Friday, June 27, 2008

the wolf in credit report clothing

The wolf in credit report clothes

Young master , ahh it is not a fairy tale ain’t nothing like the fuckin fairy tale of happy ever after shit , that is only in fucking movies along with the fucking aliens monsters and shit just as fuckin real as them ,, the happy ever after ..

Parenting so dipsht you got 1 in the oven growing away ….. hmmmm. Well whatcha gonna do , first I say do the right thing as study PET and Magic 123 … but next do that with some other understanding also …… that of our DNA ….

Remember this world we live now is very unreal from the DNa we have in us that for 6 million served us but now is at odds with the artificialness of …. CIVIL Society. I gotta think what if that type of activity happened in nature where would that child be?

What activity am I talking of …. Well the same shit you may have done to your won parents or caregivers …. It may be described as disrespect for lack of a beater word.
Year ago the sounds of the wolves at night were not just the fairy tales of the big bad wolf of western child hood ( programming ) stories. To most of mankind of it ‘s 6 million years of walking upright ,, being a prey animal if caught alone and exposed …the wolves the lions the tigers the jaguars , leopards and Puma ,,, were very very real they meant death …. Something a child knew was real as it started to explore the world …. In fact well before leaving the mommmys breast the child knew of the dangers all around and felt and understood the GIFT of FAMILY and the protection of the DOM silver back male…… ( will waste time bringing up chimp/bonoboos their looser ties and rialence on still have GREAT climbing skills at early ages made for differences evident in the lack of family ties ..each mother ranging alone in a 2 sq.k alone more afraid of the other chimps than prededation )

We though in our current and historical norm of family and HAREM familys thru out written history show a difference between us and chimps. Again much more like HAREM SPEICIES the cousin Gorilla.
When a young male becomes DISRUPTIVE to the family usnit he is driven away ……. When in aboriginal cultures the young male teen was hurting for his place his own piece of pussy he had to ga AWAY and live a full year alone in the wild and then he could return to claim his right as MAN . …..

What if that disruptive human 2 , 3 or 4 year old who likes to bite or hit to get his way ,,, WHY is he biting because he all human kids learn very quicly the ways of getting attention .. and sometimes negative attention if …. The kid can push the parent hard enough till the parent fells GUILTY will lead to the mother loads of aATTENTION and goodies and toys …. Of course sometimes it is just over stimulation and confusion on the part of small humans. Again our fault the faulot of the parent in thinking we are doing good by giving and giving to the point of confusion.
To much of a good thing is a bad thing .

What would a baby /young gorilla who was truly anti social … what would happen if it was hitting and bitting and causeing all sorts of shit in the faily , would not , the mom say git away you are hurting the baby …. And if this young one went and wanted attention of auntie but bit her to get it would she not drive him away again and like wise with dad and his older brothers and sisters …..

And if this continued …… now please think with the TOA here …. The baby….. will be alosn outside of the circle of protection those … anti-social DNa genes that mutated and became expressed in that young one , would drive tha young one out of the protection of the family unit and it would become easy prey and that DNA line of abuse or anti social ness would not be passed donw to the next generation of GORILLA .

No judgement ,, no thinking ahhh but that is cruel ….. cruelity ,,, is gassing 6 million fellow humans because they are different …. Cruel is letting 50,000 humans last week die of starvation in Refuggee camps when we as a sopiety world wide have the technology to provide them with self sustaining farming in marginal lands … ( a cmplex idea but with great RIO ..actually ) crueilty is caging people because they are so depressed they would rather get high than live …. A victimless crime self destruction ,,except in the act of self destruction the labor force is lessene and the indeustriaist has to worry about his ecominc slave labor force ….. we the only animals who self destruct commit suicide …… yet our slave master worried so much about this trend 5 ,000 years ago they created stories about how to kill yourself was to offend them the gods ….. and they would then go to hell. So silent desperation became the lot of the 96 out of 100 humans . you !

Ahh but back to tha child you will be forced to pay child support for or else go to JAIL …… ahhh but did you know that she was letting herself get pregnant , remember she KNOWS HER CYCLES you do not you are loaded and ready to go every 7 hours . she only 3 days a months…… never is a child your fault ….. if they were it would have have been from a forced rape other wise she SAID YES first , OPENED HER legs and that wet pussy invited you in …… and you will pay for it for ever or go to JAIL . for her choice .

Unfairness under the law .

What about the few years yo will have bfore the STATS gatch up to you and divorce happens ….. you do nderstand that this child is as much an EGO item for her as it is invitiation that she made to a TOAIST traveler andventurer.. where she conssiuoly INVITED another like herself of the I – in I to come and experience life. No the baby is an FEMALE ego item like a gold ring aor a new car …. Or large home ….. in that EGO is also how she looks as a mom to other moms ,,,, ahh such atrapp you have never realy thought about young master ,, see she doesnot realy think about the GOOD of the chold as much as the CHILD SHOWING LOVE TO HER ….. expecially showing love on command like a trained animal …. In fron of others who will provide the status of EVE’s ego . in the society .

So if her baby were to be of the DNa nature that would naturally retrun to the Tao because of deformed DNa traits ,, and anti social behavior and instead of using this great big human brain to understand it BEAUTY of life and death interms of the science we even now are realizing thru QUATUM PYSCHICS …. …BUT REMEMBER real DNa malformations of an anti-social nature only account for 1% of 1 percnet of all possible malformations. Such an absolutely small number it makes you wonder how come we have to drug so many of our male children especially into soicall control . with AD/HD drugs .

Todays wolf or tiger is abstract , it is the credit worthness statement decided by a bank about that child when he is 22 …… something a 4 years can not her GROWLING and HOWLING at night out side the cave any more. There is not much for the young human to thanks you to the parenst for their protection any more for they fear nothing in fact all so soon if DCF ever gets involved the child understands it has more rights then the parents do . Until the child pushes the boundry to far and then is DRUGGED into submission . ohhh drugged like you once were ….young master .

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