Thursday, November 12, 2009

pussy is my treasure

Pussy is my treasure

Young amster .. a LOCKED METAL safe at home or at the bank it not large enough to TRAPP the real treasure of life expreince , how can I put finding the PERMIT highway out side of Cesars creek with catp dale ….in a safe can I put each an every girl let Alaone each and every FAR OUT FUCK into a safe ?
THAT IS THE TREASURE OF LIVING ..not the fucking $$$ that may have bought you ablity do the 3 F’s on 3 contentniets in 13 coutnrys …. ( 3 f;s fishing fucking and fighting , the fight ing part never fun … but done whether in body or in business mp fun … now the FUCKING …. And the fishing fun fun fun ..TREASURE

The children that have ben born so far ,, TREASURE …. Each now having the oppurutunity to form theier won treasures from the life experience and contrsts they are living … being I in I an equal now in dream state …,, still with a larger part of their UNTHINKABLE self still connected to source toa .. you did not come her to earn you way back to that … that is part of the mind fuck ,,, to earn your way to PAHROHS TABLE or atleast ever lasting life in the heaven gift of pahroh , A GREA TOOL TO MOTIVATE THE TRAPEED SLAVE WHO ahs been mind fucked
If you have found a lack luster ness to your dream that you feel ..STUCK ness in emotions concerning the possibility of it , is that you are HARBORING .. think like a boater a harboe is a safe place a protect place a hidden place for the normal storms and seas ,,, you have deep in your mind .. a harober OF LIMITATION …. You have accepted the ideas of others as concermed to the issue of your WANTED …

Ahh you are trapped inside the books the rules of other behind the BIRCK WALL IN heaven when thruth of Tao is of IN FI NITE POSSIBLES , but your HARBORING of LIMITS … causes som DISCORD int eh passion . mind fuck ..!

Can you think it ? then it is possible …. Look for supporting eveidence trails ever so slight if need be … so that everyday in every way things are getting better and better you are re-coreelteing data because of the evidence trail of the POSSIBLITY not becaseu fo the raining in limits you have learned .

You are more NON PYSHICCAL THAM PHSICAL … this time/space event is a QUANTUM nano second and faster ep=xpression , then becomes data trails …the energy of creation your thinkging … which is of TAO … is ahead , and POSSIBLE only limit your ACCEPOTANCE of the possiblty … THAT WAS TRAINED INTO you that limit .

Can you think it . THEN IT IS ….THINKABLE and within the scope of ..time spaoce extraction . …. Now allow yourself to extract find encounter ..andy ..any lil evdidcen trail to support that …. Flow with that idea unti lit evolves into even graeter evidence trails of POSSIBILTY .

“ AT FIRST I PONDERED IT FOR A WHILE , and then I started to notice it “ words of the sage describing how self truths are born in the mind . so as it is in the creation of limiting truths so it is in the changing of those limits , you ponder it and then notice evidence of the IMPORVED STATE you ….WANT . if you are constantly give thought energy to the limit ,,, saying to yourself see IT IS TRUE . well it mill maintain it’s strength of truth , if instead you ignore the trained turht …. Instead notice any all forms of other options of TRUTH free choice … a new TRUTH PLATFORM is built . like a house it is brick by brick it does take the xperince of time ….. and it does take positive sleep events to correlate this new daily living experience inot POSITIVE EXPECATION a positive sleepe vent is just going to bed and the last thing yo do is go over in your head about how ..EVERYDAY IN EVERYWAY THINGS GET BETTER AND BETTER , you do not have to remember or force yourself to remember , you have had way to many experiences many that you did not e=ven realy notice much about but within them was seeds of supportive evidence that your mind will correlate over all …

you have been mind fuced for 20 , 30 years or so , it will take months for a new house to beuilt ,, you do not even need to destroy the old house is like moving to a new town , the old house you once lived in ….. is just forgotten you donot need to spend energy oon destroying ,,, spend your energy in CREATION .

instead of spending your time brick by brick diss assembling … which takes mental correlation time and effort , you spend time on building something new leaveing the old to just be forgetten ,,, ( yes data that was lived now no longer needed , but always and for ever in tao , even if you disassemble the house , the DATA of it still is ) allow your energy to go towards supportive efforts of creation .

in many small ways , when you look at t house already done it is hard to see that 1 nail driven into the roof on the left side ….. for there a 10, 000 nails over there .. it is hared to see the 1 nail now hidden under the roof shingles ..but each nail is an important aspect … you can not see the texture of the MUD AND MOTAR used to join the bricks … of the wall but each stroke of mud while the brick was being placed is important

this is the IMPORATNCE OF TIME .

Life Will Always Be Working Out for Me. . .
I like understanding that things are always evolving, and while there are many things that could be better where I am, it is not really a problem because "where I am" is constantly changing to something better. I like knowing that as I look for the best things around me where I am, those things become more prevalent in my experience.
It is fun to know that things are always working out for me, and as I watch for the evidence of that . . . I see more evidence of that every day.

--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
How can you KNOW what flavors you like if you do not tate the ice cream samples …. The ones you do not like are called CONTRAST ….. and from those you say to yourself , I like more this type of flavor more than that type of flavor ….. evnts are the samples of living for you to choose from
then think in terms of she wants to be ,,things WANT to be ….. who are you to not allow others to have fun , ? well you do not for all that happens is they move on to one who will ALLOW .
the attraction of all quanta is for the opppurutunity for expansion inot that which feels better a BETTER TASTING ICE CREAM learned form tasting flavors which …once tried were judged by the INDIDIVULA expression of tao persceptive as being no what they wanted …. Within the parameters of the thing used fot time/space ..for EVENT thingnesse xperince ,,,,,, us DNa ,,, you have a braod range of chooses as human we are able to experience and do lots of things , we are not NICHE animals but wider rangere FREE CHOOSERSand every PARITICLE of this time/space cosnturction is here for the fun of it , every grain of sand .. is here experiencing SNAD-NESS to allow the WHOLE of the playground … remember what is a billion or 2 years of being a grain of sand something IN FI NITE a billion years is but a second .

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