Thursday, February 21, 2008

indian tittys

Indian Tittys

Young master , oooooh the interest of the feeding glands of the female …… INSTINCT? This is two parts today , one is for you to release anger after the anger has done its job , which is to motivate you to creative ,,, creative ,,, creative ,, changes , growth of the experience of the TAO the all possible , moving possiblitiy into a form … a thing because of the contrast between whatch like and don’t like ,,,,, yesterday

I hate the idea that my childrem from one of my past marriages are forced , are in the middle , like a puppy dog called by two owners in some sort of competition for love ,SEE IT LOVES ME MORE …. Yuoung humans sense right fast where their bread is buttered and know they must show love based on the powers that be , because later , LATENT hostility will cause stress back home .

I was expecting a moment of time when one of my childrem would not have to suffer this tearing apart a momonet after 7 months of not seeing as to not foster those events of tearing apart … I would be able to be his daddy once more . but the other side still not understanding this deep idea , made sure to be there to create that stress of PROVING LOVE AND dEVOTION thus propping their ego of that parental side …. ( I have no side other than the side of my childs peace and stability ) …… I understand I harbor deep hate ,,,, so I looked at the wall most of yester day and found a book on INDIAN TITTYS …. Native American tribes , cool thing was the info , the historiam used and tranmistted .

POLY family of course was very common , and , and , these tribes were FREE of MURDER AND VIOLENCE ! … as compared to the hieracrchy based tribes …. And something more cool was the reactions to this FUNCTIOANAL example of human culture was tha t it was desrroyed faster and more completety than other tribes by the FAGGOT PREIST of the Christ based faith .

Why? ,,,, fist understand , even in the Indian tribes the . life style that existed birth defects happened , to be an animal born which did not desire to reproduce itself is a form of defect at a Genetic level . but instead of , doing like what we do now,,,, abusing that different human even murdering and being violent towardsthe person , a nautrual human lets live what is living respecting the SPIRITUAL tralever whose DNA does not want to reproduce , because who cares ?

US we , the moms( and the dads who loved the moms and were slaves to that desire ) of the past who created greed and power and EGO based world , that based worth on being BETTER than some one else , like two fighting parents over the kids …. Well a Gay child was tormented if not even KILLED , the proetectiv enature of the mom was to creat a way her child could live ,,,, and becoming a PRIEST who did not need to like girls was a great plasce to hide you A FEMENINANT your gay child. And over 100’s even thousands of years of this dating back to tribal and Pharoh DAYS there was a culture of secreacy , like today , where PEDIFILE PRIESTs TEST THE ASSHOLES OF THEIR young male believers to find the next friend and future priest.

Now having EMENCE power the control of GOD himself …. The priest the DEFENDER of the faith saw ,,, functional peaceful oving familys in the new world and ,, quickly and completey destroyed evidence of the ,,, burning the books and wiping the world memory of these functioning societys ….. the winner gets to re write history , Christ based cultures have always burned books .

So I found in this book the names and descriptions of cultures I had never heard of before ,a nd understand this newer book did not rely mainly on the historical basis which , most books have come from those of the writttings of the priest observer , but this newer hisotiriaon had , other streams of info from which to re create these lost PEACEFUL FUNCTIONAL SOCIETIES ,

Neat how the defender the priest of the PRINCE OF PEACE , would understand he is seeing gods own design for HUMANITY living in peace ,,, living in a manner simaliae to the desgn of TWISTED INSTINCT available for pusrchase at and quicly order his army to kill the EVIL SAVAGES …..ohh but luckly some of those same soldiers wrote their own descriptions their own POINT OF VIEWS … in journals and letters and today ,,, this year of our lord 2008 when it is finally lego to use the word EVOLUTION in the school system of Florida a cosmopolitian state in the Freest country on this fucked up earth ,,,,, today we can use this form of historical information to study the EVIL SAVAGES and srite newer texts for children to study from ,,, and SEE the trueth about human interattion is not …. Just … GREED BASED dumbass first relaize the subtle programming of us the human race , next find the siver lining the good available in uncomfortable events , and last you do not have to join in on the fighting . peace dipshit allows more time in your day to enjoy those tittys which attract your atttnetion .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.