Friday, May 4, 2007

on the girl

On the girl

Young Master to depend on her OK of you and your ideas , for you to FEEL good about yourself ……. Is well ? fucked up man …. ( the patriotic pervert ? yes later on ) my friend my friend I want you to study dating and compare it to the world of Biz. If you depened on the reactions of the clients only when in sales or design of a product you would end up with a product and a company that has no focus …. A product that would try to be everything to everyone will be nothing ,,, it can not happen you dipshit will not make every girl happy so just be the best you you are and then if that you is what she wants ,, if you fit her core values then she will join you in you view of the world … if not then .. you most probably do not touch her core values … that means you will have to choose who will win ….. who will submit ? .. will it feel to your inner animal like submsiiion ? well study dating , is pussy important enough to give the same effort in studying pussy like your read about muscle cars , motor cycles , sports illustrated or florida sportsman ……

You NEED pussy that is a fact , a biological fact …. It does motivate you in so many ways accept this truth shithead ….. and fishing is important too .. but in the long run pussy if that aspect of your life is wrong your life goes wrong and the family suffers …. Family family family , I am really about family as much as sex ….

Get yourself in the correct frame of mind ….. in dating you want to open the girls frame of mind to lead her imagination into thinking in your presence about her own body feelings and desires then bank on the truth that she will LOVE THE ONE YOUR ARE WITH ….. which happens a lot she is as naturally as horny as you … but your inner frame , your inner sself over the long run is what is important ……… if you are thinking consciuolsy or unconsiuosly about whether or not she accepts you or your ideas ….. then you are BEGGING for her pussy …….. a very hard habit to break …. And unless that is broken the habit patterns of relationship tend to follow ,,,, it is a touch the stove thing , a throw a rock in the air …

Her GIFT of accepting YOU …..who has the power , when we depend on her approval who is DOM? There is different ideas about DOM/sub and much of it is designed by this tool of weakness like in astro pyshics as they are now understanding the idea that the gentle force of the unseen the dark matter actually is what forms the visible …. Who is the one to give you the gift ? who is the one with something you NEED ? feel this stress in who you are dipshit ….. do not let yourself get confused in the long run . THE LAW OF AVERAGES … and the truth about fairy tales ……. Now dipshit if you want to be lazy and only talk to 1 girl because talking to many takes effort takes you being responsible for your own SELF WORTH …… then try to find a way to make the impossible work ………. DOM/sub has good ideas for a 1 on 1 … but the dynamics of the ones that work are dependent on extremes very very submissive girl and very very self absorbed male ….. honestly YOUNG Master you are a nice guy at heart a good man so , it is impossible for you to be the Extreme of selfishness that is needed to make the story of DOM/sub to work ……

My poly ideas reflect nature …… and our own history ….. the people who discuss with me often discuss birds and they talk about the last 1500 years of christain ideals …. Both I see as such small examples examples taken out of an Istinctual context ….. we broke of the evolutionary chain with birds and dinosaurs when Maimals started … what 100 million years ago …. 1500 years versus 3.3 million years ? 1500 years is not that long … and in that 1500 the idea that a male had more than 1 female was common ….. and in the rest of the world the majority of the world Polyigmy was still practiced and common like it had always been , the GOOD MAN the master who could handle his life well he had many wifes and there was much benefit for the females …….

SO DIPSHIT , your inner frame ,,, you strenthg in your choices .. must happen first . Or else just be ready to follow her be lead by her weakness …. Be the slave to your love for her? Or that you need me to write out a reminder mental state exercise ? how long has it been sicne you ran a patter on yourself ?

W on to you the Patriotic Pervet ,,,, dipshit you are 22 , unemployed living off her cash her slave , and you wann change but you have burned your bridges …. You have pissed of your dad because of your disrespect you shit on him pleanty and you expected him to take it because you were his kid … well as a dad … I say FUCK you stupid shithead ,, yep I am a dad but a human a person first ….. you come back home and act like a 5 year old and trash my home .. FUCK YOU my child or not ! so dipshit realize you made the bed now accept it FEEL BAD every fucking day because of it , really believe how much of a shit you have been to the people who will forgive you …. Key .. keu your folks will forgive you ! over and over … just do this next time ,,,, show up be apologetic ,

live on the couch leave the house before anyone else gets up!

Make sure there is no evidence that you lived there or slept there !

Buy your own food ( be cheap ! ) cook it clean up after yourself like you were a fucking ghost !

SUFFER … yes dumbass suffer like a man for ONCE in your fucking life .. suffer NOW or dam it suffer later …. With a life of being a beggar to pussy …the life of fighting and pain and confusions for you and your children and .. and the woman you do love ! that girl you love so much will be unhappy because you will not lead her ! SO SUFFER for 6 months …. Get any fucking job ( better to target into the service industry if possible ) any job now think about this general plan.

If you are a ghost at home dad will think WOW has he ever changed I am cool , if you work and SAVE and suffer live off mac and cheese they will feed you steaks on occasion .. the savings the proof that you live for a Hidden goal ( keep your dreams hidden let them know only that you will buy a piece of land at the end of 6 months and a home the next 6 months …. Do not idscuss poly with any one yet ) proof …. Get 8 an hour work 60 hours yes dumb ass , suffer like you would have to if you went into the army and live 24/7 in that world …. Here you live only 60 hours a week for 6 months … that is 480 a week time 4.3 weeks per month 2364 . m that 12,000 in 6 months …. You dumbass will complain about beer money and your car and lots of shit … how much of it is in reality related to attracting pussy …. The same old pattern of destruction ! the land you need will cost max 20k ,,, if you have 8k down and during the 6 months you have been doing smart banking you will have that land…. Build credit by starting with you ATM then extabishing any secured credit you can .. use it prove that you will pay it back … now 8 down 12k over 15 will get you about 200 a month in payments ,,, the left over 4k is for digging your 3 home pads and lake …… but now you gotta suck it up for 6 more months of being a couch critter ( will you date get ladi .. yes of course and you maybe after you buy your land even tell your causul girl friends about your true goasl just be ready for them to fight your plan and be ready to say good bye to that sweet pussy .. can you do it? Or will you just fold and become her slave ? let her lead you into a failed pattern law of averages? ) so either you will be a couch critter for 6 more but with dad respecting you ! because you proved yourself …. After 6 more months a 8 plus for 60 a week ( any manger does 6o a weeka on the job and home work it is common 60 a week ) during this next 6 you are shopping single wides … tin tents …. Used you will get one in OK shape set up for 12k ….. now you gotta home land and 200 a month in payments …… now if you got a chick online then she will have responsibility for what she is respionbible for thru out time women have slways worked added to the family wealth in real ways …. You the cave provide the cave they did local farming ….

Now during that year ,,, either your boss picked you up at your home because you were such a great employee he would be happy to have a hrd working sober laborer .. I know having had to many drunk shitheads for employees …. Or you gto a scooter NO EGO HERE fuck the chick magnets shit for a while ….. a fcuking scooter 600 buck 100 mpg … eating mac and cheese …. SUFFER dumbass or SUFFER for life and have a painful broken family …. Law of averages .. sorry throw a rock into the air it will fall ! study DOM/sub realize the faults ,, the idea of her GIFT her control thru weakness still lives on ! Prove to me your father that you are now a man! And I will support you like you have never thought I would ,, because before I had a CHILD for a son not a MAN !

After 1 year you will have to get a small car ( kia 100,00 warrenty gamble with their money NO EGO , now ) ok so you will have 500 in mothly payment but now a year later of hard work you better be worth 10 an hour ….. so you will have still 12k in six months and another home ….. and then 6 months later 12 K and another home …. And the proff the EGO you can now use as a new chick magnet …. With out having to rely on her accepting YOU …. YOU are proud of YOU ,, YOU ARE MASTER ! within 2 years . and by the end of two years you had better be able to think about building your own company ….. and the 40k a year and a 30 hour week …. Then the additions front and back to the tin tents …. So that the girls will see a HOME not a tent ! build a plan dumb ass !

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