Monday, February 11, 2008

her bigger tits

My bigger tits

Young master , well first feel you attraction for tits , understand the DNA nature behind TITS what is their real purpose ? is their purpose 13 million years ago when mammals were younger on this planet was the purpose back then when titis distinqueshed us from Dinosaurs was the purpose a Breast to be displayed in a Designer Fashion Blouse ? So that 1 female can sho some sort of $ status when her other female friends look at ther .. was that why tits showed up 13 million years ago?

But tits have become like aCyrstal China display ,, something to show off as a MATERIALISTC posseision …. Someelse to worry about to have a ddep constant feeling of stress about , because with each possession that you own you fear it’s loss , at a Sub C level it is a constant stress that needs insurance , and if it is lost your ego will be less that it is now , you are less . hmmm think about it her tits once operated on are now a deep level of worry about whether the operation needs to be re done some year , will they cause her cnacer ? etc etc ……

Now , animals so use things to attract the opposite sex , large tittys are very strange in the animal world we are on of the 3 out of millions of animalw whose females have large tits when they are not feeding a baby …. That in itself is strange …. Now some birds look at the nests to see what strange shiny thinkgs are in it before they choose a mate ,,,, some insects also glur tiwigs to their bodys ,,, but in HAREM AMIAMLs ,, it is the quality of the territory and that in reality if you were to study it has to do with HUSBANDRY ,,, instinctual husbandry .. even the predator his hunter takes the disease out of the herds creating better health among the animals ….. the wild boar who brings his favorites seeds back to his territory in his shit so that his local territory after a season or two is rich in his favorite foods that he foraged from far and wide ….. and if his taste in foods is the same as a girl pig looking of a DOM a mate , then she will pick him ….. OF COURSE the beauty of him is important if he is eating good meat from a herd which he harvests from the Lion King is healthy , if the pig is eating ggod foods he too is healthy and looks good a shiny coat of fur . The Grolla our very very very close relative , also looks best when he has a great big stand of wild celery to eat from ( remember that big powerful ape – we are apes also – is a vegetarian – apples peaches pears plums cherrys and nuts all foods easy to pick by an animal that walks on two legs alsong with the eggs from the nest of birds in those trees …. Real huma foods , the fruit trees and with free range chickens )

But the deep stress you feel about the manufactured Ego items you carry around thru out life , does not realy in the end serve you once you GENERALLY leave the Grredy life of the city to build a compound , the friendship and family and the pride in the territory you maintain and create is much more important , the view of watching your Belly Booskies going out in the suhshine safely breathing fesh clean air in a safe neighbor hood to feed on sun warmed ripe strawberrys , and tree ripe pears ,,,, the playing and running of them , the smiles of of ththier mommys and ths sound of friendship between the moomies who live less stressed in NATURE that you created and manintain ….. that my friend is LIVING THE TAO !

Yet you will want to enjoy the world of the city from time to time , but why depend on the COMPETION of bigger titis or a bigger truck or fancy cloths , depend on the acceptance of strangers , to get your personel power and Self Esteem ? why ? why worry which you DO ! yes you do ! you may not notice it until now but start to feel the deepest of worry you carry 24/7 while you live with your Esteem tied to posseions … like her bigger tits , or your bigger boat … or how well you can bag your pants or how many tattoos you have or how big the hole is in your piercing ? always with some one else bigger and better than yours ,,,

While in fact you should create a world of your personel likning…. A herd of strong healthy feed animals your lion nature can hunt from , the shitting of seeds in the land you own , the planting of trees, the digging of your recreation and food producing pond , what catfish ? fresh fryed to your liking or is it large mouth bvass of hybrid stripers , the fresh egss gathered from the roost boxes you placed in the tree line where the lfock of wild free range chicken feed from you wood land , and the fresh human foods ripeining in the sun , and then gathered and dryed in a solar cooker for the winter season , to be made into peach tarts , apple turn overs ,,,, having the time ,, having the world created so that the girls can work 1 DAY A WEEK and have the cash they want for things they like to purchase , in balance yes have nature and have the cash for enjoying some city life , leaving much time for each girl to live life and create ART ? yes why not let her create arts and crafts and sell them but with out the stress of depending on it for her income , making art fun .. separating …. That is what Master training thru will provide for you , the chance soon to experience the compound and hands on training in every aspect of creation and life style building , then it is FREEDOM of choice ….. you do not get in line to supplicate to some chick with fake tits like the average frustrated chump ….. no you are the Dom with something they can not get in the world but she may want and you allow freedom of choice …. My way , no more your way … it is freedom of choice …. You young master creating a stabilized environment that can and will be destabilized by letting the greedy spriti of eve to , pollute your creation ,,, it is Freedom of choice over and over …. Only 3 girls out of how many thousands of girls in your towns and citys ? 100’s of thousands and you just want 3 who GET IT !

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