Sunday, April 13, 2008

clogged pussy

Clogged Pussy

Young master I looks like I am being Dr.Phil once more ,,,, hey is it true the God of Love is in Trouble in his own 1 on 1 fairy tale ? hmmm interesting …. But remember we are all only human , so why not act like a human animal should , but how does a human animal act naturall , not trained like the dog but in the wild ….. that is what I try to write , then blend it with things common to you , so that you will not feel totals like a fish out of water , because like tha animals born and breed in CAPITIVITY ,,, ( we have been born and breed ) they can not just be released into the wild , their INSTINCTS HAVE BEEN TWISTED , manipulated .

Clogged pussy , the girl says she can only experience orgasims on occasion every few months ,,,,, now if you think about the reason for an orgasim as the contractions that force the egg out fafter a good s trong fucking ,,,,, NATURAL SELECTION ,,, she felt good about the male the male was strong DOM , fucked her well , he is in GOOD health ,,,,,,, her instinct is to produe an egg to meet his sperm ,,,, hence the violent contractions of CUMMMM

Now there ar the just feel good vibrations of clit orgasim ,, this is a recreational release available to animals who have evolved to enjoy sex as recreation .

Her clooged pussy ……… she her mind is clogged , we all really are very clogged … read the blue words on the top of that is the story of mr. I don’t know … the words of wisdom over 2000 years old from china , of Zahuangnzi … a sage , ,like most sages he came from the farm lands away from the greed and noght life of the city ,,,, the king an queens court and the constant partys at restaurants bars and grills ( they had that then also the bar scene was there 2000 years ago open pit grill and all , nothing new under the sun ) …… he knew of the humans far far far away from greed ,,, like the tribes of Poly familys in the new world here ,,,, he knew of the farmer that lived far enough away from the profit centers yet were for profit farmers …… then he knew the farmer of industry ( ahhhh if you reader had only some knowledge of the lobbys that were involved in the senate of Rome 2000 years ago , the advosors to emperors in all cultures who got KICK BACKS FROM INDSUTRYS like corn and cattle or rice …… making sure that they kept their customer the kings armies …… hey you hate to lose your income right well the same thing was happening 2000 yearsa go!

And so the king would call forth a SAGE advise me on how to create happiness and peace in my kingdom ,t he people are depressed drunk all the time leaving straving kids on the street …. Sell sex for prifit gambling money striving for riches ,,, or just self medicating smoking OPIUM ….

And so the sage said ……….. clean out the computers coolies ,,, your are rumming tom much ramm for the human computer to handle we are designed by nature to live in natue ,,,,, NOT THIS 24/7 … sure it is fun once and awhile , but we are A NATURAL BEAST ….. and fire and candle brings the fun of daytime into night itme ,,, and like drinking soda year after year will destroy you and make you DIABETIC …. So does this artifical light …

Light I just one aspect …. Dipshit it is not the problem ,,, profit is just one aspect dipshit it is not the ptorblem, remember donot look for a quick FIX ,, like a drug or bandaid …. Look deeper , admit to the real depth ,,, OHHH BUT THAT MAY MEAN YOU WOULD HAVE TO CHANGE THINGS ,,,,ok! So ? you all say you want to change the world well you are the world ,, each 1 of you ………. It starts at you own door step , and when that is clean the world is clean ,,,, it does not start with the other guy …. The sick in his eye ,, but the sitck in MY EYE … me phil … will never get if RIGHT ….. but I can get better .

Your life is like a computer with 20 screens up and 10 programs running , it is clogged with , car payment . light bills cell phone then home phone ,,,, buying birthday presents and early Christmas presents ,,, that NEW bling the clothes to cover the human skin ,,, hey you and they are the same ,,, hairy , skiiny pale , flesh and blood animals athat burp and fart and piss and shit …… welcome to REALITY dumbass!

The credit card biillll , the need to pelase your mother , the ommitment to stop- smoking , the bosss wanting EXTRA work , and the feeling of the slave knowing you need the boos so that all the bill swill be paid… the idea of the self emplyement page of young master training , is that you have 4 different jobs , the 1 or 2 days fo hobby job , you never work the same type of hjob , never get bored , and then the safe home cleaning is a great easy comfy profitable idea for the girls and you first you get them that 1 day a week of cash so they have spending money , since they have no bills in your world ,,, housing electric , car phone computer you provide , even food in the op… yes the OP … of the SFG and and free food pages , take the hoarse to water but you can not force them to drink the fresh clean relaxing water of HUMAN LIFE …. Freedom of choice …. Drink or do not just DO NOT COMPLAIN …. You have everything but still not happy young lady please return to where you came from , why are you here ? ahhhhh the reason of not being trapped where she will get preganant ….. girls use babys SUB C’ly for so many reasons ,,, often make the marriage better as a bandaid ,, so they can feel special again … so they can feel loved again …. One of the next pages must be the BDSM contract …. The pre nup , why BDSM for the core ideas.

Why can she not cummm? What does tha bove have to do with that girls letter saying ….Dr. Phil ( lol) …. I an having this experience what dose your twisted mind think about it , what is your ideas . … well mine are that is ti not a quick fix ,,,,, it is a mental reaction to being CAGED , trapped animals ……. Because we like shiny shit and sweet foods . and like a moth we are drawn to the fire.

2000 years ago the basic message of the sage called CHRIST was , chill relax peace take it easy love each other …. Ohh how the core values got twisted by the USER’S ….. 2000 years ago the chinesse sage said chill get be back to nature …. And the empporars got greedy sages who create Toaist SECTS , and special magic they could sell for money thing like Feng Shui etc ….and the Buddha also said let go of material psostions beome antural …..and that message too got RAPED by the greedy

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