Thursday, May 17, 2007

30 second sex bite

30 second sex bite

Opps I meant sound bite , a capsule descritption the way most of us have been trained to think if it can be described in 30 seconds then a person can not or WILL NOT understand it . Young Master I have said over and over how much your training your mental programming has and is effecting your CHOIICES what you think and believe is possible it drives also your expectations ….. and this is what is important sometimes if your are thinking expecting problems well you tend to find that shich you expect that which you think about … that which you dwell on …..

But polygamy is not really something that can be understood in a sound bite … ohh yes dummbfuck you can say , I am building a family based on human instinct , where ther are 3 wives and 1 husband , it is a very dymanic relationship creating much needed support for the women children and male who live this life style and it respects NATURE , the natural differences between amles and females ……… but it is a concept that can not really be understood in a SOUND BITE ….. or really be even understood thru the filter of REGULAR realtaionship EXPECTATIONS ……. No it does take some real effort to explore what it is you and I see in the world around us , to think about history about human development outside of the BOX of expectations that we have each accepted . … well young master there is your 30 second sound bite the intro for the disccuion that your first meeting your first cup of coffee will bring ……. My friend DO NOT DATE ! ……. No ! just meet to talk to a fellow human being yes a female human but first a human an important person who you happen to find sexually attractive and YES her attractiveness to you generates that FLOOD of testosterone which ruins your ability to think clearly to keep yourself on track …… but I expect you to live up to your position to be MASTER . The more you realize your own ( weakness ? ) issues the better you are .

Mow females understand they feel a submissive desire but .. honestly it is realy maimly a submissive nature to be expressed during SEXUAL acts ,,, she needs to submit so that she can get fucked ,, plain and simple , but because of the confusions of todays world the girls may want totally or atleast ACT totally submissive , when that in reality does not respct their truth ……… the home the tents the children while still of age to have MILK teeth , this world is their world they rule that world ,, we are there to help and support them in their choices not think for them …. We DOM in other areas ,,, like the general issues of tents and land . and of course during sexual acts . Be aware up front about girls who want to help ……… there are different types of help and some are in reality a form of taking control yet calling it helping ,,, and then if you have a problem with her help or what her to stop helping she will use this type of CONFUSION to win her power back . to win the figtht or discussion ,,,, it is I WAS ONLY TRYING TO HELP …. How can you fight when someone was ONLY TRYING TO HELP …….. certain aspects are your responsibility and some are hers …….

Buying the land … your based on your personal … your won ! abilty to pay for the land … and the buying of the tenst the houses again must be based on your own abilty .. solely on your own ablity …. With out that disc usions of WHAT IF …. WHAT IF you got sick or shit like that ……. Problems will come and go and you will survie but to plan that way and to plan on being de[pendant on the females changes the dynamics ….

Meeting the girls …… now of course if a girl had a girlfriend , if she was already BI SEXUAL and her girl friend was really reall into the ideas also ….. in fact the girls friend helps sell even the first girl on the idea well …. There you may have a time where it is OK to allow her to pick your next wife . other than that you should do your own hunting! And then is the truth KNOWN bout the submission of the 1 or 2 girls who have chosen to become your wives ……. Do they invite a new girl in? do they hlp explain the life the ideas in FEMALE TERMS ? or are the girls you already have JUDGING THIS NEW girl based on her looks ? now if the judge her based on her attitude the DIPSHIT rethink why you choose her ,, was it that her package was real cute? Was it just tits and ass ? you gtta think dumbass it is her attitude the TONE OF HER VOICE her way around the house her true expression of SELF – LESS – NESS …. Not any acting but a real nature . and YOUNG MASTER many girls are not SELFLESS m but they are so god dam cute and act so sweet that it is honestly confusing to you ,,, hell even to the girl herself .. she can not she her own EGO ?

Young Master it is that you should be out of the picture a lot of the time and there to be INVITED in ,, and the girls will invite you in ,, it is natural do not worry girls like males , and they like you ! …I have had people say that the poly sounds o detached but it respects the nature …. We need and want each other and we will choose to be with each other ….. not forced into 1 on 1 24/7’s … unnatural … it is contrived and has shown a history of a very high percentage of failure of unhappiness like 80 percent …. Yes out of the picture so that she WANTS YOU AROUND …. Again the dating like want she feels for a male in the beginning ,that old truth about time making the heart grown fonder and it is important for you ….. yes you will have other girls but you love that one also … so time away makes her smell her taste her feel more fresh and important ….. but girls want you to have sex with the other girls in front of them so that they can see right away that at the end you still love them the most ! ….. control not submission ….. that is not both of the girls working together and making sure that each girl gets eqwual time with you …. In fact dipshit that will be one of you jobs to over all insure that not just one female controls or dominates the other iglrs that in fact you make sure you spend time with the other girls …. That they all get your interaction ….. yet always allow the girls to kind of choose first yet look for over all break downs in BALANCE . but Young Master caution when a girl wants to help ……….. she can help by doing woman’s work ……… GOD DAM I SOUND SEXIST ! but I am really describing instinctualist truth , respecting our inner animals instead of thinking only about the IT SHOULD BE LIKE THIS .. thinking only about the fairy tale……..

Ohh dumbass , the patriotic pervet ………. I have talked about energy storage did I say , that you do that buy storing energy into golf cart batteries ……. About 3 days worth , but dumbass do this two things ,,,, one is having a 3 to 5 horse power motor ….. get a pump head , a water pump head to fit it , and next a D/C generator ……. Then when life really sucks evry few years you may have to buy gass and generate power for a day or two kinds like during an hurricaine or whtever ,, next ,, and this is what fire season remeinds me of ….. is having the abilty thru your own wells and a gas pumpt to irragte you land and wet your fruit trees an hedges and homes so that if the wids drive the firs your way ,,, your plants firs off the fire for you ,,, agin dumbass ,,,, nature is prepared like a tree aircontions itself ,,,, keeps itself at a comprotable tempurture .. so it is ready to put oput a fire a hot emeber that lands on its leaves ,,,, GREEN WOOD DOES not burn ,, dry wood does ………. Next if you are driven out of your homes , you can set the pump on auto … even if the power lines were down having a gas pump means you can pump … of course ,, you would have to store your gas in the lake or pool with the pump outside …. And it should be feeding atleast 3 sprinklers groups which wett each home and the surrounding land …….set up rioght like a generator after a hurricane that pump will go for over 24 hours with out attention ,,,, my experience with lilving on generators after Andrew Frances Jean Wilma all the direct Eye hits I have lived thru . so a gas motor will give you insurance just in case the 3 days storage is not enough and also 3 day storage allows for times when you have large draws ,, let us say every one is going out and family is over and the BLOW DRYerS , are being used non stop ! hell those blow dryer will use up a days worth of power in but who cares , you got back up and most rpobaby the ability to generate power excess so that over a couple of days to catch up in stored evergy is not prob. ,,, so that life’s surge needs are not any real problem .

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