Sunday, February 24, 2008

why does she dress so sexy?

Page 24
OF THE SURRENDERED WIFE ( to avoid copy write problems I just refered to page numbers of the books I was exploring … surrenedered wife and the red tent )
Trying ,,,,, is planning to fail ,, thinking about failure ,, more than success ,, or how to succeed …… it is like living with your bags always packed and ready to leave him ,,,,,, and you call this commitment …. Ok ,,, 8000 years ago ,, a woman alone walking down the road ,,,, would be grabbed ,, her head shaven ,, quickly a slave ear ring put in and her clothes taken off ,,,,, and she would then be taken to the next state a 3 day ride on a camel to the slave market ,, Worth about 6 months pay at minimum wage of the day and age ,, not bad for 3 days work at the cost of an ear ring ohhh yess ,, since she is a slave ,, I had some good fucks along the way …. And you want to live alone leave the male that you choose …? See you get to choose ,, today ,,,,, you check out the goods and say yep lets fuck …
You see who ,, who in his right mind ,, would not protect his woman ,, send her walking on a road alone …. Did not happen ,,, an insult ,, against the woman not to protect her ….. why am I atleast 50% heavier than you ,, covered in hair and with a bad temper ….. with the instinct to kill for you ,,,,, ? instinct ,, girl it is an honor to be protected and stay home ,,,,, that is why ? you act like a child … for ages , eons , 400,000 years we males took care of you like children and you hung around the camp had children and played with children …. Get the idea ?? you are children at heart ,,,, please stay that way beautiful …… not ugly like me ……. Children are always wanting ,, wanting and wanting everything they see on TV. …. Look at a just and honest man … he works what he wants is to come home to love and peace ,,,, there ain’t shit outside he wants , more than your love woman … but you took it away ….Back in the Seventies ,, men had small boats car toppers ,, it was enough to have a lil’ fun ,, 80’s came ,,, and well they changed my customers buying bigger and bigger boats ??? working so hard the could not take the day off to chill … and ½ the time when he came in it was with the wife and kids now ,, welllll of course she let him buy the boat for himself ,, he is selfish ,,, and she is the one sunbathing inviting her family on board ,, showing off …. How well her man has made the money she now spends …. But you my friend … you were free with that john boat .. catching fish ,, drinking some beers with the guys ,,, it was not a family boat …… it was peace .

OHHHH I forgot ,,,, the fairy tale ,,, yes and you are so happy you 300lbs woman with my sexy 120 lb girl trapped with in ,,no a BBW ,,,,, big bitchy woman yes you are a BBW ,,, ,, guys ,, you know what I mean the fat ones smile , then , they bitch , the bitchy shit is a self protection ,, they know they are unhealthy ,, and instead of getting better they drive everyone away ,,,,,, and she already knows she does it …. And here and now
She Will lie still ….. and say I’m a BBW ,,,, and your knees woman are about to blow out ,, you got diabetes , and soon to have congestive heart conditions ????? something is fucked up?
Look at girls , newly divorced most often they lose some weight , because they are on the market again … men also … but when we males change some things ,,, something simple like a “ blue law “ that ignores the medical reality of human needs for sex …. We create a world for girls that helps them be more sexual more in the reality of competition , then ,, they keep the weight to a natural level ,,, not skinny ,,, ,, and you .. well , being sexually happy you will also be in better shape ……

But honestly males you are worse over 60% fat beer bellied slobs ,,,,, but survival of the fittest ,, die be to fat to fuck ,,, fine with me I will fuck your woman for you ,,,,,,,
I had a cute little girl who lost 120 in less than year ,,,,ooooohhhahhhhhhh shit whattta girl ,,, yummmmm ,, every pound we worked off exercise like this ,,,,, yummmmm she went down to a nice soft pretty little girl ,,,,, please God don’t give me a bag of bones that ain’t natural woman was born to be softer than me ….. SO dumb fuck get yourself in shape , 10 pushup and ten sit ups 100 count jog in place 3 fuckin minutes ,,, ohhh yes you got to eat real food and drink real water ……. But go ahead stay stupid .

Go ahead stay fat , dick head , stay drunk , stay un employed ,,,, I will fuck your woman ,,,,, whose genes survived ,, the lazy ,,, or the smart ?

Page 29
AMEN a fucking amen ,,,,,, this lady ,, is great at talking to you ladies nicely ,, much better than ,me ,,,,, listen to her here ,, and go back to the list about the effect of power ….. and see .. think …. HELL BABY I REALLY DO NOT CARE IF YOU GO FOR THE FULL ON 2 or 3 WIFE SISTERHOOD SHIT OR NOT ,,,, no , I really do like the idea that ,,,, by being fucking way wacko in my writing you may even read a lil’ and if so read this fucking book ….surrendered wife , not mine . ohhh I am in the What about verbal abuse part ……

Now in a paragraph just above ,, is a word you gotta to understand ,,,, look it up in a dictionary …
Sorry ain’t goin to spoon fuckin feed you ,, care about your own life ,,,,,? Tired of being sick and tired ,,, tired of a life of tears ,,, sad for your children ,,, look at your teens already they are ,, finding that love and happily ever after is nothing but a fairy tale ,,,, they are so sad ……

Our babies are so , sad because ,, families torn apart because she ,, will not say ,,,, yes I am wrong ,,,,,, mom is to fuckin selfish …. To admit the fairy tale is not working ,, it is an insult ? ,,to be wrong ???? men say
“ I am wrong ” when they are.. are … are wrong alot easier than women will say it ,,, it again goes back to the warrior in us ,,,, if my back understood the mistake and saw the logic ,,, he will say ,, yep I am wrong you are right or other way around ….. but we need the logic … to admit wrong …. instinct ? where is the instinct in womans behavior , women in the group of other women ,,, they had more of a grey line on how to do things ,, there was room for individual ideas …. Not as black and white as an AX being crushed thru a skull ? IT was different ,, and women truly were in ways ,,,ways ,,,ways ,,, because of the protected status ,,, more child like ,, in ways .. in ways ….
But … has the action of a child been what brought us thru 400,000 years of living…. To this age… when now after just 40 years of equality ,, we are self destructing ,,,ohh the child ,,, women act like children and the honest ones … admit it
“ treat me like a child ” she said to me ,,,, and me a male well schooled , yes a bad side , but schooled ,,,,, said no ,,, you are my equal … I fought for her right to be my equal ………… and it broke us apart .

the new SUV is more important ,, than truth …. put on that show of happiness for all the other un happy women like yourselves ,,,,

Read the covers of your own magazines ,,,,, you girls are searching .. you want love … no ,, you want to be sexy ,,
Men we gave the fuck up and went fishing ,, and begg every now and then ,, or go buy pussy could be in the forms of another girlfriend , it could be that employee girl that I could really do without , or it could be with the poor quality call girls we have in this country …… hint guys ,,,, Latin America is a great place , cheap to fly to ,, keepem’ there do not bringem’ home . Believe it or not after the divorce .. with using your great mind …. You will end up making a lot more money and,,,, well , that small biz. You set-up , well , it may just want to explore a Latin American market or supplier ,,,, ohh to be creative …. See the silver lining ,,, and still make your child support payments … with a fuckin smile on your face .. that will just kill your ex or ex’s
look at motivations ,,, left field ,,, and some of todays dirty laundry ,,, I am talking about the missing chick who left the party with three men ,, and now is lost ,,,,,,, uuuuh duhhhh , didn’t we cover that concept in the “ catch a slave “ yo woman ,, hear up ….. instinct ,,,, you leave with 3 guys then you fuck 3 guys and like it…… yes like it ….. like you did 4000 years ago … or died as a field slave …. nothing has really changed except …..
the clown

to the parents of the missing girl ,,, their baby ,, I understand ,, I watched the heart beat of one of my daughters stop , once ,, I was there to see her die . ,,, they saved her ,, but ,,, God knows I feel for you . I wish , the old ways of respect were there to save your daughter ( all daughters of all dad’s ) … then she would not have disrespected instincts … thinking that a fairy tale was real ,,,,, but maybe this piece of shit that I am writing may some day save some dad’s baby girl … from choosing the fairy tale life into choosing a life of respecting her nature ????possible
one life
would make it all worth while

yes , yes , yes , I known it should not be this way ,,, and yes yes yes ,, in a thousand more years of evolution ,,, it will not be this way ,, in fact there is theory to say that in about 7 million years we will be sexless ,,,, no more sex crimes huh? At what cost … love .. ……… remember you and I are just flesh and blood , just DNA , just animals …. This ain’t heaven …..

if the boys / men who preyed on the girl ,, were at home fucking one of their three wives ,,, would he have the drive or sperm to be hunting for new pussy ? think about the 97% rule …. and if the girl ….. one year past blood respected the natural world and did not expect the sky to be green just because of a fairy tale said “do not listen to nature ,,listen only to me ,,, the sky is green , and you are the males equal and possibly his better ,, do whatever you want woman ”. , did not expect nature to conform to a fairy tale ,,, but wait ,,,, why did she even talk with the guys ,, was
she looking to find out how to Texas rig a plastic worm , to go bass fishing the next day with her girl friends ????? chicken or the egg ???? or was she looking for the fuzzy pinks?????horny? guys ,, why do girls dress so sexy ?

guys ,,, why do girls dress so sexy ???

girls ,, why do you dress so sexy ?????? just for fun , to impress your friends ,,,yeah sure …. And if it helps get you laid ,,well that is OK , too

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