ,,, when a cat running real fast and ends up sliding out of control on the Waxed kitche floor to the point she slams up against the cabnest ,,, as she collects herself she displays a FEELING … that I think I UNDERSTAND or commucate with her of embarrassment …… as if I AM COOL I AM CAT I AMM THE GREAT HUNTER ….boy I sure did wipe out there for a second …. But she collects her self and the hunt is back on …. She returns to astate of WORTHY – NESS … before the getting of the negative self description .

Where is self worthon the emotional guidance scale ? it is in my opinion ( only mine an EQUAL tao ..who is living DIFFERENT WANTS .. different contrsts ,,thinkkgs that are important to me are NOT your EXTRACTIONS of in fin ity ..but mine ) in my opinion it is a combination of 21 and ..the lowest by the scale of another …. ( the opinion of another derived from her experiences of importance or contrsts ) …. 22 …. It has a root connection to the BIO MACHINES fear of death of the ending of TIME/SPACE ADVENTURE ..thru the non acceptatnce from others ..FROM WHOM the YOU may need to get ..basic life issues meant ……LIKE $$$ which buys food and housing ..or SEX which is the basic INSTINCTUAL DRIVE OF life forms insure the continuation of time/space adventure machines … called Bodys ….. or bio machines for …. IN FI NITE point of views …. Adventures of Tao …. To use … be that adventure the adventure of jus the flashinig in and out of being a QUANTA … or that of using Quantas to experience the BEINGNESS of Atom ….. or using atoms to be…BEING NEES o fo … molecules or substances … or INDIVUDUAL CELLS …. THAT function in a group . to form BIO MECHANICAL DEVISES .. called human bodies ..whihc are RELTED thru the Engraven INFORMATION on the ..structure called DNA …..

DNA which has writteninto it the URGE to fuck ….. and also the millions and millions of years of relationship form EXPECATIONS …expectations of SUCCESSFUL FAMILY FORMS ….

Feeling EM BARR ASSED like feeling hungry is not emotion but information about your WANTED and UNWANTED experience in the NOW ….. for what you already experienced is nothing but Written data of memeory ..not living … and the reality of Tao is that …. We expect there to be ….to BE … a universe in the next second but there is no …NO QUANTUM police force to enforce the so called LAWS of attraction … it is a state of HARMONY OR AGREEMENT … that TAO will express the OPPURUTUNITY TO HAVE POINT OF VIEWS …. Experience …. Limited awaresness ..state of FORGETTING .. saying NO THE the understanding of our equality our infinty so we can have life adventures and FEELINGS contrsts choose from .

In your bare ass …………. Why ? do you feel it ..what you RESISIT the KNOWING OF ..will continue to persist …… the lesson will keep showing back up … teaching you about the turht of your EQUALITY till you finnaly get it ..if YOU WANT . free choice to maintain the adventure or move on to the next level in this GAME this ..1 of in finte life time GAMES ….. WHAT IS THE ……PURE …WANT …. Born of the contrast of the noticing that you have the WANT ….. not to feel LESS THAN WORHTY OR EQUAL .. what is the pur ..PURE WANT …… think of that …. Do not need it for you live right NOW without it … as Evdeinced by your current state of realizing …. Your un worthy ness …thru the feeling of IN BARE ASSED ment …… so you must have already been living in a state of UN WORTHY NESS just coving it up with a SMILIE FACE STICKER or your NO FEAR BUMPER STICKER ..or the false EGO of your Tatoos ..

But deep down you had issues of SELF WORTH ….. the tao can not ….. be without you ……. That is a concept of IN FIN ITY ….. ohh in this experience of LIMTIS of NO’s ,,, I can experience just fine without you and you with out me ..but INFITE TOA … needs the equality of us both . WHAT IS THE PURE WANT …..

Want everything …… need nothing ( for you live already without it ) …… be happy now ……. See the manifestations of the wanted …in the UNFOLDING OF the vibrational reality called …REALITy the next NOW of the Quantas flashing in and out of exisitance so fast so small that …. YOU SENSORS LIKE eyes or ears can not Percieve .. yet that does not mean they are not there ,,, you can not see bacteria yet you believe they effect life . it is beyond the 2 GIGS of human bio maehcnaical .. processing abilty .

Want everything ..need nothing happy now …. ( in the adventure of living your free to FEEL form the vents of contrst ) I go out today to do my first day in years as a clown advertiser …… I feel like I am going to be walking around in my BARE ASS !

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