Friday, November 27, 2009

tantric eskimo pussy

Trantric Eskimo pussy

So I was hearing a compteting beauty as I was digging on the TECHNOLGY of
Unreality ,,,,,,, REALITY CREEPED into my sensing of data bundles …my hearing ,,, a bird was at the windiw singng , giving me a chnce to COMPARE , real life ? or the actually drepresion song of 1 Eskimo ……. PHIL YOU ARE SO FRREE you can choose bondage …. Stay trapped in mans age after age of singing about his pain .or ,,BAIL OUT ..out side into the quantum expression of my EQUALS ..that bird is my EQUAL calling me outside sying PHIL … yo! Dude realityis out here on ther in the pain of humanity * unless you want that free choice *

Reality was there..outside , there was the bird my equal there was trees COMMICATING . the sounds of dry leaves teeling of weakenss the sounds of green leaves whisper more telling of strength and vitality ,, my brancehes are ufll of sap , I am bio chemically healty nugs do not feed here ,,the weaker plant asking for aid in TRANSITION ,,come bugs eat me , so I may pass inot the next adventure …. Help me tranisiont my equals ..bugs are but quantum expreincers too … as are the dolphins I then noticed playng at the end of the dock … hearing the sounds of their splashing clearly for today a HOLY-Day the world is still , humans non active ..given a day of freedom by Pharoh ( huh? Why do we buythis shit …. We can have the same interaction and freedom everyday if we wanted to ) …so I got a multi sensory expreince of musics and commincations form …equals in many forms … from the expression fo the quant in wind form itself …. Not just the flow of electrons produced by the phaorh corp FPL to excited magnest and metals and fabrics that plastic speakers can produce data bundles.

Real life and sounds and MUSCI and mutli leveled adventures and happiness even in the TRANSITION is happiness for bugs get feed and the tree gets to move on …

Allll PRPOS 1 eskimo ….. the savorying of everything …. Do you young master REALLY savor everything ? the dieing plant the singing bird … 1 eskimo ?.. I can turn back on 1 eskimo any time for they are DEAD DATA ..the OP to hear the bird pasing thru the LAW OF ATRACTION …. In real time just that ..real and needed to be experienced when the OP is presented by the bird freely choosing to come and sit close to my window and sing ,,PHIL COME OUTSIDE AND PLAY ( the data is there if you get bored with reality …I do dig 1 eskimo sounds )

I will not see 1 eskimo at the bakesale but hope to see you, look for the ballons come sign the shirt like always …. dec 5 the holy high day

How segway inot pusssy ,,, just do it …… the nature of human nature is for the seeing of happiness in each other ..enjoying the LIVING of all life actually but those close to us even more ,,even though she may use sexual manipulation to get your ATTENTIOn because that is and how she was trained and we know .. no other ways expcept some modles that are TAINT’d byt the rules of gods ( amish and morman ) but she loves and likes

To watch and feel and touch HARD THROBBING COCK . like her won personel toy ,,now the sharing of this activity with her SUPPROTIVE FRIENDS , is natural ..yet never experienced maybe … natural ....

An you too got admit when she is gettinghot and VERBALIZING , making all those squuueeky sounds of getting fucked , your passion build and you gotta hold back from blowing you NUT …. But that feeling the sounds of your increase in passion the throbbing growth of cock …. Add to her experience THIS CAN NOT BE … lived thru technology , this is REAL FUCKING …. Collecting sense data bundles thru the natural orgasm of collection and design ….cocka nd pussy now to learn to cast better not just cane pole fish but learn so fishing arts ..

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