Sunday, June 22, 2008

early to bed

Early to bed

Means faster to feeling the pleasures of the natural human body once more before drifting off into slumber ? it means missing that TV show and that movie …… that once they are over you maybe so tired for the FORCED expansion …yes unnatural stressfull over time expansion of artifical daylight we call REGULAR LIVING when in fact it is less than 100 years out of the 6 ,000 , 000 years of walking upright human DNA expectations written in your cell structure , the electric light is NEW , and beofere that well you think …we realy spent that much time up late living with candles ?

No no an no ……. Artificial light was for special events of the tribes special ceremonies ….. in the societies of China or eygtpt Babylon and later on Rome and europes….. artifical light was the benift of being powerfull and wealthy and important …

NOW IT IS A FREE CHOICE IN A FReE WORLD ,,, you do not have to …use them ! taken from ester hicks the words and wisedom of Abraham . “ you are here to create the world around you that you choose …. While you allow the world as others choose it to be … to exisit also. And while their choices in no way hinder your own choices ,,,, your attention to what they are choosing does affect your vibration and therefore your own point of attraction” another choice to freely choose FROM !

Making the day you live so much fun that you welcome sleep and night so that another day light period can arrive ….. is this the life you live now? Are you that happy with your living full of adventure and fun and people and events and hopes and dreams and stuff that the going away of the sun , is not call for the creating of aritifical light to extent activity in hopes that in some way you may find there …there in the aritifical the happiness you missed in your regular life? what other think about what you do …. Or what you think they think ( evne worse because in reality people give each other very little thought …. Once we are out of sight we are out of mind ) controls you in so many ways … it does become that point of attraction the vibrationals energy the thoughts you think and worry about which in the end become you experiences of living .
and this has to do with sex how? Well not everything is derectly related to sex … in instinctualism dot org…. yet the sex drive does have such a VAST force on us it should never be FORGOTTEN … so early to bed means early yot enjoying the feeling of your pussy pounding with blood as MASTERS HARD COCK GOES in all the way to the bck and he pulls it totally out and rubs it agaist the lips of your pussy and then rams it back inside …. He is hearing that gasp from you of re-entry and feeling great the blood pounding and forcing his cock to become even more sensitive and harder …. That he repeats this total with drawl and re-entry over and over … mixed with anything aneverything that naturarl humans can tiwist themselves into enjoying …. Balanced with the total idea of friendship and non judgemental love.

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