Tuesday, December 18, 2007

love? did you mean love? or love?

Love? Did you mean love? Or LOVE ?

Young Master , remember how mis used that word is , and rmember what words are tools for describing states of thinking … of describeing thoughts …. Love for your dog , your career your sport your mom your girlfriend and your friend who is a girl …. They all are loves ……..

Why is the GIRLFRIEND love different because of the inclusion of sSEX …… even though that love will most probably evolve into the deep love of friendship which will out last the marriage ….. the relationship ? hmmmm think dumbass …. You will still feel that love for her as a friend as a human a desire for her happiness I know that from my feelings for all my EX’s ( even the 2nd wife who I hate right now , yet I still wishe her the deepest of happiness selfish I know because when she get happy again we will become friends again )

Love … so when you are cuddling ans your girlfriend asks the ,,, HOOK question , … do you love me? …. What are you going to say , but of course I love you and you do .. and you will always love her if you ever did you always will . but understand the HOOK the manipulation that girls have been trained ,, programmed into acting on ,, to thinking that this is REAL love when in fact it is just FAIRY TALE LOVE ….. the reall love will always be there in you ,,, ow in her…. Hmmmmm

Shakespeare said …. Hell hath no fury equal that of a woman’s SCORN …… and history had stimulated his observation which he wrote in poetic form and it , that is history has proven those observations still true and vilid today …. WHERE IS HER love? ,,,, it is lost in that mind which compartimentalizes her life ,, breaking her into …… different personalities ( yes you do it to but not to her level ) in the newwst HARRY POTTER , Hermonie describes the mental activity of Harry’s crush , and Ron is shocked … how can anyone have so much going on her in heard ,,,, and the rpy form the female mind is to judge the male in terms of having the Emotional capac ity of a TEASPOON …. We joke about the INSTINCTUAL differences that ARE OUR TRUTH .

We joke , then suffer because we ignore the truth ,,, throw the rock into the air and the rock will fall …….. it is truth ….. ohhhh you may be able to force yourself into a mold of survival in the 1 on 1 marriage … if you work ….WORK REAL HARD AT IT , something which happened to start naturally became EXTREME work and study to keep it going ….

I am still working on myself understanding the ,, vow I have given Deb ,,, how I feel when I look at an other woman and I think about having 3 homes ….. I worry and worry and worry ,,, becaue behind my VOW is that real love for her HAPPINESS ….. and the INTUITION ,,,, based on life experience that keeps telling me over and over ….. her basis for love is still that of the fairy tale .

I wonder and think that any girl that will enter into a life with me , well I believe she willl be with me actively describing her own MOTIVES in wanting to be in the poly ….. being honest as she can . I think that it would behove me to expect the level of self examinative bloging that I do from her ….. having her , to discet her feeling and confusions …. The result is not that important ,,, whether she stays will me or leaves , the benefit will be in that I am sure she is actually lilning her ….. HAPPINESS … not lieing to herself to sustain some IMAGE ,or level of pride …. That she will not be living with me while lieing and hunting for some one new ….i believe even in the female who can compartimentalize ,,, these actions better than men can , the idea of wife is different that lover ohhh you should explore the writings of MAJOR MARK , the writer of the book how to sleep with married women and learn the depth of this issue …. And the numbers the real numbers ,,, NOT THE PROGRAMING , nuimbers that say we males are TERRIBLE but the real numbers evern the conservative government studies , showing the true about who cheats . but what is more important is the love of the people the real happiness we all want and don’t have .

AND OUR LACK OF …….. ALTERNATIVES , because of the greed to own 1

So young master , the stress you may feel about building first a 3 tent compound I understand …. It is hard to go outside the box of normal with you investment capital ,,,, maybe to hold off dating while you build the compound to insure that you will not have to give you vow of love to just 1 ,,, only to have to DISHONOR yourself , while you continue build the compound that the 1 on 1 girlfriend should have realized is what is your future is no matter how she thought she could manipulate away from that end …..

She may have entered the relationship with all ture and best intetnt , but old habits of thinking will en-trapp her , like you the CONFUSION of PROGRAMING , the constant exposure to fairytales thru movie and media and music … the scientific use of mind control to stimultate brain chemicals to insure your attention to the meida that in the end will create PROFIT for someone/group ….. at the cost of you throwing the same old rock up into the air and working real hard with your words to blow that rock back into the air , so the rock will will not falll , which rocks do … natrurallly .

What is the NATURE of the human DNA animal …. Now I understand if the girl thinks that children are not important in her life something that she can put inbetween her career and recreational time and getting her anils done reguluarly ,,,, that her children will be just a thing a number in some corperate DAYCARE system ,,, if your girlfriend really thinks this way than the benefits longterm to her of a poly will be NILL ……. Fine . she is not one who would describe in her online diary the reason why she would want to become part of a poly ,,,,
But if she thought long term … about her c hildren about you about her own longterm friendship ,,, health of body and mind ,, and her stress and ecominc realtiies then ,,, MAYBE …. Her words in her blog would describe the beifits for her long term and short . ahhhhh is there any girl who would write it?

Well I think yes from the amount of girls who read my confused shit of writing which as you know is real hard to read , I find that girls do read it ,,, but who is an ISNTINCTUALIST …. In their day to day life which of the GOOD MEN in their social circle has or is build a conpound ,,,,,,, how many ? ……. Probably ….. ZERO …. So why should she write about a future she will never have a chance of even dating or trying …. Why expose her own dreams to herself of ,,, living ALTERNATIVELY ,,, when you … disphsit have not the guts to try ? to do a mans job and FORGE AHEAD .

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