Saturday, November 21, 2009

20 girls to me

20 girls to me

hey youngmaster how would you like those odds as a teenager growing up … living in a town where all the 20 something males get married being good church raised young men , then their wives get knocked up and then talk their husbands inot going to the land of STREETS OF OGLD to make the cash and sent it back home ,,,look around you and young master you compete with these guys for jobs every where , the majority of of in BUILDING work is done by chicks , you and I like the freedom of being out of doors ,, we like playing ball on a field , surfing , hunting fishing , we do not like living in climate controls condtions , traped in concrete cages . we are out side skate boarding what ever we are out some where ,

and not the jobs that we used to have , are being done at ½ the ptirce by other men who left their girls alone to make cash and send it back home .

iw as talking to this guy form mexico named Zeek ( kinda cool name it was my AKA back in my day ) I was getting some good practice time to keep sharp on a languague if you do not use it you lose it ….. and I got off on the idea of selling himself into slavery for cash as compared to how his family his traditional people had lived for 1000’s of years before the poisin of the western influence came here to inslave his people .. and they are doing it again ,,he is here and his girl is back home …. He has been here for 5 years he can not go back home , because it was so hard to seek in the country … he pays for pussy every now then to keep his head on strainght and then sends money back home to his wife ,, who tells him how much she loves him and how great a husband he is and how she is saving herself for him ….. aline after line after line of fuckignb ullshit , for she is a HORNY HUMAN like him

remember the old facts the girls tlak to themselves about … what ever number of lovers a man said he had ,, like he says he had fucked 20 girls divied that by 3 SO THE TURTH WOULD BE 6 and so a girl says she had only 6 boyfirnds multiple that by 3 so it it will be that she has been getting fucked by 20 dudes …

back home she is fucking the young teen males of her town ,,,just human we like to fuck .he sold himself into slavery living in some apt. with 14 other men for like fucking years so , his wife can buy a TV form china …. ? and fuck the teenage guys or the wealthier older men who are still aroun till the younger guys get hitched and talked inot to moving to the US leaving towns on mountains side full of single females …to the numbers of 20 to 1 … is an importnat fact …hiding behind closed doors in anunderground of fear about wht otheres willthnk of them , the men paying the free market sex industry of the US , the girls are not slaves except by free choice and not understaning of the confusion they are living …. Back home the women again created their own life … because of greed a fucking statsu item here and there …

l;ast year the seed comapnys had a BANNER sales year as people stressed out by DEPRESSION said I will grow my own food and MOST 99 out of 100 failed … hey did you know tht 100 out of 100 humans that tried to WALF for the first time failed over and over and over again , you failed when you first started skate boarding over and over and over …

well all these untrained INDEPENDENT minded humans falied , they look now outside at their garden and see WEEDS …a nd bless the gROCERY for keeping them alive . when the truth of the complexity of the mind fucking is what they actually experienced ,,,

it is not some secret design ,, where forces are talking in hidden rooms planning a mind fuck … no it is the natural effects of the PHAROH/EVE socializing …in your fear of your JOB .. you ..well let me see how to sy this , will you go ut of your way to tech your customer how to do the job you do so that they can FIRE YOU ? or is it natural to sell people on the IMPORATNCE of your job , be tha DOCTOR or lawyer or indain chief ..whatver ,we protect our PHONY BALONEY JOBS . because we need the cash to buy food at PUBLIX . and housing and etc etcetc .

and then after we stumble and fall while learning to walk , while growing some food we give up for PAHROH has sold us on the impaotance of the SYSTEM … MONSANTO or DOLE and other great big agri industrys tied up wttih the SELF IMPORTANT priest hood of the ivory tower universitys… hae developed seed strains ,,so depednat on PLANT steroids ..AS THEY WILL NOT GROW IN YOUR GARDEN …. Plant steroids , these plants have to be feed and protected with a timed series of chemical stimulatnts fertilizers derived form natural gas ..and pesticides and fungicides and antibiotics … to where these poor ANIMALS the plants can no longer live on their own with MINIUM of work .like palnts they were originally grown from

look around you …even in the creacks of side walks plants find ways to grow …. ahh but learnng the fine art of bass fishing or skate boarding or fucking video gaming … I have eor 1 year now been eating out of some SFGs I have been failing constantly ,,, in fact now understanding the BIO DYNAMICS of root intrusion , the complex chemical warfor of plants , as their roots develop poisins that other plants can not surive around so tha they wil have SOLE access tot that area ,,smost cool nature is most cool …. But these are thing sman kind has known about for millions of years realy as wel developed ,,natural FOOD FOREST AREAS hwere we would NOMADICALLY travel to arreas where thru our shit deposited seeds of the food s we enjoyed to eat . foods that did not need care …. This concept put inot methods we can use now ,,find it on a vido on this page . sex sells …BDSM submisse ideas sell both sexes as girls TOO look for escape form the mind fuck … but life is more complex than her spreading her legs in the GAME SCEN only to return to her as slave to PHAROH in society . use what is usefull said the sage ZHAUNGZI … 1000’s of years ago ..think for yourself . ( even in the Urantia holy book is the recommendation of the sage to explore other religions to gather the BEST OF information to make the life of you better )

But when you GMO thru selective breeding , you get an addicted organism … ohhh LIKE YOU ON CIVILAZATION ….. addicted to pharohs world . when the truth is the viedence trailis around yout to extract useful information from ….USE WHAT IS GOOD ..LEAVE THE POISIN BEHIND …. The posisin ..THE AMISH IN THEIR EXPREME religion based life to me IS TOXIC . but the core liestlye examples are great ,,, ORTHODOX mormons and their poly family also have much supporting evidence to extract form ,without having to get so WARPED as to force 12 AND 13 year old girls into marriages ….the amish remember force them to out into the world of the ENGLISH we are called ,,, and compare first before making commitments …. Free choice

But the amish life of NO ELECTRICITY …that means no frige …no light … etc , they had lived long healty happy lives for 300 years of record keeping while the Economic slaves of the European cultures were dieing in their 30’s . later 40’s and now finally amking it into their 70’s while they had been living that long on average for 100’s of yeas ..

Young master you are so fucking bored with life you BURN ! for something to do FEEL ALIVE in some way ..for life is just … WHA THE FUCK ! BETTER JUST GIVE UP AND GET HIGH …NOTHING ELSE TO DO .

The hippie the flower child of 30 yearss ago …took baby steps without examining the most bailed and returned to slavery …. The taste of MCDONALDS FOOD … sold their soul for surgar . until 1900 the store as we know it did not realy sell food ..because 9 out of 10 epople GREW FOOD ..only 10% realy were slave dependant city dwellers . associated with caring for the needs of the PHAROH CLASS that needed foods shipped in . convience of buying surgars or flours only augmented the self susutaining ability of self derived products but was not the ALL OR NOTHING addiction we now have .

You see, you're giving others too much power as you even acknowledge how they make you feel. What you've got to decide is how I'm going to feel. We would go to a Virtual Reality and we would practice feeling good. Manifestations come on the heels of what you've conjured in thought
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, March 2nd, 2002

The sage uses ,the GREED to get people to listen , then tells you over and over it is not the thing you want but the feeling of BETTER and you can have that feeling right now … by noticing so many great spects of just being fucking alive .
Baby cat will not allow me to write right now licking my finers as I type …. Will dignity feely choose to want to feek better me rubbibg it’s head feels god …good..

The sin has always been realy about not following the rules which enhanced the PHAORH society so that it would function for the benift of those who sat near PHAROHS TALBE. And you have the free choice not to buy inot GOD/KING myth or mnd fuck …ohh will dignity or SOUL or higher evolved spsirt is just the expression of free choice outside of the LIE of evolved life over lower beasts life …it is just the freedom of choosing what feels better for yourself …any cat can do it . why not you ? ohh that is RIGHT you are the vovled 1’s smarter than the cat ….that is why you can not choose to FEEL BETTER but have to ask permission of a GOD . or struggle to find NIRVANNA in rules created not by the SAGE but those who used the words of the sage to DEVELOP real leagons ..of impossible life style rules to enhance the lives of MONKS or priests or kings ..once the game is onver the dream state done once you transition or to use the perjarative word DEATH … once you die … your named self no longer bio mechanically functions ..the YOU … will be … UNTHINKABLE un limited possible states and combinations of unthinkable states and THINKABLE STATES . who is to teel you it is NOT SO just 1 who stands behind the brick wall in heaven surrounded by their books .

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