Wednesday, May 9, 2007

शे वांट्स हार्ड डिक

She wants hard dick

Young Master it is an emptiness , that they must fill … yes another woman and a piece of lplastic can fill it ( sort of ) that other woman and her tongue and fingers and satify it it ( sort of ) but in reality your hard dick the smell of your body your maleness your presence , your .. your experience of of orgasim …. Now this all of these events that fills her body and mind spirit and even if she says she does like you …….. she will fuck you . to get that filled complete feeling that feeling of being female of making a male cummm inside her …. Even if she does not like you she will use you …….. and take your gift like a prostitute ……… hmmmm that time in most girls lives when the FAIRY TALE of love they sell for the use the daily use and enjoyment of GOLD ! When they finnaly come to that point where the pain of an old love becomes second to wearing again that GOLD gift of that old love …. Yes most girls in the beginning will not where those special gifts because of the pain of love lost the FAIRY TALE eneded …….. then they DO and they deep inside realize they are prosititutes ,,,, they will sell their sex for GOLD for gifts for a nice night out a good date … they SELL ? or are thye just satisfying that need to be FILLED by dick ? nothing young master is black and white everything has grays in the equation ….. so that TRUTH in the fairy tale that story of love in more complex also than the ONE and ONLY 1 expression of male female relationship … when she chooses to collect the gold of many men ,,, to use men when she wants for her reasons as varied as her reasons maybe …….. her self justifaction in leading that guy to buy her presents to pay for her pussy with that little girlie smile that innocience … that lie . because she herself had to come to that fork in her road where she choose to sell her self her body for GOLD and toys a fancy meal …….

In Motion , be like water
At rest like a mirror
Resond like the echo
Be subtle like non existent …….. a Taoist Verse

Dumbass think about these ideas ……… realize how many girls there actually are in the world … and realize the confusion they live in ,, the greed of selling their love? They act as if their pussy their love is so important yet the choose to sell themselves for GOLD .. ohh they twist the ways it , the gold arrived the justify their choices like any crimal thinks he was justified in his actions because of his economic postion or that the person he ripped off was a rich fat cat and deserved to be ripped off by a more needy person ,, so the female .. sells her DREAMS her fairy tale for GOLD and good times and then wonders why , why ? her world reflects her actions .. her choices .

So young master do not , try to change a person , but give real hard true different options to the world to the market , to the girls …. I watched 2 young males 1 property of the US government in a tech school now with a government grant .. he is doing the right thing … yet is lazy laying around the house hardly doing shit most times and he is a convient sex toy for this one young female ………. I watch another male same age ,, no job , his goals are to take fotos for SURF Mag for tour with his band … he has gotten fired off his only 3 jobs in his life ( the BOSSES FAULT not his ! ) … one his head shaved like others of his rank … the other hair to his ass with a beard like others of his rank ….. both sleep till noon and do nothing around th house of the family they live with ….. and the females fuck the hair ball make plans to live with the hair ball to marry the hair ball while the worker they fuck when lonely and bored they use him for dick and dick only ….. and then say I SHOULD LIKE HIM >>>>>>> BUT! …… oh .. the bald guy well he does wake up before noon some days when eh goes to WORK at his job where he has never been fired ….. even though his boss is stupid also ! ( as far as this young un experienced thinks )

Be like water ….. you are OK dipshit … feel good proud about your choices your goasl let her follow do not sell ! just flow

At rest .. let her delude herself … to continue to lie to herself or to see herself as she is or to think out loud about the ideas and reasons for your actions your FLOW

Resond like the echo ….. what do you think , what do you think what do you think get her talking to get down to her real self finnaly stripping away all the false shit she layered upon herself to feed her GREED for gold and toys and fun times ….

Be sublte ,, let the ones who should …………do . not forcing those who shouldn’t …. To

If you like the ideas of the Poly ? then just do it and the pieces will fall together some how ! with or with out consicuos knowledge or acceptance things work out in the direction of GOOD … and a good thing is the idea of the Patriotic Pervert .. the ideas that SEX should be the first recreation for you .. yes let the girls enjoy their movies but honestly expeciall after you have 2 and 3 girls living with you . spend you times fucking that special loveing time alone with one of your girls …. Alone is imprtatnt so that a girls till feeling her dominant nature her controlling nature that manipulative nature that sells herself for a GOLD EN toys….. even when they have not real need it is just the toys they wanted and the dream of of the dream the fairy tale ……… spend your time fucking ….

Now yesterday I said ,, retirement OPPS my bad , no my on purpoase I used a word an idea a fairy tale to get your attention you have beent rained to work for that goal ,,, trained like a slave .. work hard maybe someday you can retire slave .. ecomicn salvery keeping you in debt because like a child you live to escape in TOYS … you show your ego and self worth thru your toys …. Like young boys who says to each other MY dad can BEAT up your dad …. Or my dads SUV is bigger than your dads car ….. like a child …… they have trained you thru TV to buy buy buy ,, to think there is NO other way … well dumbass there is other ways and there are girls who can understand and embrace these ideas … YES being off grid will be different with small sacrifices .. samlll changes … you have A/C but different , you have TV COMPUTER refrigerator washers dyers video games …… all the electroniuc toys and labor saving devices .. yet there is a change ……. For one is PHANTOM LOADS ….. to be ready at an instant … many are keep in a sleep mode yet an on mode .. they are kept warmed up ! believe it or not these items , raidos tv’s computers eat up power …. So you have to design the on off switch to be a total power denial for these ……….

How did human kind live for the last 3.3 million years with out the shit we have now? If the dirt the air the world was so dangerous … well they tell you it was dangerous it is dangerous that todays world we live longer ,,,, but how did they get those stats .. did they take in consideration stress factors and greed .. and then compare ….ohhh yes some studies have doen that and found the longest lived happest people live in harmony with nature and FAMILY the poly is all about family nature and contoling greed ……. So when thinking about a refrigereator understand watch the cold air fall out of a frige when you open the door .. now lift the lid of a chest freezer and watch the coldness juzt STAY … look at your fridge how much is devoted to half empty bottle of mustard and usless shit ……… what is EALLY NEEDED and what is GREED ! What is REAL HUMAN food that will support the human body and what is GREED for flavors … what are you designed to eat ? how did they refigerte things over the last 3.3 million years ? since refrigerators only become common in the last 80 years ,, how come this thing is such a chain and ball .. a prison to your mind and world ? but you will have a fridge of course and freezer too .. of course . just gwet ready to think out side of the SLAVE mind …. Bereally different and some girls WILL NOT LIKE YOU .. can you handle the idea that some cute chicks will not like you ? huh is she the only girl in the world have you really been working your 10 foot circle how many girls are in in pain ,, unhappy with alife where they sell their love for GOLD to escape life because there is no other way because welll …. Because they have not met YOU! Dumbass ……….. I was looking at a solar fan 1100 cubic feet [per minute ,, that is a room like 12 by 12 by 8 foot ceilings chaged out every minute all the air in that room changed every minute ,, with , with ,, not heated sunny air ,, but ground temp air comfortable air ,, but is not the ground dirty? Isn’t dirt unhealthy …. The facts are this ,,, recycled home air now a days is more polluted than city air , the US govermant data , the air cleaner / cooler I tell you to design takes up …. 5 foot wide 5 foot high 60 foot long on one side 40 feet on the other times 2 …… four sides to a house ……. Plus the under ground .. then the last step of passing the across a grill the large heat exchanger form an regular a/c unit with cold waters passingthru it to de humid fy and give on lst coolness before it enters your hmeo then passes out of your home thru the attic cool ing the total home then even this coolness as compared the hot air around falls out side the house walls exterior ….. the heat exchanger is nature herself like the roots of a tree ……….. does with the cool earth changing the air in your shome every 3 minutes .. or so … with cool air ……
And for hot air for radiant ground warmth .. about colleting the little energy of the sun and storing it under your home to radiant up into your home , to for a few months and only afew motnhs to live with in recycled air systems so bo be comfortable and cozy … all you gotta do is set up a box …. 6 inches deep with a metal base and a insutlsed back small easy to take down in case of hurricaines … easy to make with thin plastic tubbing run off a tiney solar powered recycling pump passing water heated by the sun to exchange that heat under you home .. then to return and catch more of the sun’s warmth which when the sun goes down will radiant back up out of the soil into your homes … bringing a level a level of comfort ……. Then use gentle forced air heating form wood . and water recirculating using small amounts of woods you grow for shade and wid protection …… you capture that heat in stone and earth and pass the heat exchanger tube thru that gently heated 24/7 earth and rock …. With gas back up … I aint into suffering always …….. dumbass if done correctly building the house and the lifes tlye your demands for income will drop very low your ortage will start of small ,and you will work because you like it .. because to not work lead to insanity . idle hands are the devils _____ the lie of retirement ,, work you like a slave and promise you some day if you are a good boy and work like a slave you can stop work and retire and go crazy and get OLD and suffer living off the drugs that your masters have ADDICTED you to so they can keep you an ECONOMIC slave to a world they control …. Think dubass , and low and behold you will find others understand the ideas also ( others as in 3 girls ) and you YOUNG MASTER are the only 1 one out of 1000 man … YOU a 1

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