Monday, May 21, 2007

Ho medics and Hitachi vibrators for sex

Hitachi and Ho-Medics vibrators for sex

Ok Young Master these tools are designed for health care in fact heatlch care workers use these to realx a client before a chiropractic adjustment or in massage therapy …. But these massagers are vibrators 110 volt vlibrators ….. each has its own feel the ho-medic has a slower revovlution and and more of a thud to its actions there is more of distinct end to each movement which is good …….. but the Hitachi is better very possibly in that since the heads are on raised flexible posts the shapness of the vibration is mellowed by the flexible posts , the high and low settings on the Hitachi are so fast as to feel sonic to feel ELECTRIFYING as compared to most machines … the long more thuddy stroke of course has its own pleasantness , but the Hitachi is worth investing in ……….. now when working these tools of play ,,,, you can put it on the base of a regular Dong a simple plastic dick and use the massager to fuck her , you get the idea the massaging head of the tool is what touches the base of the dong as you fuck her in and out … a two headed massager .. well you can hold it at such an angle as to vibrate the dong and as you fuck her you touch her clit also ……. Now off and on … off and on .. when it comes to her clit most times , and later on afater atleast 15 to 30 minutes of this type of fucking then force her to endure a more prolonged exposure to her clit ,, but realize the vibration , can cause pain if left on one spot to long . but because of the long tease time to get a good orgasim out of her ……. It atkes some real effort to pass the numbing effect that thesse tools can generate , the numbing and the over heating ……

Expericnce my frined the more you play with your toy and the massager , ( she is the toy the Hitachi is a tool … she goes SQUEEK ….. I the dog she the squeeeky toy ) and of course it has to do with her state of mind …. Time of month and age of your relationship .. the aging of the relationship ………. Here is an important aspect the o=longer I am with a girl the more deeply I lover her even if later like my wives we broke up ….. but the age of the relationship then there developed a different level of love and lust …….some may think the lust cools that is true … but that is a 1 on 1 effect …. The logic of animal effects of just the animal smells and effects that we humans still respond to …. Well that dynamic can only be effected started within a real form of Poligamy . The scent of other breeding age females on you and around the compaound around the house stimulates her seductive nature her submissive expressions.. submissive her openness to penetration keep that vision in your mind as your deepness of love for her grows ,, never forget ,, her SENSITIVE body ,, her sensitve pussy is the reason you both became friends in the first place reason that the love the deeper love you feel for her now started with the reactions her pussy had to your FUCK …

That vision do not lose for her whenever you see her …… I find myslf treating her like a chicken now adays , yep pecking her ….. I AM NOT A CHICKEN …. She says , as I kiss her multiple times in a pecking like form during the day …. A day I am not thinking about sex I am not lustfully kissing her as to keep my focus on those jobs I have to complete to keep our complex life going ………OUR COMPLEX LIFE !

Now Dumbfuck the patriotic pervert ideas are all about .. simplying life getting out of the happiness thru the MO BETTER …. The idea that happiness is when you the newest or the most of some item or items , ooooh of course you have heard of this idea that money can not buy you happiness but realy realy realy listen around to people talking ,,,,, they look for happiness thru the purchase of shit! ….. and you ,, you young master buy things and use your cars and stuff as bait to attract girls to you all to often just listen to yourself listen honestly to your friends …. And learn ……

Ok , by being invested in land .. and with that land showing signs of 3 homes the pond having been dug and the hones pads havning been built ,, you have that EGO item to show and talk about with girls ,,,, “ come out seemy my land “ just as good to say to a new girl as “ how a bout ride in my new car “ …. Next is the effect of 3 mom’s kids are a reality and alone stuck alone .. well just watch who is talking an old movie and any woman who has ahd a child can relate to the extremems of being a mom ,, and for the most part even if you are there an good man ,, she is realy alone , and over worked ,, she needs other girls to help her and and the kids beinfit form the other moms… each day as emotions and stress change they can get the attentions they need form other mom’s you can see this especially in family events where there are sisters who all have kids and all the cousins are around and the all the MOM’s mother all the kids …. The kids GLOW with the different styles of love anttention available to them as they , the kids change thru out every single day ,,,, and the mom’s have that support for when they need abreak there is som one else ,, she is NEVER TRAPPED ! no matter what the girl says at some level over time on occasion she feels that trapped feelings everynow and then …. It is like a depression a hopeless ness ,, and the POLY can help in this beinfiting everyone ,,, PLUS YOU DUMBASS can get alone time ! to sexually play since there are other mom’s to cover while you play with the pussy the JOY TOY ……..

So investing time and money into building an OFF GRID home will give you a life that needs little money and less stress , building a natural lifestyle where that you live off yor own land to and extent and the kids are not always just seeking intertainment thru watching TV but actually outside palying wearing themselves out , becoming healthy …. Sleeping better eating home grown food that they can be proud of ….. breathing fresh air no only recycled home polluted A/C air …… learning about value and wealth thru your example . well dipshit you do the best you can possibly do for the kids you will most likey have and .. and … you will be doing something different .. a chance of stopping the normal 60 percent divorce rate the 80 percent unhappiness rate ….

Ok …….. thermal mass , heating and cooling I brought up the box to heat water thru storing energy in rocks ,,,, well the rocks must extend atleat 2 feet around the thr tank … over .. over engeneer your designs .. put more MASS than you may think you will need ROCKS ARE CHEAP ……… do some on line research into people who have ran some experiments ……and understand in your experiments you will find some gliches but you will over come them …… think about what type of materials you can find cheap … like an A/C or small appliance grave yard a guy who does loads of repair work he is a great place to buy heat exchanges cheep ,,,, the food grade 55 gallon plastic drums can be very usefull ….. maybe for setting up a cistern .. water storage tank system ,,, where a solar pump will provide a small constant flow of water into you storage ( 6 – 55 gallon drums inline then a small pressure pump to feed the homes ) …. Sometimes think long tern yes a conventional system maybe cheeper or look more regular than an off grid system but over a year the off grid will pay for itself .. and the change in life style ……. Wellt hink about this .. the average person has become FAT AND LAZY because we no longer have to fucking move in this world of labor saving and convience , to the point they have to pay out money to go and spend time at a gym to work off the fat they get from being fucking lazy ? is this crazy or what ? instead of being moderately active everyday in their normal life ,,, thye work so fucking hard at a job they hate only to hate themselves more because they become fat then have to spen more money and more time to become healthy again ,, more time in that they have to go to a gym to be motivated because going home they will again become FUCKING FAT AND LAZY …… later on depressed and then spending more money and time to go to therapists and doctors to get drugs to feel happy ? a really stupid cycle that 80 percnt of females get trapped into ! …. Or your plan a plan based on natural ideas ………. 3 wives

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