Eating good pussy
Yong master …ahh the belief of lack …let us start at something you … you have little resistance to ………. BURGER KING ….. of MC .D … or where ever .. you go to get some GRUBS ( a straving Ethiopian would have a different belief system .. infinite experiences for toa to have … there is not DEATH only life life lie and more life that was so BORING from the TAO you hunger for the chance to experience the urge to live … strive to live mechanics strives to expand life …SEX )
Do you leave the restaurant in a STATE of WORRY ABOUT never getting to eat again ? do you eat a life times worth of food because of fear of not getting food again ? do you worry that there is no air outside so just in case you breathe a whole bunch before you opne the door of your house in case ,,do you hold a belief ? there is no longer any air outside ?
Feeling good in …in one life activity then worrying about living thru the UNWANTED ASPECTS . for fearing there will never again be a chance to feel good ? but the UN WANTED .. that is the playground from which the expansion of TAO is…. We need that oppurutunity to feel difference to create solutions ,,FUN REASONS TO LIVE ,,, now in and all of the whole site is about , giving some sense and self empowerment in the trust of nature and natural systems ..LAW OF ATTRACTION … but that is ony the first 2 levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS's_hierarchy_of_needs youhave all the oppurutunity for CHALLENGES for gROWTH for expeincing UN WANTED in a managable method in more of your control .
Ahh but to lick a girl who is hot and wet in her happiness to be experiencing sex with you …her wetness , is truth expressed ..showing her IN THE NOW …. She does not have slpit vibration ,, she is not thinking about other aspects of life ,now she is here .. wet and LICKABLE. …… her wetness is the INVITATION FOR PNENETRATION
Your Life today was formed on the WANTS of your past within the limits of beliefs you held and maybe still hold on the topics of WANTED … this is how you EXTRACT what you notice in the world around you …. Yet you maybe not be finding those aspect s of old wants because you are so FOCUSED on the newer wants … you are focused on lack thinking aobut the NOT YET ARRIVING OF the newer wants … . So you live a day to day experience of LACK … this is an OLD HABIT PATTERN that does not serve you .For what will happen because of this HABIT PATTERNS is in your future you will receive your wants of today ( within the belief limits held of course ) aspects of them will surround you to extract as per your belief system …and you will not ENJOY them because you are living the lack of your next expansion ,
When the truth about even wanting in the first place is for the action of enjoying the better and better feelings as they arrive .. yet you do not because of simple old habit pattern , so enjoy more about the wants you HELD in the past that are avalibale for you to EXTRACT now ! newer wants will arrive as belief in them changes .
This sublte change will serve you and is the real action of living in harmony with TOA .
Breaking an old habit while living in a world that support the old habit or life style that supports the old habit …. Is more difficult that taking YOUR FREE CHOICE … to taking time out for your self . now a belief or guilt in doint his can happen from the support system you with right now …. They genenrate fear … ideas that to follow your own bliss will lead to a life of ruin …… ahhhhh sublt mind fucking fear to keep you in trap … that the well meaning people do not realize they have accepted … it has just been the way SOCIALIZED humanity has lived for years ,,, the humans that strived to live near the citys of PHAROH or king and queen WHILE AT THE SAME many amny humans lived outside of …socialization just fine in more paece and more harmonoy with INSTINCTUAL SELF . …… TAKING TIME OUT .
You created yourself from the components of this time/space reality. You did not come from another planet. For most of you it is (slightly) easier to believe that some spaceship came in from another planet and dropped some of you off, and now, you've really got it going good. And the same spaceship also brought…(oh no, that's the Noah's ark story) two of everybody else. And so, now, you've got the same problem with this story that you do with Noah's ark: It must have been a smelly boat…And how did all those species get on it? (and where did they come from?) you see?
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Wednesday, September 15th, 2004
Cool sage what you are saying is that me…human bio machine is the evovled … animal which I am , just bone blood hair hormones … like verything else …. NOT MORE GOD or made in the image of some old white dude sitting on a cloud …. Just INSTINCTUAL BIO MACHINE . not 4 armed creature cut in half searching for a SOUL MATE ,,in confusion useable to the god CLASS thru our stressed state of confusion and searching … we become weak we are natural animals living UNANTURAL socialized mind fucks …
Sunday, November 1, 2009
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