Saturday, January 17, 2009

pussy smiles veritically

Pussy smiles vertically

Honestly what is it that you really want over and over it is things that make you smile ,,,, and the smiles of people who are around you ,,,hey you girl is around you a lot so the old saying a happy wife makes a happy life is deeply true …she honeslty feels the same way ( sometimes …except when her social shoulds kick in …. And they kick in after she is no longer worried about keeping your UNDIVIDED ATTENTION …. After the I love you honor statement has been made and tested enough to show your state of SUBMISSION to your personel HONOR.

Ahh honor a fancy word for the ..INSTINCT example of our cousin gorilla when he creates and defends a territory with his life for the FAMILY over and over i want to remeid you about the sc ience the FOR PROFIT medical industry fills you with the fear of and the promise of DNA …… and it’s power . you are an ANIMAL .. a DNA great APE .. mostly the SAVANNAH APE who instead of playing the lush jungle … lived with rocks and FIRE ECO systems …. Playing with rocks created sparks repeated cause and effect ,,, created over time our tool FIRE …

But thinking about you and me ….. truth is you will always filter any interaction with a chick thru the..LENSE of your first INFATUATUING SIGHT … of her ..that set point ….. created by strong emotions , that concretes memeory and the associated strands ….ahhh not only is this agreat show to learn about Quantum theory but also for bio mechinics ( remember you as a point of view of Tao came to experience the bEING-NESS of an DNA bio mechaine.
And the truth is ..that if she was not a smiling chick then you probably only USED her viritcal smiles for fucking ans spent little to know other time around the …. BITCH …

What is important her beauty is tied directly to her smiles … bio chemicall hormonailly it is ther VERTICAL SMILE her pussy …. HUMAN wise it is her happiness smile .

In the morning when her hair is all fucked up and her sexy clothes are nothing but a pile of shit on the floor it is the SMILE on her face the joy in the sound of her voice which it …ATTRACTIVE …and that is what keeps you coming back after day ,, week after week until your INSTINCT … of family …. Or silver back gorilla is voiced in words of …I LOVE YOU …… never ever does it realy have any thing to do with the sexy clothes of the jewelry or her hair do ..or her French nails …..

Ohh well I can be wrong and I am often wrong for so many men now adays are acting like women ……. That they care more about what others think of them than what they think for themselves ….. THINK FOR YOURSELF . that they need a chick who is … ahh I don’t what word to use …… but maybe you do ..that would be much better than me filling you with words to lead you into thinking about the experiences of your life to such a point that you thougt my words up for me ….. hey in that way it would not even matter if my spelling was any good for you would be so stimulated by a simple thread of thought as to fill in the blanks … on your own

WHOLE-ISTIC ……. The bio machine …. And the idea of how memeory is imprinted by emtions ….. and chemicals and stress ….. and sexual frustration .

The EVE … thought form …built around the greed of entertaining the KINGS of old with sexy girls ( daughters ) to gain a foot hold in the court and social structure that revolves around PHAROH …… patterns passed down THOUGHTLESSY …. For 1000’s of years just because certain people in powerful positions wanted to protect their powerful posisitons for themselves and those important to them to ….. not care about any truths ….. hmmmmm think ? the art of belly dancing 10,000 years ago ,,the current industry of stripping ? and the sexual frustration and manipulation of sexy clthes actions … COYNESS …. Social conventions …
And the effects of these manipulations?

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