Wednesday, December 19, 2007

sexual motive dogma


Wow young master I am not writing anything that is overtly sexual boring huh? Reading about sex is fun , since sex motivates us so much ,,, actually if you study the animal world for comparisons to what is natural for humans you find that sex is the great motivator also ….. so writing about sex I should actually be doing more of but

Mind body spirit wholistic ,,,, you are multi faceted ,,, and you mind can side track you … I met 2 men yesterday , an arichetict and a contractor , and the good salesman I am I gave the an advertising for the thinf I want sold most right now ,,, so that was not a card for my business but a card sdvertising my house … which has to sell so I can build the off grid compound …. ( steps ) and we got talking and talking , the architect was a very well read inteigent man , a pleasure to listen to and discuss with ,,, yet dipshit when you find someone who you feel respect for , I want you ,,, you an equal to him ,,, another fellow human ,,, you yourself a young master , to remember your self , and that you should trust your own thinking , yes ,, yes ,,, yes ,,, gather new data and iformation , but be open to wonering the reason why that person has XY or Z as his DOGMA ….

And the be open to thinking about that person CLOSET ,,, their deepst hidden motives ….. I ened up go on about my ideas about Poly life style ( iam getting more ane more used to idea of talking to total strangers about my alternative lifestyle , using broad references to Taosim and Great ape studies …. Of course repeating the data the current stats of our painful confused world …… as this intelligent man came back with discussions about , food chanins our agri industry ,,,, things about mass transit ,,,, and then human greed …. I watched I let my Sub C mind pick up on telltale signs and then trusted my INTUTITION … the contractor , would show agreement and a sence of “ BEEN THERE DONE THAT “ WHEN I BROUGHT UP THE ideas of hierarchy – greed of the female as evidenced thru the advertising of ,,,,, Every Kiss Begins with Zales …. The contractor , nodded his head in knowing agreement he had done it in his life he had noticed himself buying the happiness of women in his path …. Now the arichictct’s face was NUETRAL ….. hmmm interesting , how can any man never have encountered this common truth of buying pussy by giving pussy gifts of pretty shinny stuff …. Next when I describe my desire to provide my family ,,, my children with an alternative mold outside of the common held siciences of relationships ….. the marriage counseling industry ….. my feelings for my OFFSPRING …. My biolongical DNA ….. that was again acknowledged by that sence of BEEN THERE DONE THAT of the contractor yet the architect again was EMOTION neutral ….

Again how can any noramal male my age not have this powerful , experienceial connection with his Brother Male … except iff the other male is in reality different … welll he made a statement that at first I brushed off , it was when I brought up the Bonobo chimps and their every 2 hour enjoyment of pyshical pleasure of recreational sex …. Every 2 hours on average the masturbate of sex play with friends ,,, and they are bisexual …. This ape is used by the gay community as example of the antural state of homosexuality in adult populations ,,,, homosexualty is very very common in imnmature animal world ,,, right as soon as the anmimal notices that a certain part of the body is fun to touch they touch it ,,,, when it start to get hardons it what to FUCK IT AWAY ( TO QUOATE KORN ) think about the dog humping your leg …… as I branched off from Bonobls to grilla siver backs ( now this was early on before I got into Instincutalism and Harems … I was laying a ground work of comparing nature and humans … well the archietict said ,,,,, isn’t every one searching for their own Silver BACK …. ( dominant male gorilla ) ….. well I for one , am sure I am not looking for my METAPHORICAL Silver Back ….hearing that passing reference of personal searching = longing for …. O thought wow I am not looking for a male , I am the male looking for the harem .

Now this very intelligent man was very much into the idea of the evolving ,,,,, METRO SPAIEN … humanity as an extension of its technology and society ,,,, where I think the Tango vehicle is a great starat evovlution towards a POD transportation system some day where the indeiviula car can be expanded to fit , the back seat for the kids and family when I need but my core car is a very hi- effecincy 2 seater ,,,, the hope some day would be that the interstate would resemebe a ride a t dismeny where my POD would lock into extreme high effeicny reail system bkebdubg the Mass transit idea with the free of Rural life …. Living not only in the CITY and depending on mass transit …..but the homosexual male ,, remember does not have that VESTED interest in future generations they do not feel the true passion of the parent for the welfare of their DNA offspring ,,, the homeo seuxla adult …. Is selfish … FINE GOOD IT IS …OK .

REMEMBER I AM TALKING ABOUT …… alternatives ,,, WWW.INSTINCTUALISM.ORG is an alternative … all I want to do is explore human motives ,,t hegreed that even the architect complained about ,,,, but lets us look at the shit on his own KNEE , ( to quaote marily Manison ) …. 3 males …. 2 profesional one working class –me …. The arichetect ,,, we were comparing our water front protperty as to hurricaine effects , so I understand his address is even more exclusive thatn mine ( yes I am working clas yet invested well the smalesst historical house on millionaires row ) his SUV was the biggest of the 3 we stood around talking ,,,, he had a nice gold an diamond ring not a weddng band ( the contractor an I both divoreced no longer wore our slave by choice collar of gold .. wedding rings … his bracelet on one wrist and watch on the other ….. and he wonders how come humanity is so greedy …. Hmmmmm his Metro Spaine depends on the Fairy tale world he wants ,,, of the All-true –istic corperation and social capalitalism ….. yet the facts are it will serve the top 1 percnet , it will serve him ….. now think dumbass

When young any sex is just recreational it is for fun in the animal world it is the being becoming aware that it can create ,, PLEASURE , buy touching or being touched …. This is PRE – SEXUALITY not homosexuality ….. true homosexuality is not DNA ,, because since they do not breed their desires their life style end with each generation …. It is a NATURAL abormailty and should be grouped in the narutual numbers of 3 percent over all birth defects …. Fine peace chill enjoy life ….. but …. When they off that MOTIVATION gain the position of the top 1 percent ….. the respected inteligencia of our society … the ones you may listen to since this non fem male is one of great external evidence trail … job home $ well read …. Well dipshit just remember to THINK FOR YOURSELF …. You do not understand the deepest of inner motives behind the GREAT IDEAS OF OTHERS ….

Do not get unbalanced ,,,,, it is not only about the mind ,,,, or the body or spirituality … it is the blending

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