Tuesday, November 17, 2009

witch in princess pussy

The witch in princess pussy

Myth and fairy tales have meany stories about the hidden witch , in the disguise of the pretty pussy ,,,,ahh again myth young master it is not he details of theouter story for to be concerned about but the MOTIVATIONS of the age sometimes ..or of the writer …it is not the details whether budhha or jessus said some exact words in some exact way ..or if Marie Antionnette said let them eat cake as exact words or not ,,it is the feelings that motivated the story being written and passed down http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html

attitude ,,,sexy pussy from that pic online who you meet in person only to find a bitter hidden withc ,, and you can see her age right in front of your face as you talk over coffee ,,,no makeup can hide the self image not clothing nothing , even YOUTH AND FIRM NATURAL tittys age perfect body will become wrinkled grey and ugly before your eyes if the inner self is ..that EVE …( well maybe this will happen after you two have had sex for a while so you got that sexual frustration out of your system enough to see the person not jus the pussy )

And also girls have all had the same event with dating men , ohh sure he lloked great …she got the date thru her friend implying …interest for the girl 1 .. but during the date the strong confident MALE of her vision becomes the weak confused pathecitic male of her distaste ,,,now some women will in their hunger for anything any one adopt a new mind set and become Mommy TO THIS MAN ( broken not because it is his DNA nature but because of his DNA nature the GOOD nature his attempt to live up to his GOOD human nature he allowed himself to get caught in the TRAP of PHAROH ..the tool to catch and train the wild human into SLAVE ) .. 2 dysfunctions in hopes of making apositve but mathemeictis proves itself once more negative plus a negative only makes for a greater sum of NEGATIVE .

Yur cell structure at atomic levels is on ly 7 years old we change out all organic atomic structure every 7 years ., we can now trigger skin cells to be comd stem cells once more with application of hormones that the body itself is cacpable of producing naturally ,,stem cells the orgianl cell form at the time of conception ….. the clone cell , the possibility of you becoming 5 years old again is there .
… if your body was not capable of making the chemicals needed for this chance of reverseing age of cells , nauter would not have receptor sites for the chemicals o the cell walls . sekf reoair and the mind u=fuck of dependence of the medicine oPHAROH and the constant fear driven in about the END of time/space ….not you but this 1 experince of time/space , the trainng in fear creates a ..FEARFUL SLAVE easyier to manipulate . http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html

there is in fact a practice of the mental face lift being trained and practiced by some guru types with great results ,,, when the inner person gets happy them be come ageless. http://www.instinctualism.org/mirrorless_living.html again and again ,, the understanding of the unwanted ..helps the creation of the better and better for clarifinyin the wwants …. So when you feel areas of RESISISTANCE great a chance for growth http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html

It's interesting that the path to peace often is war. We, like you, don't agree that it's making things better, but we don't think they're wrong; and we understand the thinking behind it. And if you get involved in every disagreement of every point of Consciousness, your life's just going to be in a scramble. Finally you have to say,"This isn't about me. I didn't wage this war. I didn't pick this war. I don't understand this war. I'm not going to think about this war, and I'm not going to use it as my excuse to not feel good any more."
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Monday, May 3rd, 2004
We come from tao and have to be taught about how to function in this reality ,,,, thus the limits and AGREEMENT STATES of this realty are set so that we do not just BECOME MAGICAL … and stable pyshihcs ignored would bring us back inot toa like beingness fo what we may call magic from this perspective . random amgic is well to fucking RANDOM . a stable platform allows for interaction of INFINITES LIKE US … like that which is the BEING of the grain of sand Too , playing its part in the VENUE …

War expectation is taught into us … and can be taught out of us too …. The event of war bring sthe oppurutunity for creative solution making ..and the putting all focus on that and not the UNCOMFORT but the living of examples that are of comfort and feeling better in hopes that random free choice will be allowed , ahh but here comes the PHAROH MIND … the tool of confuse and conquer to distract and pollute pure toa possibility for fun and expansion ..the action of being the seeker can be REAL FUN it is like being in the ZONE of palying afootball game ,winning or losing is not important it is the PASSION of the game .that feels great !

But does FIGHTING feel realy all that good? Your free choice to use lots of hot sauce on your wings or not … you can live a different life inviting others to see the evidence trail . and thus effect the FUTURE of the education process of toaist expereincers at LATER AGES stillinfluenable and theu evolving the whole of FUTURES to come ,,,, I do nt have to end war in my short life to have been of effect …. In the games to come for my 100 years of whatever are nothing to IN FI NITY …. Or myself the toa self no the NAMED SELF .one more free chice … http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html

But there is no HAVE TO’S you have free choice to ignore it all . and play and you will find that war willnot touch you it can oly come your way if you allow it in in your focus if it comes near you ,,you are free to move off intot he woods somewhere you can not hear of it’s presence in reality of those who choose to keep itin their field of awareness or foucs or thinking . to amiantian this level of purity you will have to LIMIT your interactions with other co=creators …. HEY YOU CAM HERE TO interact with it not be a hermit ..well maybe you did come here to be a hermit ..that is fine ..so that said and being a hermit ain’t your choice then a blend of action and NON ACTION OF http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html the sages of the tao … peace presentantion of alternative pathways for fre indivual choice leading to evovlution over time way beyond the life time of the current players …

War is a ….tool of A CHILD who say I want it NOW! … remember if you fail at something get mad and give up …. Feel bad! It is good you did not choose that path when it came to walking for you FAILED A LOT back then , but over time ,, not a NOW experience but a time/space vent of correlating data so the bio machine would function within the parameters of DNA epxcations.

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