Sunday, April 27, 2008

kissing her other lips

Kissing her other lips

Young master , I refer to history so that you realize that your ACCEPTED values are based on the lives of others as fucked up as you , but wahta bout your own neighborhood ,,,,, do you realize the stupid shit going on behind the closed doors of the streets you had lived on ?
On NPR I was listenting to a short history of Hemminway a famous writier who I honestly have not read yet , spent much of my life hanging around his home the FLORIDA Keys …. HEMMINGWAY LEFT HOME early when he was young after his father killed himself , later inlife hemminway als kills himself …. But the common between father and son is the effect of the subtle DOMINATION of the owmen they found in life , the domination that is created by the soicial creation we humans have accepted as TRUTH . at the same age there is also the growth of womens rights movements , because yes at the same time because of the twisting of INSTINCTS , to many males were no longer the loving protective males of their instincts …also .

Yes I admit many many males are shitheads , so my constant reminder to you that , the evidence trail is that you are a loving caring animal ,,,,not this violent greddy human ….. you can walk streets in Ciaro Egypt ,,, where the mother and father of JESUS walked and lived ,,,, real people … whose son stood up and talked about PEACE . also a real person whose message was mutated to fit the needs of controlling policitcal parties . three tents and a camel ,,, three wives and man who has proven himself to be a GOOD MAN …. Has been discussed by others also as being a benift to our society here is something
Philip Kilbride, an American anthropologist, in his book, Plural Marriage for our Time, proposes polygamy as a solution to some of the ills of the American society at large. He argues that plural marriage may serve as a potential alternative for divorce in many cases in order to obviate the damaging impact of divorce on many children. He maintains that many divorces are caused by the rampant extramarital affairs in the American society. According to Kilbride, ending an extramarital affair in a polygamous marriage, rather than in a divorce, is better for the children, "Children would be better served if family augmentation rather than only separation and dissolution were seen as options." Moreover, he suggests that other groups will also benefit from plural marriage such as: elderly women who face a chronic shortage of men

So there are people who can realy write who have degrees and they also come up with the idea that ……. 3 tents and a camel has some great points , no the above idea I feel ita based on a a 1 on 1 that evolves into a poly , where 3 tents … THE IDEA OF . is about returing to your animal nature starting your young life off thinking about poly family building a compound where you won the land you have food growing , you free electric ,you have , your own companies ,,,, so you are NO LONGER A SLAVE but a master , and then meeting grils who are interested ,,, from the get go , they understand the concept because of the concreteness of your creations ,,,,

The complexity , of building this lifestyle dipshit is daunting , it is beyond your conditioning , your dreams a bout your future , but it is NOT BEYOND YOUR DOING IT ! …. Anyway .

The sexual stress of dating will creep in ,, especially while you are aone , you are built to be a social animal you are designed to have sex ,,,, and when you are not having it you become seuxlally frustrated and confsued by the floo9d of hormones , thus I refer to ideas like , NINJA … of speed seduction , he drills you with the thoughts aof relaizing how much you have been conditioned to BEG for pussy ,, to ask her out , asking is a gentler way of saying the same thing , depeneding your basic ANIMAL INSTINCTUAL neeeds on the yes or no of some one in power …. Inthis world where we have therapsit in medical fields to provide services legall for aspects of the human biological maschine ,,,, we treat the sex organs as if they are not an active part of the human animal , and in REALITY your sex organs as being stimluted being used to menatlly fuck you up , all the time , SEX SELLS …..

All of these factors dipshit are important tor ealize ,,,, just by opening you mind a little over time you may get it ! and then decide todo something different and alos relaize it is not really that different it is our deepest human / savannah ape / nature ….

Ohh what does this have to do with the LABIA ,,,, kissing her other lips ? everything ,,,, it is all whole-istic …… the tingle of those lips , the stress free life you create , the deep subltle inner competition of girls , evidenced by their attempt constantly to be CUTE …. And that stress …. All changed so that you can kiss the 6 lips of there 3 girls ,,, with more relaxed ple4asures . less greed and pain … less of the

Of the evidence trail of your nieghborhood ,,,, on my streeet . it hink about the homes fo people o have know for 15 years , and realize ,,,, this is aveargae americ a,,, and of 10 [people I know well only 1 house is somewhat untouched by extrremes of daliy drunk and alchol escapes and abuse ( synptom of life stress not the problem ) or divorces , or medicall depressions , or regular family violence…… get your eyes open and look behind the cracks of the LCOSET DOORS of your world ….. is the fairy tale realy REAL ? then open your mind to your INSTINCTS .

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