Wednesday, April 30, 2008

source energy loves pussy

Source energy loves pussy

Young master , I throw so much random shit at you so that you will look , just peek outside of the box of your programing and conditioning and ……feel . not learn as much as feel , I want you to get exposure so that you can more better judge what feels right and what don’t ..see the long term of conditioning is to warp ….. feelings thru deeply conditioned limits of what is ACCEPTABLE of not ,,, what is good or bad , what will make moommmy happy or get her mad , what made teachers happy or mad ( again teachers from your daycare years until high school and collegec were 85% female ) you young master have been condtioned to make girls smile . and it is because of that FORCED …. Training that many of you become .. anagry and acto out against your controllers .

Okay enough back ground . ,,, source energy …. go to the links page go down to the book cover LAW OF ATTRACTION …. Then go find about ESTER HICKS and her art of expressing the Stream of C .. the channel the whatever ….. she does , and what ever she is doing it is very in line with TAO . you just gotta open your mind and listen over and over and feel ,,, your vibes , does the LOGIC feel good?

Deb went to a live show a few weeks back and we got the cd , on it was a woman who has cancer in her tits and pussy ….. Abrham said … like I tell you also , DIS –EASE is the bell telling you that you are in an UN – INSTINCTUAL state for the Tao POV that you are , ( point of view ) it is an indicator that you got stinking thinking ,,, her deepest ,,, long term shit .. is about an agner with men , that men are in control and they are disrespectful of women and that men are liars and that men are the cause of her un happy life ….. these ideas are repeated among females over and over they love toalking about how UNFAIR there boyfriends are … yet not realizing the DEEPEST of issues about the UN INSTINCTUAL NATURE OF OUR society and the effects of the EVE thought form .

ESTER? Abraham , states , your sould your source your POV loves men ,,, she does it with a commedians flair … but later she goes on to say that the TAO of us all loves us all , it is our deepest nature in nature …. For example the WOLF does not kill out of MEANNESS out of cruelty …. It kills because that is it’s PART TO FIT …. As bob marley described …. Our PART OF IT …. Or part to fit …. Our nature in this adventure just like all the POV’s that exisitit ,,,, just as atoms so that we can have this illusion of form we call a planet …each Quanta a POV equal to us ….. not in any way less evovled that the whole ot the TOA …. There is no more evovled or better side of the street in the TAO there is no place of higher more experienced POV’s in the TOA … just the I – in – I , and I gotta thank those POV’s for experiencing time and space as an atom so I canhave the illusison of things .

Your INSTINCT ,, your programing that comes with the package called male or female animal ….. is improtant …. That progarmsing ,,, loves for mating reasons , the experience of being animals reasons , it loves especailly and wants interactions with , the OPPISITE SEX … she the questionser ,,,, WAS ANGERY with men in a state of Dis-ease …. Thinking in contrary to her deepest instincts and over time she developed cancer in her .. GODDESS ORGANS …. This woman was all about the concept of the GODDESS nature of the female human … this current FASHION of talking about the female goddes is again the next evovlution of seperation of the EVE … her greed to be special and separate anad thus alone , which again is unantural for human which are , the savanh ape , a fission fussion , harem group ape , which was co-operative and inteligent enough to , learn to walk up right ( 6 million years ago ) and control fire and make tools 3.3 million years ago ….. the last 15,000 years of greed where the social dynaics of wanting to be GODS ( remember ths myth of Adma and EVE and who got greedy and told her LOVER lets be greddy and I admit my ADAM nature I am that protective savannah ape that lives to fuck yes but also create the safety for the family especially that girl ape who is fucking me …. My EVE ) … so I evlovled , over the 3.3 million years to the point of creating PHAROHS and prioests ,,,, schools and sepcial classes of humans , and the last 15,000 years of confusion , the age of CITY … now remember some thing dumbass ,,,, last year was the first year … THE FIRST YEARS … in recorded hisorty ( and the records start with the hyrogliphs of phAROH ) last year was the !1st year more people lived in citys world wide than out on the farm …

Your TAO came her to be human .. to experience contrast , adventures .. and to FUCK ….FUCKING IS NATURAL HUMAN RECREATION . ……. Nude and natural ……

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