Thursday, January 15, 2009

give me orgasims

Give me orgasims

GMO .. does that what it stands for young mster …. The master of your own life to think to observe to choose between the wanted and un wanted … free from the SHOULDS of others is that what is meant by MASTER … is that you ..( nope not yet )

GMO give me orgasisms ….. laugh laugh giggle giggle ….. dream dream? Fantasy fantasy ? GMO is genentically MODIFIED orgasim …. OR GAN ISM … a plant is an ORGAN – ISM ……. It has organ ,,, hey you dipshit have organs also …. Bio mechanics . individual life … indidivula cells that reproduce themselves for duty with in structure TRUE yet indidivual cells that FEED from the foods genenetated from the activitiy of th whole …… just look at the start of multi celled organisms … how they found that CO-OPERATION benifted them all until the eveolved a depednce on that FORM and structure …. Yet it all started from SINGLE life ….. and the single LIFE form theme is still the basis ….

The coprartion is based upon the USE of ..SINGLE CELLS OR HUMANS .. that co-operate … until such time that the single cells believe they are like fucking TRAPPED inot Dependdance on the CORP for life ..wrong !

Your gran mother and grand father what are they around 68 , 70 years old that means they were born around 1940 ….hmmmm in the early 1940’s before the effects of the INDUSTRIAL MACHINE BUILT TO SUSTAIN the war effort ….. took hold of US . in the 1940’s in the life time of your direct still living family ….

60% of the food eaten by AMERICANS was grown at home ! at home that means fruit from the trees in their yards …. Small patches of vegetable … that means the eating of the hickory nuts that littered the lawns instead of the grumbling about them and throwing them away ….. 60% GROWN fro seeds at home …not just food cooked at home

hell now adays you do not even cook 60% of your own meals but eat …… foods CREATED to TASTE certain ways thru ADDICTIVE FOOD ADDICTIVES .. until you have come so ACCUSTOMED to that flovoring that you do not even cook your own foods at all , but just RE HEAT foods prepared by the ORGANISM … the coprpartion . Trained to believe you are Dependant on the system .

60% so that means maybe the breads the grains were not grown and GRINdED at home ..that most meats were not raised at home but that almost every other things eaten was grown at home ….. and the all important COFFEE was of course not grown at home that had to be imported … like bananas … and coco or chocolate …. Etc tropical stuff . in particular i want to re touch on square foot gardening ….. 3 boxes 4 foot by foot foot ..given 5 minutes of attention per day …. 5 minutes that is less than the commercial time you get FORCE feed per ½ while watcing the BRAIN DRAIN machine the boob tube …… getting your entertainment since life sucks so much yu have force yourself to live hours longer in states of axiety in search of some sort of bliss and relaxation ..since SERVICE to PHAROH or the corporation is draining you !

lat june ‘08 I started on … it failed … in failure I should have given up ….. hmmm welll young mater look at how you much effort you give many other tings you start and how fast you give up at the first few signs of FAILURE ?

well I did not ..the world of plants was not waiting for phil … but now since Oct’08 I have been able to go out every day and harvest or GRAZE like a Grasshopper with Rabies ….. on 1 box ( made another but I did not RESPECT the LOGIC behind the GRID and it did not produce as BOUNTIFULLY as the GRIDED box …. I have now 3 boxes growing in cycle ….. having my lunch salads each day for months now of fresh KALES CHARDS 2 LETTUCES radish greems onion and garlic greens and spinachs …. And finally I am having dinners at home from home HIGH PROTEIN beans included frsh baby carrots etc etc etc …..

ohh ,,, I ate all my chcickens already … I need to re work my sytem once again before I bring in more chicks ,, I was not happy with it to much effort …things have to be SIMPLE EASY FUN …….. move to wards your bliss .

hmmm I can understand how easy it is and was ..for humanity to feed itself how did we get so TRAPPED on this dependence on the COPR for life ? like cells of multi ceeled orgaisms …… the the BEE COLONY were ..indidnvuals became nothing more than STERILE MACHINS COGS …. In the hive ….

Ohhh your choice young master …. Just a grain of sand for you to think freely about … and from it you go thru ….. the steps of choice choice … between the wanted and un wanted …
( KNOW ANY ON WHO HAS HAD CANCER? …. Did you know that 1920 and before the death rate for cancer rated causes was only 100 out of 100,000 ..while today we are reaching numbers of close to 30 in 100 who get cancers ? hmmmm just food for thought ) 1 in 1000 comared to 3 in ten …. 3 in ten means count 1 person 2 person 3 CANCER person …. 1 person 2 person 3 CANCER person …… in the life time of your just grandpappy he would have had to SPEND all day counting a 1000 people to get to that 1 cancer person … all this in the life time of your family

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