Saturday, May 5, 2007

sexual sleep aid

Sexual sleep aids

Young Master the chemical reactions caused by being penetrated by your fucking organ while fucking ……fills the girls boday from head to toe with feel good chemicals it banishes all the problems atleast for those few minutes more completely than almost any other recreational chemical for so often while a person is escaping getting high , the actually end up in a prison of THINKINg a prison of thinking trapped in there mind and body .. forced to go bad ugly thoughts … when sex releases natures instinct to enjoy this world lthis life yes ,, yes .. yes it has problems issues confusions …. But while getting fucked she only thinks about you she only thinks about the feeling of your cock ,, and in your hardness she knows a graphic knowing that someone finds her desirable … she is wanted needed …. Sex is such a good thing …….. it is here when I have my own demons my own issues about why I talk and write about the poly ,,, the importance of the 1 girl I am in a relationship with and yet I recomened to you Young Master to get 3 …. Why?

A girl asked me to help her understand her man ,,,, and I think about the ancient writings of Zhuangzi the TOA and how the KING wanted to understand the Toa so he could help his people so he could create some sorts of plan to help his people find happiness … in reality happiness yet under his control …. The wise Zhuangzi understood that the king still wanted to be the important thing ……… and that would destroy the good intentions . because ,,, we humans are animals and have natural instinicts ways of living that are in reality more real that the contructed ways of living the ways of living described in books and common law and custom ….. these a tools of control .. this is ancient battle. The girls great intention to be the best for her male is GREAT but behind it is the desire to control that 1 male , to be his only! Like a child wanting the ALL of a parents attention when the parent is designed by nature to love many kids ,, and actually it is best for the child NOT to be an only child ……. YOUNG MASTER realize the confusion , realize the problem you have since you do love the girl in your life …….. being in a 1 on 1 is not good for her realy it is not good for her ……… and you will find girls who understand that …. The reason I am again teaching you to hunt pussy to talk to so many girls to give the ones who want the chance to have the chance …. There are so few GOOD MEN .. so few masters .. many players who will act the part of Master but in the reality they are begging that 1 girl for her pussy ,,, that good submissive girl is now in control the place she does not instinctually want to be …..

I t will take guts on your part and sometimes it will take real true love .. to not let her control things ……… and yes she may leave you …. And of course that would hurt , but there is a 9 out of 10 chance she will leave you any way .. that you two not be able to find happiness in a 1 on 1 …. And it will all be destroyed by not taking the chance to do what is natural for the human animal …… she is greedy it is nature ….. heck you are greddy and is having 3 girls greedy is is it a you a GOOD MAN being the man you are designed to be 3 women my friend will have 3 times the issues at times ,,, and yet at the same time it will have 3 times the helps 3 times the friendships ….. three times the love the real love …. Not greed based controlling love . and actually you are still there to make sure she will get her fuck to help her sleep when ever she needs it ……. 3 women sharing a husaband if they are not sharing if they are still greedy you got aproblem … you gotta let the girls build it the world , it must be their choice they have the feeling the urge to build something different if not …….. they will hurt each other …… you will be able to tell the difference between girl who realy want to build the life and gilrs who feel forced into the life by their won ,,, confusions .

The patriotic pervert ……… dipshit yesterday in my very braod vague budget ,,, I forgot many details but I just wanted you to start to think about how possible the life is even if you today are a broke loser like my young friend .. and how the world his family would give him 1 more chance and if if took it acted like a man how proud the world would be of hime …. Yes though in a few years his father would have to come to grips that his son is a polygamist … but atleast he is a GOOD MAN now and a polygamist not a stoned loser any more ,,, dad would be extra proud in that his son has big time GUTS ! ,,,,, ohh during that first home set up you will need to drill a well ,,,,, to pay some one will be 1000 to 5000 but if you get your won tool it will still cost 1000 but not 5000 plus you being young and now with your own tool you set up a small ad the bai shop Well drilliinig equip for rent .. with tech help and guess what you just got a new side line business ….. so drilling your own well dipshit is a good idea ………..

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