Tuesday, December 4, 2007

See you on the other side

See you on the other SIDE

Young Master ,,,,, hmmmm what can I say about atleast trying , stepping outside of your comfort zone ,,,, it helps clarify the idea of contrast …. Again I go back to Abraham-hicks , the Crazy Lady as I like to call her is on the mark so fotern and the idea of sensing … feeling what it is that you truthfully are feeeling well dipshit , it is true …. I mean look at the words of KORN and hear feeling…. Feeeling what you are feeling feeelings and then having the VENUE to express them ….

Ohhhh I just came back from my first meeting where I met NO ONE ….. ahhhhhh big sigh of relief , I was like going on and on for a while now that I am not a fucking RELIGON I am no proeacher ….. yes I accept mind body spirit …. Of course , yes deeply I am Taosit in the sense that I think the ancients were describing ,,, but I am not a MASTER …. A PROFESSSIONAL ….. but there must be a way to share my ideas my life style ,,,, your … life stlye , I mean if you build a compound you must be able to talk to girls intelligently about the reasonw why you became and instinctualist ….

It is not the poligmy of religon where some fucking GOD … ORDERS people to be in a multi wife life ,,, no it is the respect of the instinctual congruity that you feel in the confusion of the 1 on 1 ,,, it resepcts the nature of the female much moere than the greed of owning on male , and finding her selfesteem in his success …

But how can Phil ….. come out and talk …. Where and how ? how can you what common formum can be created for you young master ….. hmmmmm most of us are not fucking PREACHERS …. Hmmm I gotta think more … now Deb had and idea about a open formu disccusion , but I keep thinking about t themem a theme is needed to attract people to toegether , that theme …… hmmmm what could it be .. I was thinking Tao-ism ….. but the organism ,, worship mediation thing ,,, I do not know . my feelings about it .

Now while listenting to the Korn CD at the infintiy center …. See you on the other side ….. and thinking about what it would be like if some one actually came tonight ,,, ( afraid some one would show ) yes afreaid someone would show up … I was and am just not into the SHOW ? I had planned .
Deb is right in that iam having a good time when I am talking about things leading people maybe into my ideas , while listenting to thiers ….. but this Religon type of idea of plan just got me all fucked up ,, but how to … have a venue for instinctualism ….. hmmmmm

Why not just instinctualism ? hmmmmm … thinking out loud …hmmmm . but I will see how to establish a way to expose my ideas in real time with real people ? Deb says all my DUMB FUCK and JACKASS calling shit , offends people , but I think about guys who you are dumbfuck ,,, young master a guy ,,, and do you not you and your friends joke around by calling each other shit for brains , it is not something that we do not do with each other ? now is it , so I believe you do not take me to seriuolsy especially since I am just a cyber being ,,,,, but I am not just a cyber being I am a real being ,,, just fucking like you dipshit , my friend .

Now how to talk with people like I talk ,,,,,, ? hmmm I will think …… maybe this relaince on Tao … is wrong … what am I feeling ,, it is in those feelings things that truth lies …. It is in those confusions that the …… problems with your girlfriend lies ….. it is in the IGNORING of the data from the emotional guidance system ….. that being INCONGRIUOS .

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